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The next morning, Ally felt her body wake up. She was extremely warm surprisingly, and when she pops one eye she realizes why. She was practically under Dinah. Opening both eyes, she sees Camila beside her asleep, and then looks up and sees Lauren.

She was sharpening her knife behind her.

Lauren looks down to Ally, and softly says, "She likes to cuddle." and goes back to sharpening her knife.

Ally shimmies her way out of her hold, and giggles when she hears Dinah snore and moves her sleeping body to cuddle on Camila. Camila whines in her sleep, and drags a lazy arm to close Dinah's mouth, and they both go back to sleep.

"They're deep sleepers huh." Ally says to Lauren, and she looks back at her comrades, "You have no idea, but it's early the sun is barely coming up."

Ally gets up and goes through her bag for her water bottle and toothbrush, "I was always an early riser."

"What did you do before all of this?" Lauren asks.

"I was in school for nursing, I lived with my parents before all this."

"Where are they?"

"Gone." Ally hugs her knees, and looks up as she tries not to cry about her parents.

Lauren nods her head in understanding, "I'm sorry about that...sorry for calling you useless yesterday too, I just well-."

Ally tilts her head to look up at Lauren, "It's okay...I think we have all lost something special and this whole thing has taken a toll on us...anyway what were you doing before this?"

Lauren reaches in her shirt and pulls out dog tags, "I was in the Army, I wasn't apart of the Marine's that were stationed to rescue and evacuate they kinda just told us to...kill."

"People or zombies?"

"At first zombies, then somebody decided it be both...I was helping out at the basketball stadium Dinah would play at a month after everything started...it was just us two that made it out."

"Can you two shut up, I'm trying to sleep." Dinah groans, and cuddles Camila more.

"Wake up, suns out and we gotta get to the hotel, they should be waiting for us."

"Who?" Ally asks, and Camila pops her head up, "CEDA, they're suppose to be evacuating people or atlas that's what Lauren's buddies told her about three weeks ago."

"Oh...Zac told me not to trust them."

Lauren makes a noise, "They're gonna help us don't worry."

Dinah stretches her arms out, and gets up, "Yeah because the government is sooo helpful."

"Dinah we don't have another choice." Lauren argues and Dinah puts her hand up in defense, "Well I'm just saying, I don't think living human beings look like those dead freaks out there and they still shoot at them." Dinah argues back. Camila rolls her eyes at the debate she's heard a hundred times already.

"Let's pack what we can for and start heading out, we don't need to be wandering the streets during the night we want the soldiers to see us." Lauren demands and Dinah and Camila begin to do so. Lauren finds a .500 S&W Magnum, "Here Ally," she hands the powerful gun to Ally. Ally looks at her funny, "I don't know how to shoot this." She puts it on the counter.

Lauren gets frustrated, and grabs the gun. She also pulls Ally, turns her around and holds her close. Ally was flustered by how close they were but didn't protest as Lauren puts the gun in her hand while her hand was on top of Ally's. Ally had butterflies as Lauren brings her arms straight forward and points the gun, "Open this and load the gun," Lauren says in a demanding tone into Ally's ear and makes Ally open the cartridge, full with bullets, then closes it, "Close it, pull the hammer back," Lauren's thumb was guiding Ally's thumb through this whole process, "and shoot." Ally feels Lauren press her finger on the trigger, and closes her eyes and pressed her head against Lauren's arm waiting for the gun to shoot.

But she just hears a small snap, and opens her eyes. No gunshot. Lauren lets go of Ally, and moves a small switch on the gun, "Make sure safety is off too." Lauren then hands Ally the gun and walks off. Ally looks at Dinah and Camila who had watched the entire thing, and they pretend as if they didn't see anything. "What I'd pay to watch them have sex, am I right?" Dinah jokes. Camila pushes her playfully as they pack their bags with guns and bullets.

a/n- omg i hope you guys like this one, I'm so excited to start this one, I'm getting restless during quarantine so yes I'm working on my stories again i loooove y'all

one more story will be uploaded for my dinally fans!

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