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"Tell everybody I'm on my way!"

"Dustin shut up."

"New friends and new places to seeeeee!"


Lauren grouches at the two singing as they walked to the mall. Ally giggles at how annoyed she was. Camila and Billie were in the front leading the way. Levi was being held by Lauren since her arm was injured and she had to give it some time to heal by not carrying her heavy bags. He was playing with her dog tags.

"So when we get to the mall can we get some new clothes? I want to see if I'm still a size 13." Dinah asks Camila and Camila looks at Dinah. "What could you possibly be a 13 in?"

"This waist is snatched but the ass is fat babygirl, but I'd like to change out of these clothes and Dinah Jr needs a new wardrobe too."

"And a diaper change." Lauren says as she plugs her nose. The group stops as Ally takes Levi from Lauren and they walk into a torn down bakery. The group drops their belongings and enjoys their mini break. Wasn't too many zombies out, they had only ran into a small group leaving the cafe. They made sure not to use guns to avoid attracting more.

Dustin puts his water bottle down on the table. He notices the ripples forming in it. They were small at first, but once they vibrated more he looks quickly. Lauren places a hand on his shoulder to keep him quiet.

The group is silent. They all felt it. Lauren looks out the stores window and ducks down immediately. "Get down and hide." She whispers sharply.

Ally and Levi hide behind the counter closest to the door, Dinah grabs Dustin and they hide underneath the table clothe and Camila and Billie hide behind the counter leading to the back. Lauren was by the door so she joins Ally.

The ground shook more, as the hear the tank growl. Dustin had pure fear in his eyes as he looked at Dinah.

Lauren reloads her gun and gets up to look from behind the counter, and sees it leaving but Levi notices her and squeals loudly.

"Shhhh." Ally quickly puts his pacifier in his mouth, silencing the baby. Lauren and Ally press their bodies against the wood, hoping it didn't hear them.

The violent shakes get closer, and the group hears the front door break open. Ally squeezes her eyes shut and Lauren holds her and Levi tightly.

The didn't need to look to know the tank was right behind them and the only reason they were alive was because of that small counter.

The tank growls and punches the table Dinah and Dustin were under, but the sound of a car alarm in the distance attracts the tank out of the store immediately. Once the shakes were gone and it was absolutely silent Lauren looks once more.

"We are clear."

"Oh thank God." Billie says and comes out of hiding along with everyone else. "So we have a big ass tank hunting us...what now?" Camila asks.

"We keep moving, CEDA will help us once we find them." Laurent responds.

Ally doesn't comment anything, she just looks at Dinah who was already looking at Ally. Dustin gets in between their vision, "Why the look?"

Ally looks at him the around her to make sure Lauren didn't hear, "Nothing sweetie we will talk about it later."

"You're not going on that boat are you?" Billie whispers to Ally. Ally sighs and puts an arm around her, "We will talk about it later now is not the time."


The closer they got to the mall the less zombies they saw. "You know what would be nice to find? A fucking car I'm tired of walking." Billie complains and everyone silently agrees.

"When get there you stay the hell away from Hot Topic." Lauren points to Billie who gives her a dirty look, "And you out of GameStop," she points to Dustin who throws his hands up in the air.

Dinah snickers but Lauren turns to her, "YOU stay out of Spencer's, we are going to restock and find help and leave." Lauren says. Once they get a clear view of the parking lot, they realize why they saw no zombies nearby.

They practically surrounded the gated entrance. It looked like the hotel but worst. "Abort." Dustin whimpers and tries to walk away but Lauren stops him.

"Dinah wouldn't now be a good time for boomer bile?" She asks.

"Boomer bile?"

Dinah puts her zombie book in Billie's hands, "You need to do some reading," she reaches into her bag and pulls out a glass jar of green bile, "When I throw this we run like hell because these guys can't get resist this stuff...like how Camila can't resist me."

Camila rolls her eyes, "If that's the case then we are dead meat."

Dinah gives the can a whiff and nearly gags, "Alright be ready to run, get Dinah Jr ready."

Ally makes sure her bag is nice and tight on her back and Levi is secure against her chest. Dinah gets ready and throws the bile across the parking lot a few feet away from him.

"Haven't thrown like that since my last game against Philly." Dinah says and they watch the group of zombies charge at the puddle of vomit.

They take off. Lauren throws Dustin over her good shoulder when she noticed he was running behind. Dinah makes it to the gate first, "Fuck there is a lock!"

"We gotta climb over." Camila says and throws her bags over. The rest of the group does the same but Ally looks at Levi.

Dinah gets an idea, "Okay Dinah jr, you're not gonna like this but it's only temporary," she opens a duffel bag and they place Levi in there and make sure his pacifier is in his mouth, "Okay this will be real quick." Dinah zips the bag and carefully puts it on her back. The group begins to climb the fence.

Lauren lifts Billie up the fence, and notices the zombies coming back, "They're coming back!"

Picking up their pace, Camila and Dinah make it over and quickly get a fussy Levi out of the bag. Dustin and Billie make it over the fence and Lauren and Ally were still climbing. A zombie jumps up and grabs Ally's ankle.

"Get off!" she shouts and tries to grab her gun. The zombie yanks Ally but Lauren grips her shirt tightly to keep her from falling. Lauren secures herself on the fence and kicks the zombie in its face making it let go of Ally.

Dinah then shoots the zombie and helps Lauren and Ally. They watch the zombies crowd around them.

"That was close, everyone okay?" Lauren asks as she gets Levi from Dustin.

The group nods and turns around to look at the mall,  "Let's keep moving."

A/n- I really do love your comments <3 this story has become my fav since my other book is about to end

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