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"THANK GOD FOR WORKING SHOWERS, MILA COME JOIN ME!" Dinah yells from the bathroom of the hotel. The suite was big enough for two restrooms and two rooms, each with queen sized beds. Dinah turning the power back on had turned the hot water on. Camila and Lauren where in the living room looking at the stuff Camila found. "So it looks like they were planning on going to the train station, they must be traveling underground and that's why we haven't seen anybody." Camila says and Lauren looks at the train routes leading to Houston.

"We should head there tomorrow, it'll be risky but there's a chance that we could make it to Houston on one of those carts...we need to get to that boat, and we can get to your wife." Lauren says and Camila smiles at the mention of her wife. They both are then pulled from their thoughts as they hear Dinah singing at the top of her lungs in the shower. 

Camila looks at Lauren, "I'm gonna go and get ready for my turn in the shower before she shrivels up and becomes a fish." Lauren nods and goes back to looking at the files on the table. She kept rereading the information and kept noticing how CEDA was looking for someone. The name was confidential but they used the code 1101025 to communicate with it. 

Lauren gets distracted as she sees steam coming from the restroom Ally was in. Her door was slightly open. Lauren gets up to close it, she catches a glimpse in the mirror. She didn't mean to creep on Ally but her small silhouette was shown thru the steamy glass shower panel. Lauren noticed how she moved her small body to the rhythm of whatever song she was singing. 

Lauren's mind then reminds her of the kiss she shared, and she backs up away from the door. She sits on the bed and tries to convince herself that she kissed the small girl to calm her anxiety because of something she learned in her high school class years ago  made her think it was a good idea. 

She hears the water turn off. Lauren tries to bring herself back, to stop focusing on what Ally looks like wet.

Water drops slowly falling down her body.

"Fucking christ, can you not be gay right now what's wrong with you?" Lauren smacks her head as she talks to herself. "Lauren can you come in here real quick?" Ally asks and Lauren has to get herself together before she walks in. 

"Um sure, what do you want?" Lauren walks in and is met with Ally's back. Lauren notices how the tan back was littered with a couple of bruises and Ally turns around and smiles, "Sorry I hope I am not bothering you, I just wanted to thank you for not leaving me behind today..." Ally looks down. She felt as if she was holding this group back.

Lauren walks closer, "Oh yeah no I'd never leave you behind, I'm sorry that I didn't tell you what I was doing...I'm sorry for um...you know." Lauren chews her lip, obviously embarrassed now. Ally nods, "Oh yeah that,yeah no worries you were just trying to help me calm down." Ally touches her lips as the tingle from after she kissed her had returned, and turns around, "I'm gonna change and go to bed, shower is all yours." Ally says as she runs out the restroom, leaving Lauren alone. Lauren looks at herself in the mirror and deflates, "Smooth."


Dinah and Camila were passed out in their bed as Ally was making herself a bed to sleep on the floor. She didn't think Lauren would like her sleeping in the bed so she saved herself the argument. She felt like Lauren had an on and off switch with Ally. 

Ally laid herself down, and closed her eyes. She heard the restroom door open. The scent of musk filled her nose, Lauren must've used her personal body wash. "Ally get on the bed." She hears her tell her. Ally shakes her head, "I'm okay really, goodnight."

She hears Lauren sigh and then feels her body get lifted off the ground, "Lauren what are you-."

"Please don't fight it, I'm tired and so are you, we both deserve to sleep in the very expensive bed tonight...it's free." Lauren jokes as she lays Ally down on the bed. Ally shifts under the covers and agrees, "Okay I'll give in." 

Lauren smiles, and gets into bed with Ally. It felt normal. For the first time in months, getting in bed with Ally was the most normal thing Lauren had felt. "If it gets too cold, we can just steal Dinah's blanket from her." Lauren says and Ally chuckles, "I think we will be warm enough together." Lauren put Ally on the side of the bed that had the huge window behind her. She thought the way the moon lit the side of Ally's face made her look really pretty. Or maybe Ally was just really pretty.

Lauren didn't dwell on the thought anymore as the sound of Ally's soft breathing lured her to sleep.


Ally felt warm and secure. The suns bright sun rays warmed her face as she was waking up. She felt extra weight around her hips and slowly brought her hand to feel the soft skin on hers. She smiles as she realizes Lauren was holding her. She guesses they had gotten into this position during the night, but she didn't mind. She liked the physical touch. It had been a while. 

Ally slowly opens her eyes, and is met with brown eyes and curly hair looking at her. It took Ally a moment to comprehend but she immediately sat up as she realized there was a child in the room. "AHHHH!" Ally yells and the kids yells back, "AHHHHH!" the kid falls back.

Lauren gets up quickly and rubs her eyes, "Ally what the- who the hell are you?" Lauren yells as she sees the boy hiding behind the loveseat in the room. "Dustin I thought I told you to keep watch!" In came in a teenage girl with whitish hair. Dustin looks at the teenager, "You said to watch them to make sure they stay asleep while we robbed them Billie!" Dustin says and runs to Billie. Billie points a gun at Lauren who was pointing a gun at Billie. 

Lauren glares, "How the fuck did you get in here?" 

Billie glares back, "You haven't been stuck in this hotel aslong as we have jack ass, drop your gun!"

"No you drop yours." Dinah came from behind Billie and put the gun against her head. Billie looked scared now, and gruffs, "Fine." She slowly puts the gun down and her and Dustin put their hands up. 

"You ladies wouldn't happen to have any chocolate pudding would you?" Dustin asks and smiles. 

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