Chapter 36

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---*Your POV*---

     The clouds were covering the blue sky as it gave signs of raining, small thunders here and there scaring my heart to heaven and back to me, today was finally the weekend so I can relax from being a slave at school and be one at my own home. Like I will do that, at the moment I was walking with my best pal around the city as we had no idea how to tackle the day, we started it with a coffee and a small breakfast, looking to buy some essential stuff for our free time like components for our computers and of course a gift for Amai since he wanted to give her one.

     The main priority was the damn gift but the main problem was that he had no idea what to buy her, I wasn't that big of a help either since I don't know Amai on a very high personal level "How about you buy something that represents you two into one?" I ask and he gives me a weird look "Look at it logical, she likes cooking and baking.. or kitchen related stuff, and what do you like? let's say fooling around in the most serious situations... get something for both categories then try and fuse it into one!".

     While the task may difficult it can be worth it in the end, and make Amai even melt for B/F/N.. not like she's not already becoming water for the plants "Well that's actually a neat idea Y/N, but it's.. still a hard thing to do!" "Okay how about this.. the fusing gift can wait, how about you make a cake on YOUR own and add elements from you meeting Amai towards the present?" "Y/N what the fuck are you on about?" honestly I myself don't know at this point, maybe becoming a love doctor?

     "It's gonna be tough but it will earn you some time for the actual gift, take this as a surprise most likely.. you're gonna do a l say.. four layered cake, first layer you'll add elements of the first encounter with her.. second layer elements about developing the crush.. third about confessing.. fourth about kissing.. I just gave an example, you can do more layers but I feel like four are enough" he looks at me as his eyes sparks with joy, even punching my shoulder in the process making me to yeet him to God "Sometimes your creativity is more wonderful than love itself!".

     I'll take that as a compliment I guess.. "We'll have to buy lots of ingredients though.. and I have to learn more than I ever did at math, this is a very important process for my future, a girl can change it into wonders! or just simply give color to my own world.. or life" ah yes B/F/N the poetic wannabe, what love can do to a man.. boy thank God I have never experienced it in my entire life at all, which is both good and bad.. more bad.

     Shrugging my lonely life away we decided to get buying all the stuff this boy needed in order to impress his girl, while this first step is easy the preparation of the cake is what's gonna set him over the edge, but not my problem "Here, there's the super market we need to go at, it has most of the stuff I need, except for money" oh we're not playing that game again B/F/N.. while I don't mind giving him money because he's correct with it the amount of stuff he needs to buy is quite big and overall expensive.

     Sighing I do give him a couple of more bucks just in case we get separated, and by that I mean with me fleeing the area so I won't have to carry the stuff back to his home. As we were walking around, 80% of the time looking up on the internet to see the fuck we need to buy B/F/N suddenly pointed somewhere and with a deep viking voice said "Boi isn't that Taro over there? boi what is he doing here?" he really needs to stop watching movies.. or playing too much RPG games, or the fuck he's doing in his free time so he can be a normal human being, can't lie though it is quite funny.

     Leaving B/F/N all alone to struggle with his task I approached the boi who was currently looking at some jelly sweets, a cultured man I see "Fancy seeing you here Taro" he turned to me startled, but was actually relieved to see me "I can say the same about you Y/N, what brings you here?" "Eh.. business, buying this whole shop" he chuckles as I was surprised he's getting my sense of humor which is burried in the underworld "I just came to buy myself some snacks, that's all".

     I don't really want to tell him about the actual reason I'm here since him and B/F/N have a delicate relationship, all of that because of a test or something.. B/F/N was really avoiding the subject for some reason, and THANK GOD Ayano didn't find out about the whole thing during her yandere thing, otherwise my boi would've been partying under a grave right now, I already imagine his hand going out from the dirt to remove the letter G so he can rave with rights, and not get busted by the priest, sometimes I wonder if I'm sane enough to live anymore.

     "So do you know Yan-Chan?" ah yes Yan-chan, of course I do you piece of sh- "Yeah, she's sitting next to me during classes and it's pretty much hard to not talk to her, well she's the one always talking so.. still, I do know her, why asking?" a small blush formed on his face which got me thinking a bit, is he already developing a crush on her? just how..? "You know, valentines day is coming up and I uh.. wnat her to be my valentine.. I don't know how to approach the situation though..".

     Oh thank God I was thinking about other things.. what? he's unpredictable most of the times "Okay worry not, good old pal Y/N will help ya out, this is some top God tier information so it's gonna cost ya.." he looks confused at me but has the will to actually pay me "Well, I'll take that advice! I just wanna ask Yan-chan to be my valentine that's all!" "First of all.. why? why her?" he thinks for a while and sighed "Every girl that I had a small crush on or disappeared or refused me.. but that's just because I stood there like an idiot and did nothing! I want to change that!".

     Sweet mother of Jesus.. he fucking finally finished that stupid book it seems! God what kind of sorcery is this?! "Well whatever the reason may be.. the advice is.. just go at her and ask her out, use honesty and appear confidence, that is all, rejection? tough luck kiddo" there's no way in hell she rejects him but for good measures you know? he only gives me the weirdest look I have received in a while before sighing "I guess that could work out.. a-are you sure you don't have another solution?" "What other solution is there? just fucking man the hell up and ASK HER OUT! isn't not that hard now is it?".

     For some reason he started to get on my nerves, isn't that just a wonderful thing..? but seriously how else do you want me to solve this? disguise as you and ask her out then you do the rest? bullshit "Well Taro my time is running short, remember the longer you wait the worse things will get, and the chance will slowly fade away.. do it while you still can" I salute him like a true soldier because I'm pretty sure I will never see him again after he asks Ayano out, but who am I to complain? I can finally be a fucking free bird!.

     I take my leave as I went to search for my friend who may bought half of the store by now "So Ayano has a relationship.. B/F/N somehow has one too.. time to go back to my exes I guess, didn't you missed me you two?" I look at both my hands while I sigh deeply, loneliness may start eating me up from the inside but luckily I don't get TOO affected by it. After a short while of walking around like a mad man I finally spotted B/F/N with two fucking carts, the hell has he bought there? "Hello there Y/N fancy seeing you here" ..what?

     Rolling my eyes I peek at the carts and they were filled with all sorts of stuff that I myself didn't knew even existed or needed to make a cake, the hell has he found on the internet again? "Boy this is gonna kill the entire economy of this country if you keep buying shit! you think I have a money maker inside my wallet? this is over our buget dude!" "Doesn't matter! we will sacrifice every penny for a happy girl!" fuck off dude she's YOUR girl not OUR girl, sighing I just gave in, not really wanting to start a fight with him again, what's the worst it can happen anyway? he's just gonna bake a cake and that's all, the gift? another whole story, but this is on B/F/N's side.. I need to make sure Taro fucking asks Ayano out.

---*To be Continued*---

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