Before the party

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Glimmer POV:

        Today was the day, Adora’s birthday! Also, when I tell her exactly how I feel about her at her party. Definitely nothing to get nervous or freak out about and with Adora feeling better we have a lot to do to get ready. 

        I started with leaving her to sleep while I went to get breakfast in bed for her. She looked like a sleeping angel while she slept and when you looked at her there was no way not to smile. It made me want to tell her more, to have her with me all the time like the way I day dream it. 

        I started to day dream by the door causing glitter to rise into the air and wake me up. After I hit away most of the glitter I opened the door and headed out down the hallways towards the dining room. While I was heading down the hall I was just coming up on Bow’s door when it swung open leaving a sleepy Bow standing there. 

      "Morning bow," "Morning Glimmer." we said both making our way to the dinning room. Not long after Bow got excited. "Today is the dayyyy! It is Adora’s big party and when you tell her how you feel!"

      "Shhh Bow not so loud not everyone needs to hear especially you know who." I said giving him a nudge and in a whisper almost and my cheeks a dark pink. "Oops yeah sorry," he said laughing and grabbing the back of his neck. "Should we maybe go over the plan one more time?"

      "Yeah sounds good, I don’t wanna mess it up." I said in a nervous laugh. "Okay well we know we are doing it in front of the castle in the party tent. So when I give the signal and when the song places you can lead her to a quiet place near the forest." 

        I nodded showing Bow I understood what he was saying. "Okay and what is the signal and song again so I know." "The signal is a wink and okay sign and the song will be a thousand years."

      "Sounds good," I responded, my voice kinda shaky from my teeth rattling with nerves and we are not even close to the party yet. Bow could sense that I was nervous. "Hey it will be okay, I have a pretty good feeling. If not she is still our friend and that is never going to change."

      My body started to calm now knowing he was right, Even if I messed this up she is still our friend. We ended up making our way into the dinning room and grabbed a box of donuts. Looking at the time I knew she was about to wake up so I teleported us back to her door. 

      Just as I suspected she was starting to get up as we walked in. "Morning Adora, happy birthday!" Me and bow shouted, running towards her for a group hug. "Morning guys, thanks."

     She was acting kinda strange but maybe it was just her head again. "We brought your favorite donuts!" "Umm thanks but I don’t really want any right now."

     That definitely threw me off no matter what Adora never turned down a sugary treat in the morning or better yet ever. Something was bothering her or something was wrong.

Changing the subject I asked, "ready for your party?" that got her attention. "Yeah 100%, do you know what I could wear?" "Of course I still have your red dress you wore to princess prom. Me and Bow will go get it, you stay here and wake up a bit more." 

  I teleported us to my room to get the dress from my closet. While I was in there I decided to talk to Bow about my concerns. "Has Adora been different to you by any chance?" His eyes shot right up to mine when I said that like he has been thinking the exact same thing. "Yes now that you mention it since we found her in the forest. She looked at us like it was her for time and she has been distant."

"Yeah I noticed that a bit to what threw me off the most was her turning down the donuts. She never does that with sugary food. Maybe the horde did more to her then just beat her up and leave her to die or she is having struggles with her flashes again.” 

    "Maybe you're right I think it could also be the party all of the sudden." Good to know I wasn’t the only one. "We will cheer her up at the party, right now we should get back and get ready." Bow nodded and I grabbed him and the dress teleporting us back to Adora’s room. 

Adora jumped when we entered but gave us a smile. "Did you find the dress?" Yep let’s get ready! Bow you go get changed and me and Adora will get changed. After you're done just come meet us back here.” “Sounds good see you two in a little bit.” Waving bye Bow left the room leaving us to get started.

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