Chapter 51

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     "Who's this?" Asks Ayano while leaning into the cabinet, pressing her ear into the phone as she had her arms crossed "I think both of us know who I am and what I might want" widening her eyes rage started to fill her brain "You.. what do you want?" "Now Ayano, we've been working buddies before and I am not asking you to become ones again.. Y/N is what I want.. he's asleep now, ain't he?" Being put on the thinking she looks out the kitchen "..What can you possibly want from him?" A slight giggle comes from the other end, making Ayano clench her teeth.

     "Was that a glimpse of worry-" "I know what kind of monster you can be when you want to do evil-" "Still.. Ayano-chan, you care enough to give a slight worry about him" the two remained silent, watching the clock ticking constantly Ayano sighs deeply "You don't know me-" "Ayano we don't have this conversation again, if he doesn't show up to complete his part of the deal or he might now see the next day" she hangs up as Ayano slowly turns around, looking into the bowl of yolks "Hmph".

     As she proceeded to make breakfast her mind trailed off to info-chan's words more and more "I don't understand.. how does Y/N knows about her.. what deal..?" Grabbing some cherry tomatoes she started cutting them in half "Why is he associated with her.." groaning she impales the cutting board with the knfe before going upstairs.. are these signs that her yandere side is kicking back in? Opening Y/N's bedroom door slightly she peeks inside, seeing him sleeping peacefully "..I need answers right now.." she walks slowly next to the bed and wanted to slap him, but stopped herself from it when she noticed he didn't had any bandages on his head.

     "..." slowly grabbing into his shoulders she lightly shakes him awake, taking a sit on his bed "Y/N.. wake up" groaning loudly he opened his tired eye, looking at her "Ayano..? What is-" she tightened her grip on his shoulders, making him go into a defensive state as he pulls ber away lightly "Why are you associated with info chan?! That woman brings only but danger!" "Calm down.. Why are you so worked up about it?" Grabbing into her head as she lets out a small sniff "That girl is more dangerous that I was back in the day.. p-please.. stop doing any business with her.. please..".

     Sitting up Y/N sat closer to her, wrapping an arm around her which she shivered from the touch "What has she done to you to make you behave like this?" She remained silent as she hid her face in her palms "Talk to me, Ayano.." "It's not about what she did.. she's manipulative, she can turn you into a puppet and you wouldn't know it! And knowing you.. please stop..-" sighing Y/N brought her into a hug, making her to blush a bright pink "Okay, if it makes you sleep at night then I will stop.. I went to her because I wanted help to deal with Taro, but now I don't need it no more".

     She looks up at him and notices the empty eye socket "You went to that monster to ask for help for.. me?" "It's in the past alright? Let's not bring it up no more" nodding her head she drifts her fingers on her cheek, dancing all the way close to the socket "Does it hurt?" Now blushing himself lightly she grabs into her wrist "..It does, all the time, so please don't touch it" breaking the hug he stands up, stretching his arms "I'll make breakfast, go take-" "I was in the middle of making it when she called, so go ahead take a shower".

     Time goes on as afternoon struck the world, Y/N lands on his feet before walking into the warehouse again as if it was his own home. Once inside she was greeted by info chan who was sitting in an office chair "Truly delightful to see you again, Y/N, I hope you didn't believed Ayano's words this morning yes?" Confused, she instructed him to take a sit "I am mainly confused as of why she is so scared of you.." "Well you see, if I truly want to do evil things I can easily do it.. the reason she's so scared is because I know absolutely everything about her, same thing goes for you, but yet you don't seem scared".

     Beyond confusion Y/N sat there like a puppet "Heh.. seems like someone's brain is a little bit dead at the moment, to make things easier.. I can kill her easily, due to losing her yandere persona somehow.. it seems that she also lost her combat abilities" "You won't kill her, right?" Chuckling she turns around "I have no gain from doing so, another reason as of why she's scared is due to her mother being my right hand" "Woman explain in more simplist terms!".

     Shaking her head lightly she cannot help but laugh "When I lost her companionship and loyalty, I had no one else to do my deeds.. that's where her mother comes into play, and her mom is a true yandere.. way more dangerous than her, and since her mom hates her own daughter for being too close to her father.. well.. she hates Ayano's guts" he looks at her shocked, how can a parent hate their own kids? "Don't be so surprised.. that's how yanderes are, life goes on.. Now there are other small motives as of why she doesn't want to hear about me..but they are for another time, now let's discuss why you are here yes?".

     Sitting back she turns to her desk, writing something on the keyboard a window pops up on the screen, showing Y/N's house "Don't ask, just look" getting closer to the desk he spotted the window being a security camera recording around 4 AM. Waiting a little bit Y/N spotted a figure creeping around his house "Who the fuck is that?" "Not sure myself, but this isn't the first night when it happens, from the figure it looks a bit small.. could be a girl" Y/N, shocked as he couldn't believe what he was seeing, he remained silent.

     "I advise you to be more careful at night, I will have you do a small task in exchange of telling you this, I want you to deliver me a custom cake I ordered fro your friend's bakery, Amai, but I have one more thing to discuss about.." "Get it over fast" "You and Ayano is what I want to talk about, since Taro is no more she can be all yours.. can she not? it's your only chance now so don't fuck it up" sighing out loud Y/N looks back at the screen "This morning she came to me and was worried about me talking with you and all.." "Then you seem to be on the right path".

     With the sun setting down Y/N entered his house "I'm home" his nostrils were instantly hit by the smell of food, which made water to appear in his mouth. Ayano walked out from the kitchen with an apron on "..Hello, I'm glad you came, I actually have something for you, come" walking back in the kitchen he followed behind. Crouching down at a cabinet she pulled out a box with a gray bow on top of it "This is for you" she had a small pink blush on her face which made Y/N smile "Hehe.. thank you Ayano".

     Opening the gift his mouth slightly opens as he stares at the gift, grabbing into the inside the box he pulls out a black eye patch "I'm sorry but I didn't found any other.. color.." she remained silent as she watched Y/N staring at the eye patch, his hands slightly shaking. Ripping his bandages off he slowly puts the eye patch on, before looking over at Ayano "It looks good on you!" She smiled lightly, but she noticed the tears falling off from his eye "Y/N..? I-" he pulls her into a tight hug, making Ayano yelp "Thank you so much.. this is the best thing anyone has ever done to me.." smiling she hugs him back, rubbing his back lightly "It's alright Y/N.. you deserve such a gift..".

---*To be continued*---

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