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Ally was still in her damp clothes. She felt the guards hold her up as she tried to fall asleep and hopefully never wake up again.

Her heart was broken. She didn't want to try anymore. No one was gonna save her and she didn't have anyone that was noticed her to stay alive.

"We are here." The man in the front says, Ally looks up and sees a huge boarding ship. She notices there was no civilians. No rescue.

She looks out the window and sees why. The piles of dead bodies getting burned. Ally knew for a fact that not all of them were the undead. That means when her group they will die.

She gets yanked out of the vehicle. She couldn't even walk. She wasn't gonna make it easy for them, even if she wanted to she couldn't. Her body was hurting.

"The boss wants her prepped and cleaned, the nurse's station is through the cafeteria." The soldier tells the other two holding Ally. "You were an awful bitch to find you know that." One of the soldiers tells her. "Leave her alone Daniel, boss said not to mess with her."

"Oh please, what's so different about this one, she's just a female with a pussy ready to be ran through by a bunch of frustrated guys that can't get any because we were out looking for her!" Daniel laughs and they continue to walk.

As soon as they go, Daniel pushes the other soldier away, "I got it here stick in the mud."some soldiers didn't care about Ally, some whistled at her, some tried to grab at her. "This sexy little vixen like you don't seem dangerous at all, wonder what's so great about you anyway."

One of Daniel's buddy's laughs before saying, "Rumor has it just a kiss from this girl, just one, you will be immune from any zombie bite or scratch."

Daniel scoffs, "Let me have a taste then." Ally's hair was pulled back making her look up, and as soon as he plants his lips on Ally's she bites him hard onto his chin. "Get her off! Get her off!" He screams. Ally tears skin off and spits it out as she is pulled back. Everyone was laughing.

She sees Joe walk in with Jacob and another group of soldiers. "Boss look what she did to me! Oh I'd outta-." Daniels sentence was cut short by Joe shooting him straight in the head. He walks down with a cold look on his face, making the room silent.

Joe begins to speak, "If any of you sons of bitches touch this girl again, I will rip your fucking balls out and feed em to the zombies...I hope we have an understanding of each other...Jacob see to it she makes it to the nurses quarters."

Ally sees Jacob come up to her and she immediately grabs the knife on the table, and jams it into his chest. "Fuck!"

Joe smirks, "Nevermind, I will make sure she finds her way." Joe shoves Ally into the direction of the nurses. He points the gun in her back and makes her walk. "You won't kill me." Ally says. Joe whistles calmly, just before saying, "You're right I won't...but if I have to I will make you beg for me to, I'll have you an inch till death if you make me so please save us both the trouble and do what I say." Joe pushes Ally into the door and it's opened by nurses who immediately get to work on her.


Lauren hauled ass all the way to the docks. The definitely were not mistaken by the big boat. It had to be CEDA's. "Well aren't we glad we didn't come here yet." Billie says, and everyone looks at the pile of dead people.

"So how do we get in?" Camila asks. Lauren thinks. They front entrance was guarded not too heavily but once the get in, there must be more. "Do we have anymore boomer bile?" Lauren asks.

Billie rummages through Dinah's bag, "We have four bottles." Lauren grabs two, "We are gonna need a little help." Lauren throws the two cans and makes sure it lands on the steps
leading to the boat.

A huge roar throughout the city was heard. "Two? You are gonna lead another tank to us." Camila says. Lauren smiles, "The more the merrier."

Her smile falters as she sees a baby cartridge. For a moment she feels like she heard Levi's cry. "Lauren let's go!" Normani shouts and drags her out from hiding. The huge hoard was behind them.

Lauren shoots down the soldiers in the front, so they can get in easily. "We do not separate do you understand?" Lauren reminds them. Everyone nods.

The fight begins.

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