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"We gotta get out of here!" Lauren begins to paddle with Dinah again and they feel the water getting lower. 

They see the road that lead into a small town. "We made it!" Camila says, and gets out of the boat once it was below knee deep. Lauren helps Ally and Dustin out of the boat while holding onto Levi. "What do we do?" Ally asks and Lauren looks at the tank and the horde coming their way.

She looks at the group full of fear and says one thing.


They all begin to run. Run because their lives depended on it. Dinah notices the dynamite and gas tanks in a box they ran past. She stops to look at it and Lauren stops to see what she's doing. "Dinah what the fuck are you-."

"We need to blow it up." Dinah mutters. Lauren gets closer to her, "What?" Dinah shows her the dynamite and gas, "We need to blow the bridge up Lauren or there is no chance we will make it to Houston alive."

Lauren looks at her and the dynamite, "Alright let's do it."

Quickly everyone grabbed what they could and began to run back to the bridge. They made it halfway across the concrete bridge before laying down the supplies. "Once this blows up, the bridge will fall into the river, and the river takes the horde and the tank out to the gulf, got it?" Dinah says and everyone nods.

 "Guess you could hang out with scientist after all DJ." Camila comments and smiles at her. Ally and Camila spread the dynamite across the bridge. "Lauren help me put these cars in the way incase some zombies don't fall in time." Dinah says and Lauren nods. They quickly placed the small cars across the bridge behind the wall of dynamite. Dinah accidentally breaks a door off, "My bad, I hope they had insurance." Lauren laughs and they go back to Ally and Camila. They had finished.

"Once I light this we will have a good fifteen seconds to haul ass away, okay?" Dinah says. Lauren  looks at Ally, "Start going with the boys now we will meet you."


"No buts I need you all away from here, now go!" Lauren says and Ally nods immediately running off the bridge with Dustin and Levi. Lauren then turns back to Dinah and gives her the signal to light it. Dinah's heart rate picks up as she turns her lighter on and picks up the fuse. 

Camila sees the tank and the horde about to approach the bridge. Dinah lights the fuse and they all immediately take off. They run and run, and Dinah mentally counts down to fifteen. 

But no explosion. 

She stops and turns around and sees nothing happened. "Dinah!" Lauren shouts as she was at the end of the bridge. Dinah looks back at the group then the bridge. She immediately starts running back to the dynamite. "Dinah!" Camila yells. 

Dinah doesn't hesitate to stop, she goes back to the fuse and finds it unlit. "Hey it didn't work we need to go!" Camila says and Dinah shakes her head, "No I can do this real quick, go back I'll be right behind you."

Camila stares at Dinah, and kisses her. Dinah was surprised but kisses her back. As it began it was quickly over, "Right behind me right?" Camila asks and Dinah chuckles, "Right behind you, now go." Dinah goes back to the dynamite as Camila runs back. 

She notices the water foot prints around it leading off the bridge. She didn't have enough time to process how it happened but she cut off the wet fuse and lit a longer one. Once she looks up, a zombie tackles her to the ground. "Oh shit!" Dinah yells and fights it off. 

She gets it off of her but doesn't notice the zombie coming from the side that bites into her arm. "FUCK!" Dinah yells and quickly shoots both zombies. 

She looks down at her bleeding arm. The bite mark was there. She looks back at Camila and Lauren running back for her but immediately waves her arms for them to stop, "GO BACK IT'S GONNA BLOW GO BACK!" 

She hops over the cars but the zombies were already right behind her. She stops and looks at the group waiting for her. She makes eye contact with Camila, and directs her eyes to her arm. She looks back and quickly grabs the broken door that fell off a small car and holds back a small group of zombies trying to break through. 

They were a couple of feet apart but Dinah holds her arm out for them to stop. "Don't come closer!...there's no use in doing this if you all don't make it."

Camila felt her legs give out as she falls to the ground, "Dinah..."

Dinah wipes her eyes and does her best to smile, "Hey I'll be okay...I'm invincable remember?" Dinah uses her arm with all her strength to pull her book out of her bag, "Take this!" she tosses her book towards Dustin.

 "I love you all..." Dinah says. 

Once she feels the explosions go off, she didn't cry. She wanted to remember her last moments looking at the people she loved the most.

She sees Levi smiling at her, his innocent soul unaware of the situation. As Ally as she holds him, mouthing that she loved her too, and Dustin who was crying as he clutched onto her book for dear life. She sees Lauren try to hold in her sobs as she holds Camila back who was kicking and screaming to try and attempt to save Dinah.

"It's okay." she says.

She felt the floor beneath her feet begin to fall. She felt like she was flying. She closed her eyes and faced what was next.

"DINAAH!" Camila screams out and Lauren has to move her back as the begin began to crumble towards them as well. Ally pulls Dustin away to keep him from looking and Lauren does the same to Camila. 

The horde and the tank all disappeared in the water. 

She saved them.

Dinah Jane Hansen saved them all.

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