Chapter 71

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     "I told you they would love him to death, I get why they were mad at me for not showing up but hey.. I gotta earn the bucks you know?" Y/N's arm was wrapped all around Ayano as they cuddled together on the couch, currently watching a comedy movie "Don't worry they understand, what did you do today?" "Same as usual.. though a weird guy proposed me that I should talk to his boss, yeah there's a lot to go over and honestly it's not worth it" Ayano's hand softly wrapped around his stomach as she enjoyed his warmness "That's how life is.. weird.. when are you going to play with little Lucas though..?".

     Resting his chin on top of her head he chuckles "Isn't Megami playing with him as we speak? no worries.. there's plenty of time for father and son bonding time" "I guess.. okay.. " looking at her she rubs her head "Are you tired from today's activity? I guess meeting your parents can be a little bit hard after a long time" she lets out a sigh and pulls away "Taking care of a baby with no proper experience can be hard you know..? Lucas exhausted me..".

     Remaining silent he slowly starts to realize that he himself is a part of taking care of the baby, he should take turns as well so Ayano can catch some bit of rest "I think we should hit the bed" spoke Y/N as he shuts down the TV, picking up Ayano bridal style as they slowly made their way towards the bedroom. Once inside the room Y/N softly places his wife on the bed as he soon joins her "I missed you Y/N..." she gets closer to him and wraps herself around him, kissing his cheek as she rests her head against his.

     Y/N simply wrapped an arm around her and held her close "I missed you being in my arms too, you think Megami can handle Lucas on her own...? or should we first help her put him to sleep?" Ayano lets out a small giggle "Trust me she can take care of him just fine.. Lucas loves to spend time with her" closing his eyes Y/N slightly shrugged "If you say so.. let's sleep, tomorrow we have a big day ahead of us".

     Meanwhile in a very luxurious office Ryoba sat down in a hanging egg chair "So he didn't comply you say?" the previous man in fedora nodded his head "That's right sir, he straight up turned down the offer, what shall we do now?" the so called boss turns around and slightly nods "Well it seems that the bait didn't work, so we leave Y/N alone, as much as I would've liked to have a couple of words with him" the boss turns towards Ryoba, who looked directly into his eyes "That's where I come in, right Mr. Saikou?" she asked.

     "You are very correct, I want you to go to Y/N's home and kidnap Megami, you showed your potential during the previous tasks I gave you, surely you can succeed with this one" for the first time in a while Ryoba was skeptical about this "While I call this task easy, this involves my daughter's family, Megami always seem to be with them whenever she goes, I'm not too sure about this one" Saikou slams his palms on the desk, scaring the fedora man as he backed away.

     "Listen here, Mrs. Aishi, you have a very wise choice to make here, either listen to my orders and get me back Megami from your stupid daughter's family, or simply don't, your husband's head will pay nicely" hearing the threat addressed to Jokichi her yandere insticts quickly kicked in, standing up from her seat "You will not DARE to touch my Jokichi, you leave him alone you hear me?!" "Then complete the task I gave you, Mrs. Aishi, and he shall not get hurt, I'll even set up a special date for the two of you if you complete the task".

     Silence fell upon the room as Ryoba couldn't help but think about the offer, it has been a while since Jokichi gave her that kind of love, and even when she received it, it was her forcing Jokichi into it, and thus is how Ayano appear "Very well, Mr. Saikou, I'll get going" and with that she takes her leave. "...You're good" spoke the fedora man impressed "Manipulating a yandere is just so easy my good man, after all we're doing this for the business, Megami has a very special role in it and I can't let it go, now let's focus on your next task".

     Rolling back at Y/N's residence, the clock turned 7:20, quite early in the morning if you ask a lot of people. Megami was up since she has awoken thanks to Lucas crying, last night she did wanted to get Lucas back into his parent's room but when she noticed how peacefully they slept together she decided to let them have one restful night and take matters on her own hands "Now that's a good boy! we are now very clean and ready to tackle the day!" Lucas giggled as Megami threw away the used diaper.

     Walking down into the kitchen with Lucas in her arms she decided to feed him since the little guy is also hungry "How do you make baby food..? I should've asked Ayano instead of playing papparatzi with her and Lucas.." she settles the boy down on the counter as she leans into it, thinking deeply "I don't think milk will cut it anymore.. you need actual food now, what does a baby eat..?" as she tried to answer the question suddenly a loud knock came from the front door "Stay right there baby boy okay? auntie will be back shortly".

     Opening the front door Megami was surprise to see that Ryoba stood in front of her "...Hello ma'am, what brings you here?" Ryoba only smiles as she makes herself at home by entering "..Y/N didn't said you'd visit us today" "I wanted to see Lucas that's all, and I guess you're right, no one expected me here anyway" confused Megami wanted to say something, but she got quickly stabbed in the stomach by a syringe with a weird colored substance in it "That's why I'll make sure no one knows I've been here" due to the stab, it made Megami scream in pain, which started the siren in the kitchen..

     Hearing Lucas's cries and Megami's scream Y/N was already on the case as he rode the staircase railing to get down faster "Megami!-" Seeing Ryoba trying to drag Megami out the house so she could properly do her work Y/N quickly responded by charging forward, tackling Ryoba into the ground "The hell are you doing woman?! what did you do to Megami?!" hearing the chaos being produced downstairs Ayano quickly followed down, her hair was a mess as she had a tired expression on her face, however she quickly went to attend Lucas.

     "Her father demands her, I'm sorry Y/N but I cannot allow my husband to get hurt, I know you understand" grabbing into his shoulders she headbutts him as she pushes him off. Quickly leaning towards Megami to get away, Y/N caught her by the ankle as he pulled her down "Ma, stop! I don't want to hurt you at all! leave Megami be!" Ryoba giggled out loud, and it wasn't just any ordinary giggle.. "Ma? oh my! you really are a part of the family!" Ayano was outside as she watched the wrestling going on "Stop it you two!".

     Hearing the shaky voice of Ayano, Ryoba quickly stopped as she looks at her daughter, quickly standing up, trying to reach out for her to comfort the poor Aishi "DO NOT, touch me! what is wrong with you mom?! what did you do to Megami?!" "S-Sweetheart! I've done nothing wrong I am just following orders you know? I just injected her with a sleeping substance! Saikou wants her back and-" "And what? Megami doesn't want to do anything with him! why do you think she sticked with us?!" "Ayano, honey! understand! I cannot let him hurt your father-".

     At that moment a slap echoes through the air as Y/N looked at the two women, quietly listening to Lucas that was crying in his mother's arms "I thought you changed mom, but you still have your yandere shenanigans with you! I won't allow you to screw my family up OVER YOUR STUPID FORCED LOVE! LEAVE!" Ryoba looked at her daughter in shock as her mouth trembled a little, how could her daughter say something like that? "But what about Lucas-" "HE WILL BE BETTER OFF THAN HAVING A CRAZY GRANDMA!".

     Y/N quickly grabbed into the so supposed sleeping Megami as he went over to hug both his wife and son, protecting them "Just, leave us alone, we don't want any more trouble, we just want to live peacefully, surely you can understand such thing Ma" spoke Y/N as Ayano was at the urge of tears herself, holding into her son as she gets closer to Y/N. Ryoba, completely defeated, and not having the strength to deal with such sight, simply turned around and left, thinking about the whole thing.

      Y/N gathered the whole family inside as she checked up on Megami "Thankfully she didn't lie... Megami will be fine.." She turned to his wife and kissed both her and Lucas on their foreheads, holding them close "Everything will be fine.. I promise.. let's collect ourselves.. call your father and tell him what happened, meanwhile I gotta plan something, something that will bring us true peace".

---*To be continued*---

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