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Camila sat at the edge of the broken bridge staring at the river below. She had been there for an hour now.

Lauren was holding Ally and Dustin as they wept. They were all numb. Dinah had sacrificed herself for them and they could feel a piece of their heart missing.

"She wouldn't have made it...she got bit." Camila mumbles to herself. The rain had stopped and the sun was going down.

The small breeze reminded Camila how cold she was. Dinah would've warmed her up.

There was so many mixed emotions. She knew she was married but Dinah was the side of her that made her feel young again.

Maybe they were never meant to be but that didn't mean Camila didn't want her to be apart of her life. She loved her. Now she will never know.

Lauren looks at Camila, and Ally touches her arm, "We need to go." she says softly. Lauren nods and gets up, "I'll do it." Ally says and hands a sleeping Levi to Lauren.

Lauren stays with the boys and watches Ally walk to Camila.

Ally crouches down next to Camila and wraps her arms around her, "Hey...we have to go."

Camila sinks into Ally's body and lets her hold her for a second. Ally feels Camila get up, and immediately hugs her.

Ally feels her tears come out as well, "I know...I miss her too." Camila nods, and they begin to walk back to Lauren.

"We need to find somewhere to sleep tonight, it'll be dangerous to be out here in the open." Lauren says. Dustin points to the town houses near them. "Those look vacant."

"The entire town looks vacant." Ally says. The small town was very silent. No living or dead. "Lets try the town house over there." Lauren points and directs them to the townhouse. She points her gun out and kicks the door open. Nothing.

Lauren looks throughout the entire house before calling the others in, "Okay guys it's clear, come on." They bring their bags and everything into the empty house.

Camila falls onto the couch. She was numb. Dustin frowns and goes to sit by her, "I think she would've wanted you to have this." Dustin said and hands her Dinah's book.

Camila looks at the book, and runs her hand over it. She opens it and runs her hand over Dinah's writing and drawings.

She smiles, as she cries at the memories this book held. She was there when Dinah and her found the bookstore that this journal was in.

Camila sighs, "No I think she would've wanted you to have bud." And hands it back to him. Dustin slowly takes is as if he was unsure, then leans into Camila while he reads it to her.

Ally looks at the pair, then sees Lauren walking up the stairs. She takes one last look at Camila and Dustin and heads up the stairs.

Lauren was sitting in a window, looking out at the town with a sniper in her hand. Ally leans on the door way and watches the soldier think to herself. She can see guilt all over her face.

"What are you thinking about." Ally asks softly and walks towards Lauren. Lauren sighs and puts her head down, "I could've done more."

Ally sits across from Lauren, gently taking the gun from her hands and bringing their hands together. She could feel Lauren's grip tighten. "It's not your fault, it's nobody's fault."

"I should've went with her to the fuse I could've watched her back, I could've-."

Ally puts a finger over Lauren's mouth to silence her, "Lauren, there is a lot of what if's in this situation, and we are all mourning but what Dinah did saved us all, we would all be dead if it wasn't for her...you have kept us all safe for this long."

Ally sees the tears come out of Lauren's eyes as she finally sobs. Ally held Lauren until her cries quieted. "She was my friend." Lauren says quietly.

Ally wipes her own tears and makes Lauren look at her, "We won't let her death mean nothing, we are gonna make it to Houston together and live like she would want us to."

Lauren nods and kisses Ally, "I love you."

Ally was somewhat shocked to hear this, and did her best not to gasp. "I love you too." Ally says and kisses her back.

In the midst of the kiss, Lauren hears a stick break and immediately grabs her gun again, and points it into the town. Once she looks at here telescope she smiles at what she finds.

Billie waving at her with Chloe and Jacob behind her. Lauren lowers her gun, and says to Ally, "Billie is back."

Ally gets happy hearing this and they both run down the stairs. Camila and Dustin look confused and Ally quickly says, "Billie is back."

Lauren runs outside first and is the first to hug Billie. Billie let's out a gasp of relief as she sees everyone come out the house. "It's so good to see you guys!" Billie exclaims.

"How did you make it? Where's Joe?" Lauren asks and looks at Jacob who hangs his head low. "Fell out the boat, lost him in the water..."

"I'm so sorry." Ally says. "The road we took lead us to a small river that lead us to the big river and we saw an explosion so we decided that it was you guys and followed it." Chloe adds.

Billie nods and as she hugs Dustin and Camila, "Where's Dinah?"

The group went silent. Camila looked the other way to keep Billie from seeing her cry. Billie sees Dinah's book in Dustin's hand. "Wh-where is Dinah?" Billie asks once more, her voice breaking.

Ally pulls her into a hug, "She was on the bridge during the explosion...she was bit and did what she thought was best." Ally explains and Billie cries harder with every word she hears.

"Let's all get inside." Lauren says and gets everyone in the house.


Ally looks at her sleeping kids before heading back upstairs to Lauren. Billie wouldn't go to bed without Ally next to her. Neither would Dustin. Levi was another story, he just wanted a bottle and Lauren's jacket.

Lauren was looking out the same window, and felt Ally's presence, "How do you think this town looked when there wasn't a deadly virus around?"

Ally shrugs, "Alive...colorful...a home."

"Do you think there is a cure out there for it? For the dead?" Lauren asks Ally and Ally nods, "I'm hopeful for it, I would hope they would've made something by now..."

Lauren bit her tongue to refrain from asking Ally her burning questions. She needed to wait. "Houston tomorrow?" Ally asks and Lauren nods, "Yeah, Houston tomorrow."


"Sir I see the target, moving into kill the othe-."

"Woah woah woah slow down, you obviously don't see her body guard...don't worry they're delivering her to us tomorrow."

A/n- eowwwww what y'all think 😛

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