Knock out

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     Adora POV: 

          I went to the side of the bot after Bow and Glimmer left setting it to hand to hand combat. I told him I was ready by putting my hands up getting into my fighting stance. The bot did the same, waiting for me to make the first move. 

          I focused on my movements, hitting the bot and dodging when he hit back. Watching and mirroring it making sure I  kept my arms up to block my face. Starting to get the hang of it I increased my speed. Hitting the bot faster, not giving in or slowing down. 

        Almost got hit a couple of times but managed to be able to dodge them. Countering his attacks with my own. One thing the horde was good for was teaching me how to fight. Using my left hook I managed to knock the bot down onto his back. After getting up, it put his head down showing that I had knocked him out. 

       "That was almost two easy." I went back over to the bot bumping up the difficulty level a little higher. Then I got back into position, raising my fist.

        Quickly I threw a punch but the bot countered making contact with my side. Knocking me down to my knees. I raised my arm up blocking his hit trying to get back up. 

       When I was about almost up off the ground he hit me on my head. Making my vision go blurry, then black. I  wasn’t at training but in the burning whispering woods, seeing catra charging at me.

       She ended up hitting me straight in my chest, knocking the air from my lungs. Catra started to move closer, her ears down and she spoke."Hey Adora, not looking so good."

      "This isn’t real, you're not here." This felt real though like she was actually here or  I was. I got up and put my fist back up. 

       This time when she charged me I grabbed her arm flipping her onto her back. "Is that all you got princess?"  "Oh Catra, I haven’t even started." 

       She growled kick standing back up from the ground with her claws extended beside her. Standing in her signature stance from the horde. Her anger then turned into a chuckle.

      "Then show me, you coward. Attack me!" I ran up punching her into her stomach then uppercutting her with the right. Now standing over her looking down as she was knocked out. "I’m sorry Catra, It never had to be this way."

       Just than my vision came back and I was back at training. I saw the bot destroyed on the grass, me standing over it. Blood seeping through my shirt and mixing with the sweat that poured down my face. 

       This whole time I thought the bot was Catra, I didn’t even know what I was doing. I could have hurt somebody, I could have hurt Bow or Glimmer. I started to shake, feeling my eyes start to fill with tears. 

       I tightened my first determined not to cry. I quickly pulled myself together. Bow and Glimmer would be back soon with food and drinks. I couldn’t have them see me like this.

     Turning around I saw Bow and Glimmer looking at me in shock, their mouths wide open. I couldn’t avoid it now. Now they both knew.

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