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Lauren knew the difference between a thunder clap and a gun. It's when she hears the gun shot outside of the house in the storm that she wakes up and instantly points her gun out.

Ally grumbles in her sleep as Lauren gets up but Lauren felt something or someone was near. She moves out of the family living room the group was staying in and treads down the dark hallway.

The house was shaking due to the storm outside. "As if shit couldn't get worse." Lauren says to herself. She hears splashing down stair case she was about to approach.

She points her gun out and slowly gets closer.

Once she gets to the head of the stairs she points her gun directly at a zombie who immediately noticed her.

The house shakes violently again making Lauren lose grip of her gun, dropping it. She panics as the zombie runs up the stairs and as she reaches for her gun.

"Oh shit!" She falls in the attempt to get it and as soon as the zombie was about to grab her, an eight foot crocodile jumps out of the flood water, snatching the zombie back.

Lauren watches in shock as the violent animal eats the zombie and swims away. "Shit just got worse."


"So we are dealing with trying to avoid the undead, a shit storm and now crocodiles? I say we just sleep it all off."

"Dinah you know we can't do that, we need to get to that boat as soon as possible." Lauren says. "How are we gonna get through that?" Dinah points out to the heavy rain outside the window.

Camila looks in Dinah's direction, and smiles, "Roof hopping."

The roofs were all close nearby one another, and there was a ladder leaning against one of the houses they could use.

"Lauren are you sure?" Ally asks. Lauren nods, "We have to, we are just sitting ducks in here."

The group heard a bang from down the stairs and Lauren looks at Dinah, "Come with me."

Dinah shakes her head.

Lauren glares at her, "Get your ass up." Dinah dramatically falls back, "I just came back from the dead yesterday I think I deserve to sit this one out."

Lauren gives her a look and Dinah sighs, "Ugh fine fine let's go." Lauren looks at Ally and Camila, "Get the kids ready."

They nod and Lauren and Dinah leave the room to the stair case. They slowly walk towards the stair case but Dinah notices a trail of water.

Lauren gets to the stair case and sees nothing, but Dinah stays behind her and sees it leading to the other entrance to the living room.

"Baby boy you're not gonna like this but you're gonna have to take some special medicine." Ally puts a small dosage of melatonin in Levi's bottle, and feeds it to him.

She smiles as he happily takes it but freezes once she hears the sound of a hiss behind her. Slowly turning around, she comes face to face with a crocodile. His mouth was open wide, and Ally scooted back as softly as she could while the crocodile took slow steps towards her.

Camila turns back and sees it alarming Billie and Dustin. Dustin recognizes it was about to snap at Ally so he grabbed a book from the nearby book shelf and chunked it.

It hit the crocodile in the face but didn't do anything just make it focus it's attention on them, "Oh shìt." He mutters and screams as it started to charge at him. Camila distracts it as she throws the lamp at it. Billie tried to run to Ally but the crocodile whacks her with its tail.

Dinah and Lauren finally make it into the room and Dinah shoots at it. She hits the crocodiles foot so it looks back at her and hisses. "Oh my bad." Dinah reacts as it lunges for her and shoots it directly in the forehead, instantly making it stop.

She falls to the ground right where it was and looks at everyone, "That reminds me, I need a new belt," the crocodile hisses and twitches once more making Dinah yelp. "Okay it's time to go." Lauren chuckles.

She watches Ally put a sleeping Levi into a bag, and kisses his forehead before zipping it up. "I hope he doesn't get too wet in there."

"Must be fucking nice, I wish I was a baby again." Dustin grumbles. "You are just bigger." Billie teases and Dustin sticks his tongue at her.

Camila opens the window, letting in the ice cold rain from the storm. "All we need to do it make it to the end of this town, then we will just cross the bridge that leads to the next town that goes straight to Houston, sounds easy enough." She says.

Dinah whispers to Ally, "All I hear is a running and more running away from shit that is trying to eat us." Ally giggles and holds on tight to Levi and the rest of her stuff.

Dinah touches Zac's bag she still had, "Nice of you to keep his stuff still." Ally nods, "It's what he wanted, I don't know why but I haven't found the strength to open it yet."

Dinah pats her back, "I owe you one Ally, you really did save my life." Ally hugs Dinah, "Dinah Jane I would do anything for you."

"Even sit on my face?"

Lauren comes up from behind Dinah and smacks her head, "Come on let's go."

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