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The man that held the gun to Ally's head looked mean. He looked like a biker with his big body build, and revolting tattoos. He brought his mouth closer to Ally's ear, "Maybe while your buddies go and take care of those monster, me and you have some fun."

"Don't fucking touch her you bastard!"

The biker looks at Lauren, and notices her military attire. "Well Ma'am I tip my hat to you and for what you did for our country but it's a world eat world now, so either you guys get moving or I blow her brains out." The kids were told to stay behind and sit while the man held Ally still.

Lauren then says, "We don't want to attract attention to ourselves so no guns." Dinah and Camila nod. 

"Even better put them in the bag." The biker says and the girls give up all their weapons and put them in Dinah's duffle bag she had. Lauren gives him a death stare, he smiles at her with his rotting teeth, "Take it someone don't like it when they touch their belongings," He licks Ally's cheek, and Ally tries to pull away, "She sure do taste good." he taunts and Lauren has to control the rage wanting to come out of her. He points the gun at them, "Get your asses moving!"

Lauren pulls out her big hunting knife, Camila grips her machete, and Dinah swings her bat, "Lets go bust some heads." 

The girls move in, and once the zombies noticed them they begin to move. Lauren gets the first few that come towards her, stabbing them through the forehead. Camila was slicing off head left and right, and Dinah was going on a field day, swinging her bat around at whatever came close.

The biker man was watching in amazement, he didn't notice Billie come up behind him. "Sweetheart, why don't we leave now, promise I won't be rough." He gropes Ally's butt harshly, and Ally cringes at his touch. 

Billie swings her leg between his open ones, "Sweetheart this creep!" 

He falls over in pain, and Ally gets the gun from his hand, and kicks his head knocking him out. Billie and Dustin go to Ally and hug her, "Thank you, thank you." She cries out, and they hold her tight, "Lets get out of here." She says and leads the kids to the cart where the girls were finishing up. 

Lauren looks back after the last zombie falls and sees Ally running towards them, "Oh thank God." Lauren immediately hugs Ally, "I'm so sorry," She then examines Ally, "Did he hurt you anymore? Are you hurt?" She grabs Ally's face and waits for Ally to respond to her. Ally smiles at her care, "I'm fine, I promise." Lauren nods and lets her go, "Lets see what is in that cart so we can get going." 

They all follow her to the cart, and Dustin hands Lauren his mini crow bar to open the doors. "I don't see anything moving in there." She says and gets it open. It wasn't a big cart, just the front where an operator would be. 

Lauren sees a smallish leather chest. "I wonder what's in here that kept them all crowding it." Ally follows in after Lauren, then the kids then Dinah and Camila. Lauren points her gun out and Ally was at her side, "Let me open it, shoot whatever comes popping out." Ally whispers and Lauren nods.

Ally kneels in front of the box. She could hear something moving in it. Lauren readies her gun, "Ready."

Ally takes a deep breath, and slowly opens the chest. 

"Oh my God." she whispers out.

"What? What is it?" Dinah asks trying to see. Ally opens the chest all the way to reveal a baby.

Only a baby. The baby was looking up to Ally with his blue eyes. "You can't be serious." Lauren says and drops her gun. The baby smiles at Ally, probably happy to see a human in who knows how long. Ally smiles back and reaches in to pick him up, "Hi baby..." 

"Wonder where his parents are." Camila asks.

"Closer than you think." Billie motions to the back of the cart, where the see a leg sticking out behind a chair. Dinah and Lauren walk to make sure the person was dead. Dinah drops her gun as they are met with a man with a bullet through his head. Lauren notices the bite on his arm and note next to him. He was a firefighter.

She picks up the note and reads it, "To whoever finds this, I hope the little soldier is alive, my name was Lieutenant Markowitz and my job was to deliver little Levi to the hospital as he was abandoned at the fire station as this all started, he is only 4 months old," Lauren takes a breath as it was beginning to become hard to read, "I was bit trying to keep the both of us alive and there was no other way I could do that as one of those things so I did what I had to do, all I ask is for whoever finds him to please give him a chance, hope is the only thing that will keep the world turning." 

Lauren drops the note.

Ally coos at the baby in her hands, "Hello Levi." Lauren sighs, "Ally we can't keep him." Ally looks at her, "Why not?" 

Lauren shakes her head, "Do you not understand how dangerous he is? How hard it's gonna be to keep him alive?" 

"He's just a baby!" Dinah argues.

"A baby who will scream and cry if he isn't fed and that will give us away! He's not coming with us." Lauren yells and Ally nods, "Fine," She gets up and puts the baby into Lauren's arm, "You get rid of him then." and walks to the door. 

Lauren glares at her, "Fine I will." she looks down at the baby in her arms. She rolls her eyes as he smiles at her, and holds him out. Everyone had left the cart by now and Lauren felt as if she was suffocating. "Damn that Ally..." Giving in, she grabs the diaper bag that had diapers, wipes, formulas, bottles, and a single pacifier in it. She also grabs the blue blanket in the chest and walks out of the cart. 

Giving the baby back to Ally, she huffs, "He's your responsibility, now lets get going."

"You're not going anywhere."

The group turns around and sees the biker man pointing a gun at them, "Should've killed me when you had the chance." When he was about to pull the trigger, and growl is heard from the dark. Everyone turns their attention to where they just came from, and out of the dark comes flying a metal cart. "Oh fuck." The biker squeaks out and is crushed in an instant. 

A roar is heard, and the ground begins to tremble. "WE GOTTA GO!" Dinah yells and everyone begins to run. The ground began to violently shake and out of the shadows came a tank. "IS THAT THE THING YOU WERE TALKING ABOUT?" Billie yells and Dinah nods.

 "SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT!" Dustin yells as they all run.

Ally held onto Levi for dear life. The baby didn't know what was going on so he giggle silently as he bounced. Lauren sees the tank pick up a piece of broken concrete and launches it towards Ally and the baby. "ALLY GET TO THE SIDE!" She crashes into them, holding them against the wall as the concrete flew right past them. Once it was crashes onto the floor, a metal rod went flying and slices Lauren's arm, "Shit." she winces.

They take off once more,and Camila sees the oil puddles they were about to pass up, "I have an idea!" She slows down and waits for everyone to pass her up. Pulling out a flare, she lights it, "Okay big guy, shows over!" She throws the flare into the puddles and runs away as everything begins to catch on fire. 

The group was at the next stop and climbing off of the tracks. The tank had stopped chasing them, it was smart enough to not catch on fire. Camila was running, but once she looked back she sees a cart in the air, coming right her way. 

"CAMILA GRAB MY HAND!" Dinah yells and once she made contact she was practically thrown up the wall, the cart missing her by a hair. 

The group all breathed out, relieved. Dinah looks at Lauren, "Where the fuck we going to next."  

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