Chapter 68

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     Y/N looked at B/F/N with his arms up, while having a gun pointed at his head "Hear me out bud, let's fucking talk about this and put you on the right track" "Right track? there's no such thing for me! not anymore it's not!" cocking the gun B/F/N points the gun again "Look bud, I don't want to deal with this anymore, I have a family now and I would very MUCH like to take care of it without problems like you, so I propose you a deal" the two men stare at each other as suspense started to rise up in the room.

     "I'll give you the hell you want , having a chance to start again in your life, in exchange you leave me alone forever and ever, how's that?" "I have nothing to return to, the only thing I want to do is take all of you out!-" "You have nothing to return because you broke up with Amai for a reason that's most likely absurd! I'd dare say you deserve it!" growling under his breath he pulls the trigger for it to miss on purpose "Keep talking shit and you'll end up dead, that's the only warning shot you're getting Y/N!" "You claim that you want to kill me, yet you have so many fucking chances, you don't take them you just waste them, do you really want to kill me or make sweet talk?".

     Not having the time to to do anything else, Y/N was quick to grab into a pan and a vase,  throwing the vase towards B/F/N, quickly dodging out of the way B/F/N pulled the trigger. Y/N on the other covered his face with the pan as the bullet didn't managed to pierce through the pan "How the hell is that even possible?!" he pulls the trigger again but Y/N jumped on the side before taking a swing at his hand, throwing the gun into the floor "Ngh! I fucking hate the way you're being protected!" not listening to his words Y/N takes a swing at B/F/N's head, which dodged out of the way.

     "Give up B/F/N, I'm honestly getting so tired from all of this, I just want to have a rest" groaning annoyed he lunged toward the gun, which gave Y/N the opportunity to jump on him as the two men started to brawl it out on the floor.  The front door opens revealing Megami with a panicked face upon seeing the fight that was going on in the kitchen "Give it up B/F/N! or I'll be using-" a scream of pain filled the living room as a window being shattered is heard "Who has the upperhand now huh?!" Megami quietly picked up a chair before tip toeing into the door's frame "Get your damn hands off you misguided idiot!".

     Peeking into the kitchen Megami saw B/F/N on top of Y/N who was trying his hardest to choke the bottom man, she also managed to spot a stripe of blood next to them which made her to panic a little bit more than before. However she took all the bravery she has and manned up, after all she was the president of the student council and was always considered fearless. Grasping into the chair's legs she takes a hard swing across B/F/N's head, which successfully connected, both breaking the chair into pieces but also knocking B/F/N out completely. 

     "'bout time you showed up" spoke Y/N while panting rather heavily, standing up from the ground he looks at Megami who stared at him, or rather at his now busted open head "Y/N.. ..I thought that we would have peace.. what is the meaning of this?" he looks at the out cold body of B/F/N before glaring back at Megami "..And I'm willing to keep into that promise Megami" she grunts annoyed, before throwing the table legs into the floor "I'll deal with him Y/N, just.." silence fell upon the two, as the girl closed her eyes in frustration "Fix yourself up, Ayano should never find out about this".

     Days passed since the B/F/N incident, after the fight Y/N called the police once again and they took B/F/N away from good. In the Y/N residence everything seemed to be pretty calm at the moment as the atmosphere was finally quiet.. relaxing.. a blessing from the lord indeed "Y/N, come here" instructed Ayano as the boy peeked his head out from the kitchen, with an actual apron on "Woman, man cook, man must feed wife, man-" "not in the mood for jokes Y/N.. please do come here" gulping his spit in a little fear of making Ayano angry, he easily complied.

     Sitting down on the couch he finally took notice of the unpleasant distress in Ayano's face "What's wrong? where's Lucas?" she makes a faint smile, seeing how Y/N worries about his boi, hopefully Y/N doesn't have a frozen axe somewhere hidden "Don't worry, his apparent aunt, is playing with him upstairs.. Y/N, did you ever thought about.. these moments?" feeling a little bit confused he decided to play dumb "Yes" okay maybe that was a little too dumb.

     Nevertheless Ayano still cracked out a giggle, but it died down soon after "Say Y/N.. what would your family say about this? do you think they would've loved to see you as a father?" his gaze slowly turned towards the window, at the gray clouds which had starts dancing around them "..I think they would've liked their grandchild.. but.. hey, they still have a set of grandparents after all, which are quite young mind you" "Yeah.. yeah he does" standing up Ayano decided to walk upstairs, leaving Y/N alone with his burning passion in the kitchen.

     Slowly creak opening the door to their bedroom she saw Megami playing the best minigame one baby could ask for "Now now, where's auntie Megami?" she leaned into the crib, before revealing her face "Here's auntie!" and thankfully not with an axe through a door. Seeing this Ayano couldn't help but smile at the sight "I still don't understand why she's insisting so much to take the auntie role upon herself.. who knows what's going on through that head of hers?" closing the door gently she closes her eyes happily at what she managed to achieve so far "Finally.. inner peace at last.. the beginning of something great..".

---*To be continued*---

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