Chapter 13

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          *Your POV*

     After I've been wondering for a bit I think the ideal way to get rid of Ayano is gonna be related to the poison she gave me and I have 2 options here, I go there and shove this thing right down her throat while she doesn't expects it or I could just plan everything before applying this poison in her food or something.. nah extreme is my middle name that I didn't knew about "Y/N how about we start things easy and pick a simple cake to make? it's just a plain cake, a chocolate one" she already prepared everything by now and while B/F/N did came over Amai sent him to the market to buy so stuff, bet he's jealous.

     "Okay so this is gonna be easy enough, I will tell you all the stuff you need to do and you just perform them, unless you can't I am here to help you" "Wait, am I the only one baking?" "Yes! your friend is out and well it's gonna take a while for him to return, but in the mean time we both can do work" that put me thinking a bit, so if B/F/N was here we would've bake together right? well thankfully he isn't because this was clearly suspicion if she felt bad after taste testing my cake, man this is tensing..

     She then started explaining how to do the whole thing while I tried my damn best to understand her language of the kitchen, so the first step was cracking some eggs into a bowl which was easy enough "Now that you have 4 eggs in the small bowl, you need to make the consistent foam" I think about what she said earlier and I grabbed a bigger bowl before tossing the yolks in it, some sugar along with vanilla sugar and a bit of a salt before mixing all of the ingredients into a huge mess "Very good Y/N, you're not that bad as you say you are" "That's because you just told me what to do, believe me my kitchen can become like a guy's kitchen who's obsessed with eggs"

     The volume of the mixture got bigger as the foam started to make an appearance as I grabbed something that would give this cake a taste which was lemon and poured some melted butter into the foam before starting mixing yet again, but only for a couple of seconds "Y/N? can I ask you something? why do you have your eye covered with an eye patch? and a bit of bandages? I don't want to sound rude and I really wanted to ignore it but.. did something happen?" I turn my head to her and shook it slightly "I prefer not to talk about it, please just ignore it"

     It was a small silence but I just kept going with my small cake as I grabbed another bowl before pouring some flour into it, along with some cacao but not too much and a bit of baking powder as I started mixing them as well "Amai can I ask you something? is it possible to have a gun license in this country?" she looked at me weirdly but chuckled as she looked into some recipes "And why in the world would you want one? we're already protected you know?" just for good purposes Amai, I would do a good for everyone most likely "Just forget I said anything about it"

     After a bit of mixing I've got a cacao powder as I poured little by little in the egg foam as I mixed between each pour, in the end getting a chocolate composition "Okay Y/N I gotta be honest with something.. I offered to teach you how to cook not because I want to, after all I'm a human being who needs some time for herself and the last thing I want is to teach people how to bake.. now don't get me wrong I love baking but the thing is I'm no teacher, I just offered to help you for a reason" I stopped pouring the composition into the cake form as I looked at Amai, I mean I do understand her since all day she does is baking, she must get sick of it at one point before going back at it.

     "You're good friends with B/F/N and he seems like a nice guy, he even offered to help me around the bakeria so you know.. um.." "You don't have to say anything else Amai, I understand your po-" the door bell rang cutting me off as Amai smiled a bit "That must be B/F/N.. Y/N you just put the form in the oven and turn it on alright?" she stood up leaving the kitchen giving me the opportunity to pour the poison into the substance.. and that's what I did because I wanna go to hell, luckily I didn't poured all the composition into the form so I still could've mix the poison to make it unseeable to the human eye.

     After rushing a bit to not get caught I put the form into the oven and turned it on while thinking how many punches God will give me before sending me to hell "Now that's done.. I have another problem and that's B/F/N, well lying is always the best option I guess" I stood there in the kitchen like the good kid I am before the two lovebirds came "Something smells good in here.. what did you guys make?" "A plain cake to start, Y/N did a very nice job but I'm afraid you're getting none of it" says Amai while giggling a bit "Well I didn't wanted to taste it anyway.. he must've done a horrible job and you're just saying that to encourage him" if Amai wasn't here I would've threw him out of a window, this time he gets to be a human being instead of a bird.

         *Time skip*

     By now B/F/N literally fell asleep in the chair while waiting for the cake to bake, which it did 20 minutes ago but I can safely say that my mission was a success since Amai ate almost half of it, not sure how she's still alive but.. I guess I just have to wait "I have a weird feeling in my stomach.. and it isn't hunger" I do feel bad but as I said before she would've died anyway.. Ayano did texted me saying God knows what since I just ignored her messages, at least for now because I have a feeling she might do something bad if I don't answer them "She fucking told me the poison is fucking deadly.. and yet this girl still lives, not saying it's a bad thing but the faster It's over the faster I can get the fuck away from this shit and feel bad"

     I just looked outside the window as it slowly started to rain "At least I have the rain to relax me a bit after what I have just done.." my phone started buzzing as I pulled it out only to see Ayano calling me "..I'm fucked aren't I" with hesitation I answered and I could feel her glare on me for some reason "Why aren't you answering the messages? it says you do see them" once again I can't tell if she's cool or angry by her emotionless situation "How do you want me to answer them while I'm trying to bake?" it was a small silence as I looked back in the kitchen, B/F/N still sleeping but no trace of Amai "Fair point, is it done yet?"

     If I was alone I would've yelled at her for making me do this and even if she would've slap my soul to the other life I don't care "Just be patient will you? that's why you called me? Ayano you're making me do some awful stuff.. at least be fucking pa-" "If you fail me your wanker is no more, and be glad because I'm being kind to you right now, if you don't want to become a transgender.. get. it. done" she hanged up as I gulped, not so confident anymore "Bitch.." after a few minutes of just thinking about what would Ayano do it finally happened, or at least I thought so, I heard loud coughs in the kitchen as I rushed into it "What in the world is happening?" "I don't really feel good.." says a poor Amai as some blood was in the sink, there goes the second victim..

          *To be continued*

     A/N: I have no idea if you guys understood anything from what little description of making a damn cake but in Romania there are some words that don't really have a translation into English so I had to be creative, I also had no idea what to write in this chapter so I just went with the cake thingy. But what matters is that we have a new cover for the story and I would really like to hear your opinions about it, it's made by me and I'm quite embarrassed to post it but eh.. Why making a new cover? simple! because I want to have stuff on my own, not just a random image off google, it may be cringy, bad, or however you see it but at least I'm trying. Stay safe out there since shit is just going more and more crazy.

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