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The group carefully moves across the rooftops, attempting to not look down. Dustin was holding Ally's hand as they followed behind Lauren. Dinah, Camila and Billie we're behind them.

"So much for my bath!" Dinah complains.

There wasn't a lot of jumping but they had to be careful and not fall in the flood waters when climbing to the next roof. "I'm cold Ally." Dustin trembles and holds onto her tighter. Ally sees a tarp on the roof that was covering a hole. She stops quickly to grab it, and puts it over them both, getting less rain poured on them.

Dinah does the same thing to get covered with Camila and Billie grabs the small one for herself. Lauren doesn't seem to be bothered by the rain one bit. She was carefully guiding the group and was ready for any danger ahead.

She got to the house with the ladder, and pulled it up. They wouldn't make it to the next roof with out it.

Lauren puts up against it and makes it sturdy enough to climb up. The group stops behind her and watches her hesitantly get on the ladder. Lauren looks down and sees the water thrash, shes sure there is crocodiles below her.

"Okay I'm gonna go first, then Dustin you come right after." Lauren tells him and he gulps. Lauren slowly climbs up, and does her best to keep looking up. Some rain water got into her eyes that it made it blurry.

Lauren gets to the top, and motions for Dustin to climb up.

Dustin looks at Ally and shakes his head in fear. She looks at him and smiles, "It's okay baby you'll be okay."

Dustin begins to climb the ladder. "Don't look down!" He hears Billie yell and immediately he looks down and sees a crocodile jump out of the water and snaps at him.

"Ahhhh!" He yells and slips, his arm falls between the steps and he hits his lip. When he gets up, Lauren sees the blood dripping from his mouth and into the water and some into the crocodiles mouth.

She doesn't know much about the crocodiles but she sure knows that it looks hungry. "Dustin come on!" Lauren shouts and holds her hand out but Dustin is frozen in fear. Ally felt sick to her stomach as she watches the boy hold on for life.

Suddenly they felt the small roof shake and Dinah looks over and sees a couple of crocodiles smacking against it. She looks and sees the ladder was about to slip. "Dustin climb!" Dinah yells and runs as fast as she can to catch the ladder but it slips off the edge.

Lauren catches the top of the ladder so it doesn't completely fall in the water but the ladder falling made Dustin lose his grip and slide down.

Ally cries out as he nearly goes into the water, but he grabs the rail and tries to climb as quickly as possible.

Dustin looks to his left and he sees a huge crocodile jump out of the water. It opened its mouth wide enough Dustin swears he could see the animals stomach.

Lauren just in time jumps on top of the animal, "Climb!"

Dustin screams, "Oh shit oh shit oh shit!" repeatedly before getting to the top of the roof.

Lauren strangles with the crocodile and before it could open its mouth to bite her she points a gun to its head and unloads her weapon.

The crocodile goes limp after a second, but Lauren can't relieve herself because she sees more coming her way. She quickly climbs on the ladder, missing two bites from the crocodiles below.

She climbs up and hugs Dustin as tight as possible. Dustin hugs her back and looks at Ally who was wiping her tears away.

Lauren let's go and looks at the ladder then to the rest of the group, "Who's next?" She shouts.


Lauren breaks a window to enter the last house of the neighborhood they were in. She points her gun and sees the coast is clear. She looks back and grabs the bag Levi is in to get him out of the rain. Ally climbs in after, "Pretty creepy in here."

"Pretty fucking freezing too, if the zombies don't kill me I'm sure a fucking cold will." Dinah complains and Ally smacks her arm, "Dinah, the kids."

"Yeah because the pot head and the former fortnight player don't know what the f bomb is." Camila says. Billie rolls her eyes, "It was just a joint."

Lauren takes a still sleeping Levi out of his bag, amazed that he is dry. "Well at least one of us is dry."

"Lucky bastard." Dinah grumbles. Camila pulls out plastic bags of towels from her back pick, "That's smart why didn't I think of that." Dinah says and realizes everyone has plastic bags to keep their belongings dry but her.

She rolls her eyes as everyone checks their stuff. "We still have to keep going, we need to go back in the water." Lauren says. She looks through the maps she had and Camila points at something. "That's a boat yard, we can get a boat and ride through the water."

"It's the still going back in the water for me." Dinah groans. Billie pokes at Lauren's arm, making her wince. Billie shows Lauren the blood coming from her stitches, "You're bleeding."

Lauren groans and looks at Ally. Ally smiles and gets her medical supplies out to redo Lauren's stitches. "Must've open them again fighting that crocodile."

"Don't know if it was stupid or brave." Camila jokes. She gets up and pulls Dinah's hand, "Lets check them house see if we can find anything." Dinah gets up herself and follows Camila out the small bedroom they were all in.

Dinah goes first down the dark house. It was only lit by the natural light but it didn't reach some places in the house. Dinah stops quickly making Camila bump into her, "Really Dj."

Dinah snickers, "I feel like Fred Jones."

"More like Shaggy."

Dinah turns around, and looks down at Camila,  "Why don't you be my Daphne."

Camila blushes. What Dinah said was so cliche and cheesy but it was Dinah and she couldn't help but melt at her words. Dinah runs her thumb over Camila's check and moves her hand to the back of her neck. Gently she pulls her in.

Camila closes her eyes and the moment she feels Dinah's lips on hers, she feels like she's in highschool again kissing her crush.

"You know there are a couple of bedrooms for you to do that in."

The two jump and point there guns at a blonde at the end of the hallway. She holds her hands up, "Hey friend not foe, let's keep it cool," she lowers her hand and sticks it out, "I'm Chloe Moretz nice to meet you."

A/n- aksksks I miss y'all <3

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