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Ally and Zac were currently shuffling quietly through New Orleans. It had been six months since the outbreak. Barely any one was alive. If they weren't alive, they weren't exactly dead.

Ally had been a college student six months ago. Now she's a survivor. A struggling one. Zac was her next door neighbor, his wife Vanessa had worked at a lab in downtown Houston while he had been a pretty well known Youtuber who did cool experiments at home. Ally's parents loved watching him do the backyard ones.

They died along with a lot of people in their neighborhood. When Ally had found them, they had bullets through their heads. It was hard the first three months, but Zac had made sure she was safe. His wife Vanessa was bitten, after the blood drive they had at their house when the events of 'Aggressive' activity had started and they were trying to help the patients at the hospitals.

Now they were hiding in alley ways, trying to avoid the main streets, since they're usually filled with zombies. The walking zombies weren't even the worst things about the outbreak, it mutated some people. Made them more blood thirsty and dangerous than a regular walker.

Ally currently held her pistol to her side, and was following Zac. "How much longer?" Ally asks, and Zac checks his map. "About five more blocks, the gun shop should be barricaded." Walking forward down the alley, a low growl came from around the corner. Zac and Ally look to one another, and ducked behind separate garbage bins.

Zac held his hand out to Ally, signaling her to stay. She recognized the growl from anywhere. It was a hunter. They are exactly what they're called, they jump far and fast, crawl everywhere, and are very violent. But they were easy to kill, since they were usually thin.

Zac takes a deep breathe and readies himself to shoot. He could hear the zombie closing in on them. Ally could see it's shadow. The second Zac was about to shoot, bullets started flying down, and Zac and Ally pressed up tightly against the wall. The guns shooting had to be machine guns.

Then it stopped. They saw the hunter laying on the floor, lifeless. Zac signals Ally to stay down but she can't. Getting up, Ally holds her hands out,"Excuse m-" Ally didn't get to finish her sentence because she was grabbed. Gun to her head, she wasn't sure what to do.

"No!" Zac comes out from hiding and the second attacker points her their gun at him. "Please don't shoot, we aren't infected, I promise."

Ally was scared, but the woman had a calming voice, "If you aren't infected you don't have to worry, we are just gonna do a quick check, hold your arms up." Ally brought her hands up, and saw Zac did the same. The woman who checked him was tall, muscular, pretty. She had her blonde hair up, clearly dyed since her dark brown hair was showing. The tall girl started to pat Zac down, checking him for bites or weapons.

Ally then felt the woman behind her do the same,"Hey hey hey, watch it." Ally yells and she hears a small laugh behind her. The lady proceeds to pat her hands over her body, then finally goes infront of Ally.

She was also pretty, had a fairy like face. "She's clean." The lady states to her partner, and drop their weapons. "My name is Camila, this is Dinah," Camila points to herself then to Dinah. "You look familiar." Dinah says to Zac, and he gives her a smile, "Did you watch Efron Experiments?"

Dinah grins wide, "Every Tuesday afternoon."

"Love meeting fans, I'm Zac and this is Ally."

Ally recognizes Dinah, "Hey I know you, you're DJ Hansen, you were apart of the WNBA."

Dinah nods, "Sure was, until all this crap happened."

Camila picks up her stuff and motions them to follow,"We can get to know one another later, right now we need to find a safe place to sleep at night before the sun goes down."

"We were just heading to the gun shop five blocks away, it's safe." Ally says and Camila and Dinah look at one other. Camila shrugs, "Alright lead the way, we will get our other partner."

Zac was about to say something till he looked down and saw something snake like wrap around his leg. "OH SHIT!" He's pulled back instantly, and Camila and Dinah ready their guns.

"ZAC!" Ally tries to run to him, but Camila holds her back,"Smoker has him, stand back!"

Dinah starts to shoot, but it was too late. They all saw it. The mutated zombie took a bite into his neck before Dinah could shoot it off.

a/n- a lot of the zombies I'm using are from the Left 4 Dead game if you don't know it here are the zombies you'll want to look up to have a better understanding and visual of them.

Boomer. Charger. Witch. Tank. Hunter. Spitter. Smoker. Jockey. :)

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