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Catra Pov: 

      My plan failed without Adora and the sword. I was too focused on her instead of the big picture. Instead of taking out her but everything she has built and made for herself. 

      So what I am planning next they will never see coming. It will be like taking candy from a baby or in this case a kingdom. Adora left me again for the second time and her home.

      It hurt me that I almost lost her forever. I felt a tear roll down my face as I whipped it. I shouldn't still care for her after all this but for some reason I do.

    "Catra? Are you up?" A familiar voice asked me before peeking their head through the door. Of course she shows up.

    "Yeah I am, what’s up?" I said in a deep voice. "I wanted to check on you and see how you are doing." 

  As she walked over sitting on my bed. "I am fine! I am making a new plan!" 

"No you don’t, you need to rest wildcat." she tried to hug me like she does and I sprung up from the bed. "Don’t, I said I am fine and that I am doing this." 

"No matter what you do or say I will do this." She looked at me worried and afraid. "Catra, you're kinda scaring me a bit." The longer I thought about Adora, the more anger started to rise in me. 

    If she hadn't left, hell if she didn't exist, none of this would be happening. The Princess Alliance wouldn't even exist and I would be fine. After this they never will and my vision will come true. 

    After I made my way down the hall to Hordak’s lab to start looking for the steps to my plan. Scropia followed me right behind my heels. "Catra?" Pulling me away from the map.

   "Yes?" I said looking in her direction. She was silent and nervous to speak, I didn't mean to scare her that bad. "Well I don’t know what you're trying to find but I don’t think there is anything there."

   "I did hear some more news from brightmoon though." Both my ears were up and pointed at her now. "Continue." I said giving her the okay with my hand. 

   "Well Adora is kinda dating someone now." I think I knew who it was but I wanted to make sure so I asked who it was. I was right. It was sparkles which made my plan better. 

    Definitely with her wanting to protect her even more than ever. This is where I can strike her down. With her down and Adora in distress she will be too distracted which will make this so easy. 

    Looking at the map I found what I was looking for and put it onto the hand held map I had. Laughing in joy "I am coming to Adora, just wait." After me and Scropia went back to bed. I told her to get a lot of sleep so we can start, I am ready, this is it.

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