Chapter 26

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---*Your POV*---

     Here I was standing in a stranger's house full with weird stuff in it, but hey I'm not the one to judge and since I don't want to lose my precious life of a slave I'll just keep those comments to myself. "Okay so this plan of yours may actually work, but why not tell her straight up to confess her feelings for him? and how can an emotionless girl even have feelings in the first place?" she asks me while tying her hair, she was trying new hairstyles for a while by now "I.. I mean that's actually a good idea.. but I fear she will do something very stupid to me so I won't risk it, we'll just stick to this plan okay?".

     I could hear her annoyed sigh but she kept silent, looking into my eye while finally finishing her tying process "Sure thing.. so all I have to do is to put up a good word for Ayano? sounds easy enough.. if I had any that is" no no she does have a huge point there, I mean what's Ayano's good at in the first place? does she knows how to cook even? Taro likes food right..? "Well you just gotta come up with some then! we just need to get him to actually look towards her way, up next is simply up to Ayano's! end of discussion".

     She thinks for a short while before grabbing her notebook from the coffee table along with a pencil, either drawing or writing something on it "Well there's only one good thing I know about her, and that one thing is that she's really smart.. killing without getting caught? need quite the intelligence, not only that but she does well too in classes! especially in Biology for some reason" if I do re-think about the whole thing what if I just go straight up to Taro myself and tell him about this ash? though it may be weird and out of the blue so I don't really know..

     With a sigh escaping Oka's mouth she placed the book back in it's place and looked at me "Alright I need to think about this whole thing, you mentioned Amai Odayaki before, is she the only one who's gonna help us out?" "I believe so, unless my friend wills to help.. which I doubt so, but come on you girls can cook something up right?" she rubbed her eyes in frustration and stood up, making her way towards the kitchen "Yeah sure.. we'll see about that" well Oka's taking care of.. all I need is a photo of her non existent corpse before I can go on with my day.. most likely to see B/F/N.

---*Third person view*---

     Though the events of the past month should've really hit up Amai's head real good, not only with mostly pain but hatred too towards Y/N, but what's the case? her being all happy about life in general which is mostly weird for anyone if you do ask us. Although not only her forgiving Y/N for actually trying to kill her is a very odd thing, she also agreed to help him in order to get out from the demon of a girl hands. Why? that's the best question we all wonder.

     Right now Amai was resting in her fluffy comfortable bed, back at home for once, however B/F/N wasn't at her side no more since he left a long time ago saying he has to catch up with his school work and such, oh but poor Amai will have so much to do when she'll be able to go back school herself, dealing with Ayano is the first case that's gonna be the most dangerous one. But Amai wasn't worried by that, she was curretly thinking how to actually help Y/N in this situation, even though she agreed she had no idea how to put up good words for Ayano so her senpai could notice her, isn't that what yanderes want in the first place? or is it just pleasure for themselves?

     "What... what does even Ayano do in the first place..?" wondered the girl, snuggling up inside her covers real good while turning to the other side, it wasn't even evening but she was already in her bed yawning. Perhaps she's tired from all the hospital trip, perhaps she's tired of what's happening around, or perhaps.. is it someone in particular? "Oh I know! who doesn't love a future wife that cooks the best meals along with baking the most sweetest things? yes! finally after hours of thinking!" Amai squeeked with pure happiness coming out from her voice, though DOES Ayano even know what a oven is? she may have one but still..

---*Ayano Aishi's POV*---

     "Please! I beg of you! let me go! I haven't done anything!" said the girl in pure fear as she was terrified to even speak at this point, but hey whose fault is it that she's after MY senpai? she turns left.. right.. whenever she runs to there's no escape from love, after all it surpasses all sorts of power! "Oh God.. please help me! I don't pray to you often BUT PLEASE-" I throw the knife right into her leg as it pierce through even her bone, blood splashing around the nearby tree and path of dirt, she fell face first into the path as she screamed in pain, starting crying her eyes out.. such unfortunate for her.

     She tried her hardest to stand up and continue running but I quickly stomped on her head, forcing her to stand down "It's not my fault no one will come to help you out, after all it's your fault for running into the woods into the first place.. not to mention falling in love with him, seriously what's with you girls?" she obviosly said something but only mumbles came out, a wild grin appeared on my face as I look at her messed up leg.. reaching quickly after the knife before pulling it out, blood pouring from the new wound this girl acquired.

     The wound was so deep that the bone could've been seen, though that didn't stopped me from rolling the girl on her back, locking her eyes with hers "YOU ARE A PSYCHOPAT-" with a quick swing I shut her off by stabbing her right into the jaw before pulling the blade out, she obviously cried screamed out helplessly in pain as she tried to fight me off but I put my hand over her mouth with a tight grip, chuckling "You can't do shit little girl, look at you struggle.. I'll admit I'm impressed that you are still alive" not for long though.

     I rise the knife high up in the sky.. stabbing her right into the stomach.. mumbled screams came from my hand but I pull it out, and did it again.. and again.. and again, a blood puddle started creating around her body as she was still moving "Alright you start to piss me off now.. just give up and accept death" with a deep stab into her thigh and rolling the knife a bit I sit myself on her chest making sure she can't move one inch.. with my thumbs ready and nails sharpened I dig right into her eyeballs with full speed, I'm pretty sure her screams could've been heard from cities away.

     Eventually, satisifed, I pull my fingers out along with her eyeballs being impaled right into my thumb nails, I grab both of them off right into my hand and I look at them.. before crushing them and letting the blood pour down right into the girl's sockets "This is what you deserve for messing with the wrong person" she weakly opens her mouth to say something.. but nothing came out.. nothing. I pull the knife once more and I stab her right into her heart, getting the knife back and pocketing it into my skirt before I take my leave.

     I was really happy now, previously I was angry that Y/N was still not done with Oka but right now this was refreshing! I could simply kill another girl just for fun. As I was walking all the way back home thinking how I would sneak back into my house without being seen I could feel the wind being cutting behind me and I quickly duck under as pulled my knife out withing a blink of an eye, within a half a second I could hear something hitting a tree as I look at what it was, a hatchet? where the fuck did it even came from..

     However that question would be soon answered as some ruffles where heard from some bushes, I turn around once more as I see a girl with a coat? a jacket? the hell it was over her while she had a tough look on her face "I may have been the most fearful in that high school, I may have broke feelings for a lot of people, I may have been rebelled.. I may have broke bones by accident which I really didn't wanted to happen, it was just for people to get the signs.. but YOU? you are a sick piece of hell's ash, killing innocents.. toying with them.. making them suffer..-" "ENOUGH TALKING! who the fuck do you think you are? you think you're better than me if you threw a hatchet?!" it was a small silence before she bursted into laughing "Oh I don't need weapons to fight you Yan-chan..".

     I take a better look at her as I notice a couple of bandages wrapped around her whole forearms, and her thigh. She has a short blonde hair along with brown eyes and a X scar on her cheek, I have never seen her back in Japan.. "What's the matter? not too talkative now are you? or did you acknowledged the fact that I'm Osoro Shidesu? the one who beat up the entire deliquents group back when they were more than five.. I may have done bad things and I admit them, but I never killed.. so that's why I'm here to stop you once and for all, thanks to your friend I managed to track you down" she smirks as she shows me a phone with a contact with the name of Info-chan, anger started to boil inside of me.. I will make her eat her own body parts "Come on Yan-Chan, bring it on"

---*To be continued*---

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