Chapter 10

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          *Your POV*

     I looked everywhere for the girl that Ayano wanted me to learn stuff about but couldn't find her in the whole school, surely I won't go anywhere on my own and hopefully I don't have a time limit since it's almost time to get home and I couldn't even find her "I want to give up so bad.. at least she could've tell me where this girl is but nope, leave all the hard work into my hands and take the easy job" I suddenly spotted B/F/N and instantly went to him, maybe he has a clue where this girl whose fate is coming to an end is.

     "Ah you've finally come Y/N.. I was expecting you" "Quit your weird fantasies B/F/N, I need your help" "You didn't came to fight me? what a shame.." "Boy you sure live in another world, do you know a girl named Amai Odayaki?" he thinks for a while before licking his lips, I tried my best not to be disgusted by it but quite failed "For the matter of fact, I actually do Y/N, she's the best cooker I've ever seen! she prepares so many tasty dishes that it rains in my mouth.. you want to find her and ask for her famous sushi dish?" "Not really, I just.. want her to help me cook better"

     This is not looking good at all, if B/F/N is somewhat friends with Amai or test tasting her dishes then all of this is just gonna create suspicion, even if B/F/N tells me where she is and I manage to do as Ayano says in at least 2 days he will start to understand that someshit is going on, which includes me.. and most likely will blame me for her disappearance "Well you see Y/N, she usually hangs out at a nearby cake shop and at her home, she does go to school but not this one sadly, if you're fast you may catch her at the shop" all of the search for nothing..

     "Hmm.. well thanks for that pal but I think I'm just gonna head home, I feel a bit tired you know" he chuckles lightly before patting my shoulder "School's really exhausting you huh? just go home and get some rest, maybe another day you'll try that tasty sushi" we shook hands and I simply walked off, fortunately B/F/N is easy to trick and that obviously was a lie since I don't want to create any suspicion, and even if I do well hopefully he won't think about me to blame or worse.

     There's a cake shop nearby at school but I don't know if she's there since I've never been there in my life, and how the hell is she preparing sushi at a cake shop? or is she doing that back home? whatever's the case all I need it to find out where she lives then I can go back home like nothing happened "I feel so bad for doing this.. why not just kill Ayano in her sleep and there, no more people dying and no more dirty jobs for me? even though it sounds extremely easy I bet it's not.. Ayano isn't stupid and I bet her house is designed to kill anything that comes in her house while she sleeps, or maybe she isn't sleeping at all"

     I'll think about that later because I will try it one day, even if both of my angel and demon says it's a suicide thing to do I don't care, in life you have to try every single thing that exists, almost everything "This place is actually pretty, too bad I don't come here at all" after half an hour of walking I finally spotted the cake shop, judging by B/F/N words her shift should come to an end, or whatever she's doing inside the building, all I have to do is just wait for Ayano's pray to come out, nothing too hard.

     After 10 minutes or so she finally came out or at least I assumed the person who came out was her, Ayano forgot the most important step of this shit at that's describing her! "Dumbass.." I study the girl and as far as I can tell she is the happy pacifist type, she has a huge smile on her face, her hair is lightly brown as it reaches her shoulders, I don't think she can put on much of a fight.. but never judge the book by it's cover, who knows what combat techniques she has? hopefully not dirty ones.

     Luckily for me there were people outside and I wasn't completely alone, so I just started following her me being of course feet away from her, even though this is risky and I may get in lots of trouble for doing this, acting normal sure won't give it away instantly that I'm being a creep who's following a girl he doesn't know anything about, except for cooking like there's not tomorrow "Just keep your cool Y/N.. everything's gonna be fine.."

     As I was following her being as normal as possible even though my brain told me to turn around and just leave I couldn't, my heart was telling me that it still wants to beat so I just carried on, eventually I passed the school that I was going to and took a left, on this street is the mall along with a cafe shop which is quite far from school "If she's doing this daily then.. I have no words, she must really like cooking and perhaps baking" after a while I came across a house which had 2 floors, Amai steps inside the yard and eventually the building "So this is where she lives? quite fancy not gonna lie"

          *Ayano Aishi's POV*

     As I was sitting on the couch watching a little bit of TV to kill some time and wait for Y/N to come and deliver the info for me, info-chan gave me a message "What does she wants this time? more panties shots?" I take the phone and looked at the message 'Why are you forcing that boy to make the job for you? don't you love your senpai? you should do it and not drag anyone else into this mess of yours' 'Of course I still love him and I have my reasons' 'Whatever you say yan-chan, you know that I could've give you her address easily right?' 'I know, but I'd rather let him get all the info, it's more fun to watch him suffer and most likely have insecurities while doing it' she didn't messaged me after that which I'm glad, I went back watching the boring show on TV "Time is ticking Y/N.. better hurry up.."

          *To be continued*

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