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A/n- longer chapter. hope y'all like this one ;) my innocent babies pls don't read this or beware. You other dirty animals? Enjoy.

"Don't know about you guys but I'd rather be putting up with the zombies." Dinah says. It was the third day they were in the cell. Camila would visit but Lauren stopped coming. "I don't know who smells worst the zombies or us." Billie says as she sniffs herself.

Ally gets an idea, "Hey!" She calls out to Bradley who was guarding them. He makes a sour face, "What do you want."

Ally smiles, "I know you don't trust us but please to make everyone happier let us shower and get new clothes, we promise we won't do anything or try to pull anything."

Bradley looks at Ally, and puts his walkie talkie to his ear, "Boss can I talk to you for a sec?" And walks out the room.

Billie and Dustin look at her, "Ally you have a plan? I'm telling you I could just break us out."

Ally whispers, "We need a gun."


Dustin and Billie had Kendall and Camila walk them around the mall for new clean clothes and lead them to the showers. The only working showers were through the furniture store in the mall.

"Why can't you losers lock us up in here?" Dustin says as they pass by a bed and a couch. "Dustin be nice." Camila says, "Why should he? You've had us locked in cages with little food and little water and are barely letting us take showers so you guys won't have to smell us." Billie says back.

Camila looks away in shame and they continue to walk to the showers. Connor and Tristan were waiting by the boys restroom for Dustin.

Dustin has fear in his eyes as Kendall pushes Billie to the other bathroom, "Wait-."

"No co-Ed, hurry the fuck up." Connor says and shoves Dustin harshly against the wall. "Hey! Leave him alone!" Camila yells at Connor, and Connor laughs and holds his hands up, "My bad my bad."

Camila and Kendall go into the bathroom with Billie and the boys wait outside for Dustin. Dustin goes inside the big locker room. It was cold and quiet.

He goes to the last shower stall and turns the water on. Dustin looks at his clothes and realizes he dropped his shirt when he got pushed. "Those assholes." He mutters and walks back to the door.

"Dude I can't fucking wait to stop acting like I'm a navy bitch, we are all British you think she'd be smart enough to figure that we aren't American."

Dustin hides behind the wall as he hears Connor and Tristan. "Can't wait to shoot that little bitch Camila after we get out of here...you see how easy it was to turn that Captain America against them? Americans are bloody idiots."

"I say we keep Ally, I know she's not an anti like us but she can surely be used as a good time if you know what I mean." The boys laugh together, and Dustin makes a face of disgust at how they talked about Ally. "How long is James gonna let Lauren boss us around? She can't keep telling me what to do." Tristan says. "She kicked your ass dude, think you should just go with it, truly believe she was built in a lab."

"The other army dudes we killed were so much easier to kill, can't wait to get out of this dump."

Dustin runs back to his shower and quickly bathed. He had to tell Ally and Dinah what he found out and fast before they found out a way to get out of the mall.


When Billie and Dustin got back, Dustin wasn't able to tell Ally or Dinah what he learned because there was somebody guarding the room at all times.

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