Chapter 48

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     Strucking Noon the clock started ringing loudly waking up Ayano in the process of her nap "Ngh.. already..?" Pressing into the clock it shut off before Ayano sat up. Looking behind her she didn't saw Taro in bed "I guess he didn't came home today either.." rolling her eyes annoyed she went into the bathroom to do her girly business. As the clock ticked Ayano, now all dressed up with her hair tied into her ponytail "Today is the day change is in order.. I am so done with his shit" Removing some piles of clothes from the closet she eventually found her suitcase.

     While she was packing with holy intent her ears suddenly perked up hearing the front door being opened followed by a grunt and a thud. Not giving a care in the world she looked at the nightdesk seeing a photo of herself and Taro in a pose, which was Taro hugging Ayano from behind and the girl making a heart shape with her fingers "What happened to this side of you Taro?" Grabbing the frame she took a good look at it "You disgust me..." crushing the glass with her knuckle she picked up the photo before ripping a little bit if it off, specifically Taro's head.

     Grabbing into the suitcase she made her way downstairs, upon seeing the couch she instantly spotted a drunk Taro on it "You..." trembling with emotions and not being sure what to do, she puts the suitcase at the front door before walking up to the drunk bud. Kneeling over, her nostrils were instantly attacked by a strong sweet perfume "I.." she stared at Taro in disbelief before noticing lipstick all over his neck "No.. how dare.." letting her emotions take over tears flooded her eyes before sinking into her palms.

     Hearing ruffling sounds and small sobs Taro woke up from his drunk nap, looking at Ayano "Eh... Dear? W..why are you crying?" Rising her head from her palms pure fear imediatelly took over Taro as she saw something he hasn't seen before in her eyes, unknown to him.. very familiar to younger Ayano.. "You have the audacity to call me dear after you cheat on me?" Her voice was soft and calm.. her eyes locking into Taro's. "I tried and tried.. endured you bullshit.. and this is how you treat me?" "You're the one to talk.. you are the one who killed my childhood friend and you expect me to-".

     In that moment Ayano grabbed into his neck tightly "I did what was necesarry to get you, but reality is often disappointing judging by who you really are... Amai was right.. I only wanted you because you made me feel emotions I never had! But you know what you make me feel now? Dread" out of anger she throws him into the kitchen, right into the table "Goodbye Taro, I hope we NEVER cross paths again" grabbing into her suitcase she left the house, leaving a drunk Taro fall asleep into the semi destroyed table.

     Now sitting on a bench all alone Ayano looked at the passing cars while thinking to herself about her own future. Pulling out her phone she looked through her contacts before finding the right one.. "I haven't spoke to you in so long.. I never wished for this day to come" eventually, with a bit of hesitation, she called the contact.. soon enough three big letters appearing with a timer on top of it saying mom "If it isn't my sweet baby Ayano.. what makes you call me?" "I.. don't have a place to stay anymore-" "Aw dear.. don't you have a boyfriend to take care of you?" Sighing out loud Ayano kept her cool "I HAD one" a small giggle comes from the other end "And what are you trying to imply here?" "..Can I stay over-" "Absolutely not Ayano, you are an grown up now! You need to provide on your own, too bad your father sold the house you were staying at before hm?" By now Ayano looked at the phone screen, before hanging up "Pressing red buttons are always so mind controlling..".

     Instead of sitting around she decided to head to Amai once more "If only dad knew how you actually treat me.. not like he'll do much anyway.." sighing she looks at the bakery seeing Amai painting the building into a vibrant red "Amai what are you doing?" Turning around quickly paint fell from the roll in front of Ayano "Sorry! You startled me.. I am painting the building because it's color worn off.. wait.. what's up with the suitcase?" She climbs off the ladder and puts the roll down "I actually left Taro.. when I left I found out he even cheated on me but anyway.. it's in the past, I was wondering if you could..-" placing her hand on Ayano's shoulder she spoke.

     "I would help you but my family wouldn't be on my side.. I'm sorry but I cannot take you under my wing.. I can give you some money so you can get an apartment for a while or something.." thinking for a while Ayano shakes her head "Thank you but I refuse.. I'll see where I can go" starting to leave, Amai started to feel guilty, looking at Yan Chan in the distance she called out for her "Hold your horses! Do you have money on your own?" She shakes her head before turning to Amai "Then how the hell.. you don't plan to be a homeless girl now do you?" "No, I will go over to my parents and-" "And solve nothing since they're the ones who kicked you out, your father was kind enough to buy you a home.. but that was it".

     Ayano couldn't help but feel irritated "You don't know about my past so please don't bring it up" "..I know enough Ayano, please don't stay in the streets.. look I know you might not like this at all but is there a choice at all? After all he might even have a crush on you.. hehe" there was silence between the two.. before Ayano realized it as blush appeared on her face "No! Not in a million of years!" "Aw come on stop being a tsundere! When was the last time you blushed with Taro?" Amai jojo walked towards Ayano before grabbing into her arm "Amai! Let go!" And soon Yan-chan was dragged inside the bakery, never to see the daylight again.

     As the sun was setting down over the horizon Y/N walked through the lonely streets by himself, Amai did called him earlier to come see her in the bakery she was working at which did put Y/N on thinking as of why. Looking up at the sky he noticed how stars started to appear on the black coat that covers the earth "I missed walks like this.." turning into a right he opened the door as a sugary smell filled his nose. Looking at the counter he didn't noticed Amai anywhere, so he approached the counter and started spamming the ring bell.

     "Ahem.." rising his head from the counter he spotted the yandere "Fancy seeing you here" taking a glance at her suitcase he ignored it before approaching her, who was sitting at a table whole munching on some cookies "Can I not be here or..?" She asked while looking up at him, grasping into her cookie more "No no.. did I judge you or anything? It's just surprising.." taking a sit down across the table Y/N started to think of subjects to talk about "So.. what's up with the suitcase? Going somewhere fancy?" A light blush appeared on her face, while playing with her thumbs she spoke "..I left".

     Sitting back Y/N started to clap "Good job Ayano! Told ya that switching the rail would work" "Anyway.. I have a slight problem.. I um.. don't have anywhere to go" now leaning forward with full focus, he tapped his fingers on the table with a slight smirk on his lip "And what are you trying to imply here Ayano?" Looking away from him the blush enhanced, Y/N became more confused "Isn't it obvious you doofus.." chuckling Y/N sat back which made Ayano a bluss mess "Let me get this straight.. you, want to stay over at my house? You hated my guts so much and now-".

     Out of nowhere like a shadow, a small smack hit Y/N in the back of the head "Give her some slack you mean bean! Stop teasing her and help out!" Said Amai sternly "Okay okay.. can't have my fucking fun at all.." Amai sighs before grabbing into the suitcase, giving it to Y/N "I said, help out, I gave Ayano a package of some sweets and you'll receive some if you get a move on" standing he ruffled Amai's hair "Okay shorty I'll do what you say, come on Ayano let's go" with Y/N walking towards the exit Ayano looked at her friend "I.. I don't know about-" "No buts Ayano! Follow him from behind already, trust me everything is going to be okay.. have faith in him" having absolutely no choice, Ayano did as she was told..

---*To be continued*---

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