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Thankfully the amount of zombies in the back of the hotel leading to the underground subways was low. The group quietly made their way through the streets.


"That's a bunch of crap, no way is Alvin the better chipmunk!"

"There is a reason it's called ALVIN and the chipmunks!" Dinah argues.

Dinah and Dustin were sent to the back of the group and had been bickering the entire time. Lauren hits her gun against her head as she gets annoyed and Ally and Billie look at each other and laugh. "Dinah baby when you're done fighting with the child can you come up here with the compass." Camila says and Dinah immediately shuts up but then shoves Dustin before jogging to Camila.

Camila looks at it and points to her left, "It should be coming up over here." The group sees a train logo.

It looked dark going down the staircase. Dinah opens her back pack and hands out flashlights. She made sure to hand the smallest one to Lauren who just growls at her.

They all turn them on and proceed down the stair case. Dustin was swinging his big flashlight around. Lauren comes up behind him and swaps it out with hers. "Heyyyy." Dustin complains and Lauren smirks at him then continues to walk.

It was quiet. Too quiet.

"Camila shouldn't there be people here?" Ally asks and Camila nods, "Unless they're just past the gates." The group walks to the floor where you check in and are met with flickering lights. "At least the power down here still on maybe we can catch a train to Houston, instead of walking." Lauren says.

"It's never that easy." Billie says as she points her flash light to the second stair case leading to the trains. There was blood smeared on the wall. The group hesitantly walks towards the stair case, and see how some lights were out and some were not.

No sign of anything dead or alive.

The collective gasp as a group was the only sound heard as they see the damage of the train station. Carts were upside down and broken, broken concrete and metal scattered. It was a mess.

"Doesn't make sense..." Lauren mutters. No sign of nobody.

"Maybe they left to Houston, maybe this place got overrun." Dinah says. The kids were close between her and Ally. "It doesn't seem like anything is down here, why don't we just walk here for now?" Camila suggests to Lauren and Lauren nods, "Maybe we will find a working cart down the tracks."

The group gets onto the tracks, Dinah and Lauren helpings everyone down. Lauren reaches to get Ally but Ally gets down by herself, ignoring Lauren still.

Dinah snickers and Lauren glares at her. "So I take it you two aren't on good terms?" Dinah asks as Ally walks to the front with Camila and the kids.

"She's just so frustrating Camila, is she always this controlling?"

Camila winces, "Well yeah, but she's a little more hostile towards you."

"You're just a bit different with her is all I'm saying." Dinah says, "She's frustrating Dinah, I thought you were bad but she doesn't even try to listen I what I say, I'm different with her because she's just different." Lauren argues.

"Maybe you two should just fuck it out, maybe that's why you're both sticks in the mud you guys haven't had any action in months."

Lauren punches Dinah's should, "Idiot."

"I think she likes you, Billie says guys act like idiots around girls they like and Lauren is kinda an idiot so there you go." Dustin chatters as he plays with his flash light. Camila smiles at Ally who was blushing, "No sweetie I don't think that's it."

"You just like her it's okay to admit, you just said she was different so maybe that's a well a good thing."

"Whatever." Lauren grumbles and they catch up with the group. The held their guns out as the got deeper into the tunnels.

The amount of damage was insane. "Normal zombies didn't cause this distraction Laur." Camila says. Dinah pulls out her book, "I hate to say it but we could have a tank in the area, haven't seen one since the beginning of the infection but doesn't mean they're not still around."

"What's a tank?" Billie asks and Dinah shows her, her zombie book, "Tank is basically a zombie on roids, with a bad attitude, you'll know when it's coming."

The group continues to walk to the next stop but squat down when they see zombies surrounding a single cart. Their was a light on inside of it. It worked.

"I bet you if we can get in it we can start it up and ride it to Houston." Lauren whispers. "Why are they crowding it? Must be something inside." Camila points out but the sound of a gun trigger being pulled back makes the group freeze.

Ally is pulled back and the group flashes their light at a man holding a gun to Ally's head, "Why don't you dolls go ahead and found out for me?" The man says with a sinister smile.

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