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Tw/ harm to children.

"What are you talking about?" Ally asks silently, as Lauren looks into her eyes. "Stop lying to everyone Ally, please."

Ally furrows her eyebrows, "Lauren lying about what?"

Lauren looks to everyone, and pulls out Zac's tapes and camera, the files, "Her parents experimented with the scientist from the mall, and the man keeping her away from CEDA,"

Lauren looks at Ally, "Your blood was the reason this outbreak happened, whatever mistake they made with you dammed the entire world." Lauren tells her.

"We have to call CEDA and tell her she is here." Normani says and Ally looks at Lauren, "When did you find those? You- youve been lying to me, this was a trap I trusted you and you lied to me!" Ally shouts and pushes Lauren.

Lauren frowns, "CEDA is only protecting us, maybe they can find a way to fix whatever horrible things your parents did, you are a risk to have I was following orders!"

Ally felt her heart breaking at each word Lauren was telling her, "My parents were good people don't you dare talk about them like that!" Ally delivers a slap to Lauren's face. Levi begins to cry.

Camila gets in between them, "Stop guys let's just be calm." Ally burns her stare into Lauren. She wanted to cry but she wouldn't. She had new a plan.

"Fine if that's what needs to happen then call CEDA, I'm right here." Ally quietly tells Normani. Normani nods and grabs her walkie talkie, "I just want a moment with the kids please." Ally says and Lauren looks at Dustin and Billie who were already crying.

"Lauren go to the hallway give her time with the kids, CEDA is coming, you did your job." Camila says. Chloe leaves the room with Normani and Camila, and Lauren is the last to leave. Ally wouldn't look at her anymore.

The door shuts and Dustin runs to Ally, "They are taking you away?"

Ally shakes her head, "Come with me right now, run away with me." She tells them. Dustin nods, and grabs his gear but Ally notices Billie's hesitance. "Billie?"

Billies red eyes looked away, "Ally what Lauren said- I don't know." Ally shakes her head, "Listen, I don't know what happened but I promise you my parents and me had nothing to do with this." Ally begs her to believe her. Billie looks down at the evidence Lauren had against Ally, and backs away, "I'm sorry...I can't."

Ally sighs, and gives Billie a hug. Billie sobs into Ally's shoulder, "I'm sorry Ally, I love you so much." Billie tells her, and Ally rubs her back in comfort, "Hey it'll be okay, alright? We will be okay I just can't be here anymore."

Billie nods and let's go of Ally. She looks at Dustin, and he gives her a hug, "I wish you were coming." He tells her. Billie couldn't respond. She knew she was gonna regret this decision.

Levi calms down in Ally's arms, "Okay boys let's go." Ally says in a quieter tone, and goes back to the window. She puts the hook in the non broken part of the wall. She flips her backpack so Levi is infront of her, "Okay baby boy let's go." Ally says.

She begins to climb down, but hears machine guns in the distance, "Fuck I don't have much time." She whispers. Dustin starts to climb now but before Ally could place her foot back on the second floor, the wall begins to give in.

"No!" Billie shouts. Billie slips over her foot and slams to the ground. The hook was coming out of the wall. "Dustin don't move!" Ally shouts.

Billie hears the door slam open and Lauren comes running in. Dustin sees the rope begin to snap in half. "Ally it's ripping!" Dustin says.

Ally doesn't know what to do, she looks down and sees the fountain below her feet. She looks back up and watches the rope break.

It's all slow. She sees Lauren come out of the window and try to grab at them. They were falling.

Ally felt herself wrap her arms around Dustin tightly, and lay back. She closes her eyes and waits to hit the water harshly on her back. It stings, and with the added weight the water didn't help her impact too much. She feels her head hit the concrete slightly.

"Levi! Dustin!" Lauren shouts from the window. She waits for them to pop up. She sees bubbles and out come Ally and the boys.

Ally gasps for air, and with all her strength she pushes Dustin through the water to get them all out of there. "Keep going, you're okay." Ally breathes out.

She felt faint. Her head was pounding. But she wasn't giving up.

"They made it!" Billie says and smiles, but it quickly falls when she sees a couple of army jeeps pull up. Lauren watches as CEDA people come out of their Jeep's with guns. "Wait what about Levi and Dustin?" Billie asks.

"I am sure they will be taken to the boat where we all will be going, they will be okay." Lauren says and she gets up and leaves. She didn't want to watch anymore. The guilt was killing her.

Billie stays and watches the rest.

"Ally." A familiar voice is heard. Ally was out of the water and looks around at the masked soldiers and looks around. She sees the middle one take off his helmet. It was Joe.

"Joe?" She sputters out. "Oh Ally, you've been one hell of a person to find...lucky me Jauregui was the one for the job to bring you here." He says. "You are gonna need to come with me." He says darkly.

Ally scoots back, putting Dustin behind her. "You could make this easy or hard." He says. Ally holds up her gun, pointing it at everyone. "Stay back! Don't touch my sons!" She lies hoping they would believe her and not take them.

Dustin grabs onto her for dear life. Joe laughs at the ground, and walks forward, "I guess we are doing this the hard way." He looks behind at his soldiers, "Get them."

The soldiers begin to march towards Ally and Dustin. "Stay back!" She screams, hands Levi to Dustin and shoots. But They weren't going down. They had bullet proof armor on.

As they got closer, Ally does her best to get them away from the boys, but one of them slaps her to the ground. "Stop those are my kids!" She yells.

Dustin was petrified, he squeezed Levi. "That's my mom! Please don't take me away please!" He begs. Levi was crying again, reaching out to Ally.

The soldiers grab them all, one of them roughly taking Dustin and Levi. Ally thrashes, "Let them go! Let them go!" She begs, and Dustin tries to fight off the soldier too, "I want to be with my mom please don't do this!" He cries.

Joe smiles at the soldier, "You know what to do." Dustin hears the soldier chuckle and he takes off his helmet. It was Jacob. "Right I do." He puts a gun to Dustin's head and makes him freeze.

Ally stops moving, realizing what they were doing. "Wait- wait no please I'll stop fighting just please don't hurt them!" She says. Jacob just stares at her, walking off and a few soldiers follow him and the boys around the corner of the building. "Stop no let them go please!"

All Ally could hear was Levi and Dustin's desperate cries, the moment the last soldier disappeared behind the corner, two gun shots rang through out the city.

Ally felt her heart stop. Her body went limp. She waited for a cry, a scream, anything. But nothing. There was nothing.

She was numb. Joe looks at Ally and how defeated she looked. "It's easier this way, nothing to hold you back...bring her."

Ally couldn't fight. She had nothing left in her. She was suppose to keep them safe. Her boys. Billie. Her friends. The one person she loved more than anything. They weren't there. She was alone.

Billie watches in horror of what had just happened. She was speechless. She never knew of anyone capable of murder like that. She couldn't move. She just lost the closest thing to a mother and brothers that she had left.

Billie hears the door and sees Camila walk in, "Billie? Are you okay?"

Billie looks at her, "We need to go save Ally."

A/n- honestly I don't have anything to say, I hated doing that.

But it'll get better :)

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