Chapter 62

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     Ayano and Megami were staring at one another in cold glances, Y/N sat on the couch as  he occasionally looked back and forth at the girls "So let me get this straight.. you want to stay here for a couple of days because your father kicked you out?" asked Ayano as Megami mentainted her cold glance, before eventually sighing out "..Yeah, what's so hard to understand here Ayano?" "Girls girls.. stop with the cold stares please, we can resolve this like grown ups can't we?" added Y/N as the two of them turned their heads at him.

     "Ayano, like it or not she saved your bacon at the restaurant.. Megami, I know that in the past you two were enemies because you knew what sort of monster Ayano was but that's in the past, right now Ayano is a whole other girl finally being able to understand emotions like we do, so" he stands up as he grabbed both of their hands, uniting them into a handshake "Forgive and be forgiven, at least that's what they like to say.." sighing out loud Ayano slowly shakes Megami hand "Okay.. yeah.. okay.." Megami breaks the hand shake before taking her sit back.

     However since the gray haired girl couldn't exactly bear to watch Megami at the moment she left to the kitchen to resume her cooking, while Y/N remained with Megami who by now was starting to get more and more emotional "Say pal, you don't look so good, what happened?" he asked as the girl softly sighs, gripping into the couch "..Word spreads fast to my father you know, he found out that I went back on his word and well.. when I came back to my apartment my stuff was already by the entrance as a couple of his guards were inside the building.. so I took the suitcase and.. walked to you".

     What sort of man suddenly drops all the love he has for his daughter just because she didn't followed an order? "So.. I ask again.. may I stay here for a couple of days until I get back on my feet..?" placing a hand on her shoulder to calm her down a little he puts on a smile "Cheer up Megami, while it's a bit stupid to let a stranger in my house.. I know for a fact you have good intentions, because if you didn't.. well, Ayano wouldn't be alive right now would she?" she silently stares at him as a small tear drops on the floor, seems like what her father took away all of her privileges it's finally getting to her.

     "You can stay as much as you like Megami, after all I owe you one.. but under one condition, which is to befriend Ayano to some extent" she tilts her head a little bit "To some extent as in.. to not coldly glare at one another, maybe have a chit chat here and there.." she slightly smiles as she nods her head, remaining silent "I do have some questions about you Megami, but I don't think this is a good time to ask them out so instead.. let's get you to your room shall we? after all my house is quite big.. I honestly don't know why I bought such a large house to begin with.." "What do you even work as..? paying the bills for a house like this should cost a bit.." Y/N chuckles "A profesional shall never reveal his truth about earnings".

     Eventually the three of them were having dinner, well at the moment there were only two since Y/N had to check something outside. Megami was helping to prepare the table while Ayano finished her final touches to the food "So you're not.. you know.. going to kick me out?" asked Megami while she glanced over to Ayano "Why would I? Y/N is the ruler of the house after all, he decides what to do and not.. besides you did saved my life after all back then, so it's only fair" Megami smiles to herself as she places  the last plate down "Say.. how is your wound doing?".

     The two girls were now sitting at the table waiting for Y/N to come back, food was already settled on the table, warm and fresh "It's doing better if I'm being honest.. still hurts a little bit here and there but I can handle it, are you sure your father won't come after you?" she remained frozen in her place, as if she didn't took that bit into consideration "..Well, he kicked me out from the apartment didn't he? I don't think he will come after me, he has nothing to do with me no more I'm afraid".

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