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Dustin and Billie sit at the table while the four girls discussed what to do with them.

Dustin was eating some pudding Ally had, and Billie sulked in her chair, with her arms across her chest like a toddler in trouble. Ally decides to try to talk to the kids and sits in the chair between them. 

She gently smiles then says, "We aren't going to hurt you."

"YES WE ARE!" Dinah yells from the other room. Ally shakes her head, "Her name is Dinah, you'll grow fond of her," Ally tells them and Dustin smiles at her, "Your smile is precious."

"That's what my momma used to say." Dustin gushes.

"Where are your parents?"

"What do you think?" Billie snaps, and Dustin rolls his eyes at her, "Hey nows not the time to be a bitch." Ally was shocked at his language but says a quiet, "I'm so sorry." Billie sighs, "We were brought here because we lost our parents during the first few months, but turns out one of the employees were infected and shit just went down hill from there, nobody stood a chance."

Ally felt sorrow for the two, "How is it two kids like you have survived this long." 

"The vents." Dustin points up to the open vent above them, "Zombies can't climb so we have never had to use the had to use the hallways to travel across the hotel." 

"Also by staying just the two of us, together, we don't need anyone else." Billie adds. "Good because you won't be coming with us." Lauren says walking into the room, her cold stare begins to scare the crap out of the kids. Dustin leans towards Ally, "No offense but your girlfriend is a bitch."

Dinah and Camila snicker, while Ally and Lauren blush, "She's uh not my girlfriend actually this is sergeant Jauregui, or Lauren, and this is Camila and Dinah." Billie and Dustin wave back at Camila and Dinah.

Ally then glares at Lauren, "And they are coming with us."

Lauren glares back, "Why? You're already enough as it is, we don't need some brats with white hair and no teeth to drag us back too."

Dustin scoffs, "I have cleidocranial dysplasia but they're growing!...jackass..." he mumbles the last part. 

Camila steps forward, "Lauren we can bring them to the boat to Houston, they'll be safe they're just kids."

"Or just to Houston, I'm not going with CEDA, I'll watch over them until then." Ally says.

"Ally don't be an idiot, we are all going to that boat." Lauren argues and Ally stands up angrily, "Kids go to the other room, now."

The kids along with Dinah being to leave the room and Camila gives her a look. Dinah points to the fighting couple, "Do you really want to be in here for this?" Dinah asks. She had a point. "Fair enough." Camila says and they all go to the other room, closing the door.

"First I'm useless now I am an idiot?" Ally starts. Lauren nods, "You're doing all this work to get to Houston just to die by not accepting the help that is offered!"

Ally groans, "I don't trust CEDA, they've done noth.-"

"They've done tons! Just because it isn't good enough for you doesn't mean it's nothing!"

Ally walks toward the bed, "What I think or do isn't your concern, I don't need some babysitter!"

Lauren dryly laughs, "No you just need somebody to shoot for you because you don't have the fucking balls to get the job done." Lauren made a hard blow, hinting towards Zac.

Ally was infuriated, she pulls out her pistol from her bag and points it at Lauren. Lauren stands still, and Ally says, "And I promise I won't miss." Ally throws the gun at Lauren, and Lauren lets out a breathe of relief but stands straight as Ally walks up to her, getting in her face, " Lets make one thing clear, when we get to Houston we will split ways." Ally walks away, but Lauren grips her arm and brings her back. "If you ever point a gun at me again, you better make sure I'm dead." Lauren shoves Ally's gun back in her hands and walks out of the room. 

Lauren felt guilty as did Ally but they were not seeing eye to eye.

The group looks at them as they walk in, "Glad you both walked in one piece, where to now?" Dinah asks. 

Camila pulls out the map and points to the train station, "The military is traveling underground, that must be why we haven't seen anybody for weeks."

Lauren nods, and looks at the kids, "Show us how to get out of this dump." 

a/n- ahhh I updated skkaks

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