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A/n- think y'all will like this one:)

Lauren lead the group inside the empty mall. It looked untouched. "We need to find where they were stationed, maybe they'll have more supplies for us."

Dinah taps Lauren's shoulder, "Soooo can we split up?" She suggests and Lauren sighs, "Yes, so Camila and I-."

"Camila is with me, lessgo!" Dinah pulls Camila away towards the food court, "Ugh fine Billie-." Lauren starts.

"Me and the loser are going our own way." Billie says as she grabs Dustin and goes Dinah and Camila's direction. Lauren glares at her. She was about to impose but Ally stops her, "They will be okay by themselves."

Ally chuckles as Levi starts to babble, "He agrees, come on let's go find help." Ally grabs Lauren's hand to lead her in the opposite way.

Lauren doesn't let go.


"So are Lauren and Ally together?" Dustin asks Billie as the go through Hot Topic. "Not yet, they're doing the complicated thing that two adults do when they like each other but I don't blame them we are in an apocalypse."

"Not yet? So when do they become a thing?"

Billie shrugs, "Lauren and Ally are very different, I don't see it working out though."

"Well I do, but the complicated thing adults do when they like each other is stupid just fucking get together, not like they have a lot of options to cheat one one another with either." Dustin says and Billie nods, "Agreed, can't wait to see someone my age."

"When we get to Houston, we are staying with Ally right?" Dustin asks out of random and Billie nods, "I guess yeah she takes care of us." Dustin nods, "I knew my mom would bring someone to take care of us."

"Don't start getting sappy." Billie jokes but her face falls when she realizes that Ally did remind her of her mother too. "Lauren cares for us too...I think she just shows it differently." Dustin mentions as he messes with the metal jewelry in the store.

"A lot differently."


Lauren's heart rate began to speed up the longer Ally held her hand. Just two days ago she was pointing a gun at her and now she's being sweet as can be. They didn't find anyone, the mall was abandoned. "In here?" Ally asks as she points into a clothing store that had clothes for outdoors and supplies. Lauren nods and follows behind her. Levi has fallen asleep.

Ally walks around grabbing new clothes to try on, and carefully places Levi into a carrier next to the dressing room. "Lauren watch the baby." She commands and closes the doorbell

Lauren rolls her eyes and leans against Ally's door, "Lauren watch the baby," she mocks and messed with Levi's hand as he sleeps. "Did you really need an entire new wardrobe? Nobody to impress these days."

Ally chuckles, "I don't think I need to when you're right here."

Lauren blushes, "Pfft whatever I already told you not to flatter yourself."

"Don't need to, you've already done it."

Lauren laughs, "Oh please it's not like I-."

"Kissed me first?" Ally says and Lauren scrunches her face in embarrassment, "Oh come on I already told you about that, it was instinct."

Ally opens her door making Lauren go falling back into her dressing room, straight into Ally. Ally was up against the wall and Lauren had her arms out on the side her head, accidentally trapping her there. Ally looks at Lauren's eyes then to her lips then says, "Can your instincts kick in again now?"

Lauren was surprised at how bold Ally was being at the moment but soon found herself closing her eyes and leaning in.

A breathe of relief escaped through Lauren's nose as she kissed Ally. She brings her arms down and cups Ally's face, bringing her closer to her.

Ally snaked her arms around Lauren's neck and was backed up against the wall once more. Lauren felt Ally's tongue playing with her lips, and she opened her mouth a little more to let her explore. The groan that came from Lauren's mouth made Ally quiver.

Ally pulls away and softly peppers Lauren's jaw line, "Don't play with me, I don't think you're prepared for the consequences..."Lauren warns and Ally takes that as a challenge and sucks on a certain spot on Lauren's neck making her wince in pleasure.

Lauren grabs Ally's hair and pulls her back gently, and takes her turn to kiss on Ally's neck. "Oh!" Ally squeaks as Lauren lifts her against the wall, making her wrap her legs around her waist. "Told you not to play with me." She lets out and goes back to kissing Ally.

Lauren pulls away and looks at Ally, "You're so fucking gorgeous..." and continues to kiss down her body. Ally never would've thought that Lauren actually thought she was pretty.

Hearing Dinah and Camila nearby Lauren stops, and kisses Ally back up her body, "We will finish this another time..." Lauren whispers and kisses her once more before she exits the dressing room and picks up the still sleepy Levi to coddle him, while she meets her friends outside the store.

Ally closes the door and lets out a silent breath, and runs her hands through her hair trying to process what just happened.

"Hey Lo did you find anything?" Dinah asks and Lauren shakes her head, "Nah but this store has some proper clothes if you want to look around."

"Where's Ally?" Camila asks and Lauren points to her dressing room, "She is trying a few things on in there."

Dinah smirks, "Look at you being a gentleman and not creeping on her." Lauren flips her off, "Where are the kids."

"Not kids." Billie says as she shows up with Dustin at the shop. "If you're annoying and like to talk back then you're in fact a kid." Lauren says back and Billie rolls her eyes, "Ugh you sound like a dad."

"Get used to it." Dinah tells her.

"We found a military set up by Victoria Secret, guess the army dudes needed some motivation, am I right?" Dustin puts his hand in the air to high five Dinah who high fives him back.

"Dustin." Ally warns from the dressing room. "My bad Dinah made me say it."

Dinah smacks his head, "Don't be a fibber because you got in trouble."

"Dinah don't hit him." Lauren says as she walks around the store some more. Dustin sticks his tongue out at her. "Show us the way after Ally gets out." Lauren says to Dustin and he nods, "Yes my lord."

Ally exits the dressing room and is immediately met with Lauren's eyes. The amount of sexual tension rose in the room as they walk around store staring at each other and pretend something didn't just happen in the dressing room five minutes ago.

"Why don't we go to the food court, find some food and call it a day?" Ally suggests and everyone agrees. She walks up to the clothing rack Lauren was at to give her Levi's pacifier, "Just in case."

As Ally turns around, she feels Lauren pinch her butt. Ally turns to glare at her and Lauren just winks and goes back to looking for clothes as she rocks Levi. "We will finish our conversation later." Ally says and walks out of the store with Dustin and Billie them some food.

Lauren looks down and smiles, but realizes she's probably smiling like an idiot and groans, "Oh man what am I doing."

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