Secrets out

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Glimmer POV: 

          Me and Bow made some PB & J’s and headed back to Adora. On the way back it was kinda quiet. Bow then started talking about Adora’s birthday that was coming up and how we should have a huge party since the horde never had birthday parties. 

          I thought it was a fantastic idea. Not long after we were talking about decorations, colors, songs, food and of course the cake. Bow started to talk fast, "I have a crazy plan as well, one that would help you with Adora." I snapped his direction freezing in place.

       "What," I muttered looking nervous. Bow could tell so he slowed down putting his hand on my shoulder. "Look, I know you don’t want to mess anything up but I think the party would be the perfect time for you to tell her how you feel. If you're not ready yet that is okay too.”  “Also, between you and me I am pretty sure she likes you to. She always blushes around you or the mention of you."

        I felt like I was going to hurl. "She likes me to?" I started to shake. I don’t know from nervousness, happiness or fear.

      "I don’t know Bow," I want to but at the same time I don’t even know how to do it let alone what to say. "Just think about it. You have some time, her birthday is not for another week." He said as he pulled me into a quick hug. 

       Looking up the field I saw many bots on the ground and Adora fighting another. Looking focused on each movement. The determination in her face to eliminate the bot fast. One hit after the other getting faster each time. It was impossible to not burn up watching her, she was hot. 

      She was getting hit quite a bit though, each looking more painful then the last. Getting closer it sounded like she was talking herself. She was able to get some blows in then finished it with an uppercut. 

     When we got there she was standing over the bot saying she was sorry. Not to the bot though. She was apologizing like she was talking to Catra. 

      Then looking around in fear, blood all over her body. Her eyes looked red and puffy like she was about to cry, grabbing herself and shaking. Balling up her fist in a tight grip turning her knuckles white. 

      Stopping she turned around fear in her eyes when she saw us standing there. Me and Bows eyes wide. We didn’t know what happened or what exactly is happening.

       I know whatever is happening is not good. I am not 100% sure but I believe this is the thing that Adora didn’t want to tell me that night in her room. Finally I said “Adora? You okay, what the heck just happened?” 

     "I can explain," Adora said, raising her arms up. "It is okay Adora but we do need to talk. we're worried about you. Let’s go back to the castle." Grabbing onto Bow and Adora we teleported back to my room in the castle. "Okay I will start from the beginning."

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