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A/n- hey guys :)

Lauren wakes up as she hears a noise outside the open window. She looks down and sees Ally laying on her chest.

She smiles and kisses her forehead before removing herself from the sleeping pad. Ally grumbles but then turns over to cuddle the boys.

Levi babbles softly as his eyes are slightly open, but Lauren puts his pacifier back in his mouth, "Go back to bed fat boy, it's too early."

Lauren hears a twig break and she quickly picks up the gun next to her. She feels it's empty, "Dammit Ally." She grumbles and blindly looks for a bag with ammo in it.

She feels something hard and opens the bag. Instead of bullets, a video camera falls out. Intrigued, Lauren wondered if it works.

Pressing the power button Lauren sees the camera come back to life. She guesses it got kinda damaged during the whole time they were traveling.

Lauren walks to a different room, closes the door and opens the camera. When she does a note falls out.

'Ally. please watch.'

She feels concerned and presses play.

She sees the man that was with Ally when they first met. The same man that was in the photos.

Zac was in his back yard, in a funny lab coat and glasses, "Okay guys! We will be making elephant foam, to get started we need some-."

Lauren skips the video to the next one and it glitches to a video of Vanessa and him walking into a house. Lauren sees Ally opening the door in the video.

"Happy birthday Ally!" Everyone cheers. Lauren smiles, Ally looked so happy.

She was smiling and dressed up. Not a bruise nor scratch on her. Her make up was done and her hair was done, she looked normal. She sees two older people around her she guesses were her parents.

They had a cake infront of her, and sang happy birthday. She had the brightest smile in the room.

Ally only ever smiles like that around the kids and when Lauren kisses her. 

Lauren continues to watch the video but the camera glitches to the next video.

It was a lab.

Lauren looks closely and sees the Hispanic couple along with Zac and Vanessa. They were testing something.

The older Hispanic man comes to the camera, "Here we have Ally's blood, if done correctly we will learn how to manipulate it and save lives and how we will get people to live longer." He hands it to Zac.

"Jerry we shouldn't be recording this, what if someone finds it and sees what we are doing, figuring out it was us that started this?" The woman says. "Ally is the whole reason this happened, we have to document so nothing gets twisted arou-."

The camera cuts and glitches to everyone but Ally back at the house. There was blood everywhere.

"Zac you don't have to do this." A female voice in the back is heard.

The camera was in his hands and he had a gun pointed at both of Ally's parents. Jerry and Patricia had their arms entwined, "Zac, please tell Ally we love her."

Lauren could hear a sob, and the gun goes off twice. She looked away for a second, and when Lauren has to force herself to look back at the camera. There they were. Two lifeless bodies.

Lauren stares at the woman long enough she began to see Ally. She closes the camera before the next clip, and stares at the wall.

Ally is the reason the infection started. Her parents and the other two scientists started this. "I have to end this." Lauren says to herself. No wonder Ally didn't trust CEDA, because she doesn't want them to create a cure.

Lauren's mind was on a marathon, everything was clicking. She had to get Ally to Houston. They have to find a cure.


Lauren whips her head, and sees Billie. She was rubbing her eyes, "What are you doing?" Lauren gets up and hide the camera behind her. "Go back to bed Billie, I will wake you up at sunrise." Billie nods and heads back to her sleeping bag next to Chloe's.

Lauren sighs and goes back to put the camera back. She can't believe what she's learned. She doesn't want to believe it's true.

Ally trusts her with her life. But Lauren wasn't the one lying in the first place, that's what she tells herself. "This is gonna be so hard." Lauren cries to herself and waits until the sun comes back up.


Ally wakes up without Lauren beside her. Her eyes instantly find Lauren sitting at the window seal. The sun was barely coming up. Levi was babbling into Dustin's ear, but Dustin was still asleep.

She looks and sees Camila sleeping still, she notices she's in Dinah's sleeping bag. She notices Dinah's book beside her. Her heart hurts at the sight.

She walks over to Lauren, and rests her chin on Lauren's shoulder. Instantly she could feel something was off. "Are you okay?" Ally whispers gently into Lauren's ear.

Lauren nods but sighs, "Ally?"

"Hmm." Ally hums, and Lauren turns around, "When we get to Houston..." Lauren grabs Ally's hands, "Will you stay with me?"

Ally hesitated, she hadn't thought about that part. "You mean on the boat?"

Lauren nods, and Ally could see the plead in her eyes. Ally smiles, "I'll go anywhere you want me to." Ally hugs Lauren, and Lauren was thankful so she couldn't see the frown that formed on her face.


"Target will be brought to us Sir, hopefully by tomorrow's sundown." A voice from the house next door says into a walkie talkie.

A menacing chuckle comes through the other end, "Good job, Jauregui."

A/n- thoughts ? I have more chapters coming real soon :)

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