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Gas filled the alley way. The group starts to cough, and Ally tries to reach for Zac.

The smoke clears, and Ally sees Zac coughing up blood. "Al-ally.." Zac reaches out for Ally and she takes his hand. He attempts to smile, but fails. Ally tries not to cry, but she couldn't help the hot tears rushing down her face. "Its-it's okay," Zac starts to shake,"Take my ba-bag please..." Zac struggles to take his bag off, then hands it to Ally. "You need to live...be careful Ally...please ki-kill me."

Zac started to struggle on keeping his grip, the virus could be seen spreading through his body. Ally was in shock, the person who she had grown close to for the last six months was dying. She then sees her pistol appear right beside her face.

Camila was handing it to her with a sympathetic look. Ally takes it and stands up, she knew where she had to shoot.

Zac had his eyes closed, clearly dead. After a few seconds go by, he opens them and his once blue eyes were now a ghostly white with blood leaking from them. Ally yells, "I'm sorry!" and drops the gun, then waits for him to attack her.

Out of nowhere, an arm becomes right behind Ally and holds her in place, then shoots Zac square in the forehead. Ally was in shock, and looked straight up at into piercing angry green eyes. She looked stone cold. Hard.

It took a second to process things, but then the woman pointed the gun to Ally's head. "No Lauren! She's clean!" Dinah shouts, but Lauren just stares Ally down. "Are we sure?" Lauren asks.

Both Camila and Dinah nod, "We checked her, she's clean."

Lauren removes the gun from her head, and shoves it in her arms, "You're gonna get us killed if you pull shit like that again...lets move out." Lauren orders. When she sees Ally isn't moving she says, "Are you just gonna stay there? or wait till the zombies come get you?"

Tears in her eyes still, Ally knew she couldn't stay. She had to keep moving. Wiping her face she looks to Dinah and Camila who were trying to give her the space she needed. "Ally...do you know where to go?" Dinah was the first to speak to her and Ally nods, "Yes, here is his map." She hands the map from his backpack pocket to Dinah, and she begins to lead the way. "Lauren, there is a gun shop they were traveling to, we should go there."

Lauren looks at Dinah then to Ally, "Guess you aren't as useless as you seem, lead the way."

"Doesn't look far, I'm sure if we sprint we can make it before the sun goes down." Dinah tells them, and the group nods and peek their heads around the corner. No zombies.

"Ready?" Lauren looks to Ally and Ally has nervous written in her face. "Yes."

Lauren gives her a quick pat on the back ,"Don't be nervous."

Swiftly running down the street, the four girls try not to attract any attention or sound near them.

Then Dinah stops them. "Gun store." she mouths and points to the gun store across the street, and waits for Lauren's 'Okay'.

"Wait." Camila says and they see a normal zombie. He was walking infront of the store.

Dinah pulls out her knife, and goes after him.

Ally was amazed, she did it so quickly, the zombie was down within seconds. Dinah motions for them to come.

Lauren looks at Ally, "You're gonna need more than that pistol."

Ally looks at her, "I don't know how to shoot anything else..."

Lauren rolls her eyes, "Are you good for anything else." And walks off.

Dinah carefully opens the door, checking for an alarm. Releasing a breathe of relief she opens the door and sees the little shop covered from wall to wall in guns. "Holy shit...still think she's useless Lauren?" Dinah mutters, and goes on a field day with Camila.

"Damn..." Lauren says, and looks to Ally who was still in shock and quiet about Zac. Lauren feels awkward as she doesn't do comforting very well. "Hey Ally?"

Ally is broken out of her trance and looks at Lauren, "Yes?"

Lauren sighs, trying not to say something stupid, "I'm sorry about shooting your friend."

Lauren hears Dinah snicker, and Lauren gives her a look and then back to Ally who looked anything but comforted. "What I mean is...Zac was very lucky to have you as a friend."

Ally then smiles, "Thank you."

"I think we should barricade the door and sleep here tonight, sun is gone and I'm not in the mood to get thrown up on by a boomer again." Camila says and begins to move stuff in front of the door.

"Boomer?" Ally asks, and Dinah perks up.

"Oh jeez, here she goes, I'm gonna go over here." Lauren says as she sees Dinah pull out her notebook, "The boomer is an obese zombie dude that literally pukes on people! Zombies love it, so we collect boomer bile in case of emergencies." Dinah says and pulls out a glass container filled with a green liquid, and shows Ally a drawing of a super fat man.

"He's kinda...cute." Ally says, and Camila laughs, "That's what I said! But then Lauren's gripey ass told me I was dumb." Ally looks over to Lauren, who was pulling out her sleeping bag.

For the rest of the night Dinah told Ally about all the mutated zombies, and what not. When she wasn't talking to Ally, she was flirting with Camila. Lauren had went straight to sleep.

Ally was fiddling around with the zipper's on Zac's bag. He had a lot of stuff in it she knew, but Ally couldn't bring herself to look at it. Not now.

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