Chapter 23

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                                                              ---*Ayano Aishi's POV*---

     "Don't forget Yan-Chan, you still own me these pics.. unless you want me to stop give you any sort of information about obstacles in your love path" "Yeah yeah got it you sick pervert, you'll get them next Monday and no exceptions this time" I hang up the phone and place it on the drawer, with a small Yawn I get up from the bed and looked outside the window. It was a pretty sunny day but I can't trust the weather no more these days, I proceed to make my way towards the kitchen to make myself some fresh breakfast.

     While I was deciding what to eat a thought occur in my mind, how did Oka even fell for Senpai in the first place? she rarely even speaks and not to mention she's shy as a freshman during their first year of prison, I'm getting sick and tired about all the girls falling for Senpai.. the worst of them all is that HE actually notices them and leaves me behind! A small sigh escapes my lips as I let my anger vanish away while deciding to finally make some toast with scrambled eggs.

     I put slices of bread in the toaster and until they're done I think I need to perform a call on a certain person.. Oka somewhat knows my deal so having to take her out will be tiresome not to mention a bit risky too, if I fail she may do something absurd.. so this leaves me to let my puppet take this matter, maybe my heart will allow a small payment this time. So that's exactly what I did, I started making my way back into my bedroom, grabbed my phone and walked all the way back to the kitchen "Afternoons are so peaceful.. the fresh air coming from outside it's always refreshing to my whole body".

     The toaster launched the slices of bread up as I couldn't help but flinch, it always makes me think someone is going for a swing across my head.. I grabbed a small plate and put the new delicious food on it before putting it on the counter. With my hand reaching for my phone again I dial up Y/N's number and put it at my ear, waiting in silence "Let's see... today's Saturday so I don't really have anything to do, maybe making Y/N kidnapping Oka will make today's evening a looot fun.. though juding by Y/N's competence he may fuck things up and only bring trouble.. hmm.."

     Although I would've enjoy to be with my own thoughs for a short while he soon picked up, clearly not happy that I was the one who called him "Why hello there Y/N, you know what time it is.. a new girl has joined the list" it was pure silence for a couple of seconds.. but with a groan, he answered "Nice.. who's the girl this time? another girl that enjoys baking?" "Oh no no.. that was child's play Y/N, you have to deal with a crazy girl in fact, judging by the fact that she was the leader of the occult club back in our school".

     Yet another silence was at the end of the phone.. I couldn't even hear his breaths, was he scared? thinking? reevaluating his life decisions? "Okay.. WHY the FUCK can't you do it though? I have stuff to do you unheartful demon" a small smirk formed on my lips as I took a sit at the dining table, maybe Oka is not the only one on the list.. "Seems like someone has quite the voice today.. if you were in front of me you wouldn't even DARE to say anything, let alone raise your voice and cuss, didn't ya mama teach you cussing is bad?".

     I could hear a small frown but surprisingly he didn't continued the.. argument "Fine I'll do it, what's her name?" "Her name is Oka Ruto, though I want something different this time.. well not really, but you'll just gonna bring her over to my place like you did with Osana, okay? oh and Y/N if you get a text from a number in the next few hours do not answer th-" "Wait wait wait.. no, hear me out Ayano, I'm not gonna risk my ass to bring Oka.. whatever, to your place because you just want to toy with her! I'm killing her on spot you hear me?!" I raise my eyebrow a bit as he clearly surprised me, but hey I'm not the one who's gonna get in trouble if he gets caught so I don't care really.

                                                                         ---*Your POV*---

     "Alright Y/N if you really say so, glad that we are finally on the same page together.. so beware of a reward when you are done, the so called heartless demon will actually rewards your troubles, now get it DONE before I change my mind" and with that I have escaped from the hands of death itself, she simply hangs up and I think about the whole situation. Obviously I'm gonna stick with my plan but how do I explain it to this girl now? Amai seemed to understand quite easy.. but what if this girl doesn't want to cooperat- you know why bother? I'm just gonna let Amai do the whole work! well not all of it but still..

     First I just have to wait for Amai to get better then I guess I will go after Oka, now judging by what Ayano told me.. she used to be a leader of an occult club? now that doesn't sound too sane for me or.. normal, but hey we are ALL free to do anything we want in this life after all, almost everything. However there's some things that make me hate Ayano more and more, no one speaks about my mama like that and.. well in this case she can get away with it but come on, a mother is a mother that struggles so damn hard to raise kids, most cases by themselves.

     I step back into the salon where the two love birds were holding hands, though Amai seemed to be asleep B/F/N couldn't help but smile like a mad man "Hey dude.. gotta go, I have some stuff to do back home and besides that project for Mrs. Catelin" he quickly turned to me and his smile faded away "Okay Y/N, if you need something just call alright? oh and don't get upset that I make you do all the work for me because I'm not attending school.. it's just..-" "You don't have to say no more B/F/N, I understand, take care of her or you'll be sorry later"

     He chuckles and we bumped fists before I walk out from the room, closing the door softly to not wake Amai up, poor girl semeed in lots of pain while she talked to me, she isn't a great hider at all. Now to focus on my main objective.. tracking Oka Ruto and have a small talk with her, or why tracking her when I can just search the whole building for her.. whatever it may be I first have to try and get her out from Taro's head, he needs to focus on another girl that could take my life at any moment if I'm not careful enough.

                                                                  ---*To be continued* ---

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