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Ally had to sit down for a moment, as Billie pick locks the door. Dinah notices how tired she looked, "You know when I was multimillionaire and professional athlete I remember my one night stands looking exactly how you do right now...did a certain green eyed somebody get their hands in the Latin cookie jar?" Dinah teases.

Ally glares at her, "No." she began to blush. "What's a one night stand? Like a table that only works for one night?" Dustin asks. "No it means you have se-." Dinah covers Billie's mouth, "Less talk more escape, chop chop!"

Billie rolls her eyes and unlocks the cell. Dinah grabs the baton nearby and Ally pulls out her gun, "Billie carry Levi, make sure his pacifier is in." Billie nods and does as she's told. Ally goes first, "You know what we could hide out in the stores till we find a way to get out." Dinah whispers.

"Dinah you said there is a car in the front, do you think it has gas." Ally asks and Dinah shakes her head, "No but I'm sure we can find some, the mall is running on gas generators since the power is still on."

So the plan was set. Get the gas, escape the mall, don't get caught. Simple.

"Hold on we need to get our shit back." Dinah says and her and Ally look at Dustin and Billie, then look up. Dustin groans, "Oh you guys suck."


Camila has felt bad seeing Dinah today, and the way the boys had treated Dustin. She walked down the hall way to their cells. She figured they were asleep because she didn't hear Dinah, Dustin or Levi. "Hey guys I know things are rough but- oh shit." Camila mutters as she sees the empty cells.

Looking at the doors she sees Billie's bobby pins in the locks. Camila feels her chest get heavy, and runs out of the room. She had to tell Lauren.

Camila ran out of the room, and straight to the offices where James and Lauren were talking. They had came up with a plan to exit the mall safely through the parking garage with a left over military jeep that would take them straight to a back road interstate leading them away from the big city and straight to Houston. Hopefully.

Camila runs to Bradley's office and sees he isn't there. She sees his walkie talkie on his desk and goes over to it but notices something move under it. Camila bends down and covers her mouth to hold back the scream she was going to let out.

Camila looks closer at the zombie. His body was dismembered but his head was still very alive as well. Camila notices an army badge in a wallet near the zombie. Grabbing it she opens and sees a man.

James Bryant.

Camila gasps and looks up and sees Connor standing outside the office door. "Oh shit." And tried to hide the wallet but Connor laughs, "Love you should've kept to yourself," he walks into the office and closes the door, "Now you're gonna end up like the real James Bryant."

"So you're not real Americans." Camila says and Connor shakes his head no, "Nope, the last team here were a bunch of sissy's that didn't put up a real fight, figured we would have a better chance at surviving if we were apart of your government and clearly thanks to Captain America out there we do."

"Lauren will never help you after she finds out," Connor shoves Camila against the wall, "Finds out what?" He says as he points the gun to her chin.

He runs a finger down her body, and stops at her belt. "Do me a favor and I'll do you one."

"Favor this!" Dinah comes from behind and knocks Connor out with her baton. Camila looks at the unconscious man on the floor then to Dinah, "Oh my God Dinah!" Camila runs and gives her a hug.

"What are you doing? Why are you out of your cell?"

"These guys are impostors, we need to leave the mall while we are still alive." Dinah says. They leave the room and don't bother to stop the hand of the former general crawling towards Connors face.

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