Chapter 22

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---*Your POV*---
     "Do you think she's gonna make it out alive..? live a happy life afterwards..?" that was the only concern that B/F/N had the whole trip to the hospital, if Amai will either die or live her whole adventure of the hospital "Don't worry bud, she's not giving up that easily on herself and her friends, although that gets me thinking.. is someone perhaps in love?" without any further movements he started to slap me and deny every single bit of soul the last sentence I just said, seems like someone is not only in love but a damn tsundere as well, just how is Amai gonna deal with it?

     "Just shut up! you're not the only one allowed to get a girlfriend now are you?! besides I don't want to.. you know.. lose another girl.." another girl? oh boy that has so many meanings, some of them wrong too "What do you mean by losing another girl? what, you have daughters nowadays?" "No you god damn half infested with a raw potato instead of a brain! in the past I had another crush on a girl which you knew! Midori? the green haired girl? come on you still remember her! guess what happened! she either died or disappeared! now that I found another girl that's actually sweet and kind I don't wanna lose her!".

     Usually B/F/N is always on with jokes and making fun out of the most serious situation that can occur from time to time, but right now he sounded sincere and actually in pain, now I don't know if he actually TALKED to the girl and started dating like in any story or movie ever that I've seen and read but if only a crush is at stake then it wouldn't necessarily hurt THAT much, right? "Alright alright no need to be so worked up about it jeez.. all you need is to calm down for once, what's the worst it could happen? she's most likely fine due to the care of the doctors" he rolls his eyes and kept going forwards, grumbling a bit "Guess you're right..".

     Eventually we arrived at the hospital after taking hundreds of turns to the left and right, getting lost a couple of times because of a certain someone forgetting the actual path to the building and of course we cannot forget about the massive crowds of people that we had to walk over in order to move at fucking all "You know Y/N, I want you to know that if.. hopefully not.. Amai doesn't make it out alive, I want YOU to at least have fucking success and get to the love life, so even though I still have some bit of trusting issues on Ayano.. maybe once she's with you, who knows? you'll change her into the greater good, and that's why I'm willing to give her another chance" he smiles at me while patting my shoulder, chuckling in the process before entering the building that it's also known as a legal torture mansion.

     Despite me hating hospitals for obvious reasons nowadays B/F/N made his way to the receptionist desk while I take a sit in the lobby room, surprisingly today wasn't that much of a busy day, can't believe stupid people did not perform any stupid videos that gets oddly millions of views today. Now I can slowly start working up my plan and make it alive since Amai is now gonna be back in action soon enough, though I have no idea how to persuade her yet.. oh well, I'll go with honesty first and we'll see where that leads us, though I'm not pretty sure if that's a good idea at all but better honest than lying from the beginning.

     "Come on let's go" I look up only to notice B/F/N's pure happiness forming on his face, seems like he finally got some good news in the past few weeks, and oh boy what news "So I assume she's fi-" "Come on just move your damn ass already!" I shake my head but couldn't help but smile a little, I stood up and began following him around the halls, staircases, more halls, some wrong rooms and of course at the end of the journey, where our rewar- excuse me HIS reward was waiting "W-Who's there..?" spoke a soft, weakened, scared voice which lured B/F/N in even more, sitting on his knees next the the bed "Hey hey, don't worry now no one is gonna hurt you anymore.. you're safe and in good hands.. you'll be alright and back on your feet in no time".

     A soft giggle comes from her followed by a couple of small coughs before taking softly B/F/N's hand "You struggled to came all the way here for me..? hehe.. you sure are a silly boy.." cannot lie, I'm jealous of B/F/N right now but what can I do in those situations? just gotta let those two love birds enjoy the moment while it lasts. Soon enough Amai's eyes met with mine, even though her smile grew a bit wider it faded slowly "Say B/F/N.. could you get me something to drink..? it's been a while since I last drank anything.. doesn't matter what you get" he quickly nods his hands as he got his wallet out, walking past me outside the room "Y/N.. get over here..".

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