Chapter 58

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"Where are you going again? it's quite late" asks Ayano as she was sitting on the couch, currently looking for something online on her laptop "It doesn't concern you, Ayano" he opens the door to leave, but that did it for Ayano. Setting down the laptop she suddenly sat up, going after him before grabbing into his arm. Pulling him backwards she stares right into his pupils "It very much does, I didn't exactly liked how you behaved during the dinner with my parents, as in the part where you went quiet suddenly, now you decide to leave for no apparent reason?".

"And why the hell do you care Ayano? we're doing just an act now don't we?" clenching her fist she closed her eyes, letting go of his arm "Fine, leave, go do whatever, get a bitch or something and don't come back for tonight" "Excuse you? this is MY home, you have the audacity to-" "Out" is all she said, taking a second look at her he noticed how she had a pained look behind her eyes, yet they seemed to hide something truly ugly behind them.. oh boy you're triggering her yandere side back aren't you? I knew yanderes were your kink!

As Y/N walked, kicking a couple of rocks here and there, he sighs "If I told her she would've gotten mad at me.. if I didn't told her, same thing would've happen.. maybe I shouldn't have been that rough with her, but hey at least she's showing jealousy sings.." her being jealous is the least of your concerns, Y/N. Checking his phone he noticed a message from Info-chan "I'd recommend you hurry up, you're being stalked" looking behind him suddenly he didn't noticed anyone "Hmph.." choosing to ignore her message he continued to walk down the path he has chosen to.

Finding himself in the warehouse where he first met Info-chan, he was greeted by the girl herself "Greetings, Y/N, I hope you're prepared for the tonight's task" hands in pockets, he just looks at her "Let's get this over with faster, I have someone waiting for me back home" "Oh? is she waiting you with a warm dinner on the table as well?" Y/N just rolls his eye "Anyway, your task for today is quite simple really, you just have to sign off your employment to Info corporations" "..What kind of meds did you took?" she smiles, as she leans into the wall.

"Well, I will let my secretary do the talking" "Secretary?-" and that moment Y/N heard rapid footsteps coming from behind, turning around to defend himself he was too slow as he was already met with a big pipe across his cheek, knocking into his back. "Y/N, meet my secretary, Taro Yamada" shaking his head in pain he looks downwards, only to see Taro himself lunging at him with the pipe in his hand. Swinging at his head Y/N quickly rolled out of the way, standing up he grabs into Taro's head before shoving him over the table.

"So this was your plan all along?" asked Y/N, enraged at the current situation "Oh Y/N.. you have no idea, this wasn't my plan at all.. UNTIL SHE CAME ALONG, Taro, get rid of him, and make him suffer" taking her leave the two men were left alone to battle till death like true vikings. Meanwhile back at Y/N's home Ayano was watching a movie about mystery and thrill, are we sure her mother and the journalist didn't hook up in the past..? "It's past midnight and this boy still didn't came back.. what the hell is he up to.." looking how further she was into the movie, she was put into a dilema "One more hour to go until movie's over.. if he still isn't home after this movie..".

Moving back to our two lovely men they were currently wrestling on top of a broken table "You really think you can steal her from me?!" "You are fucking delusional buddy! she never wanted you-" Taro picked a table leg before smacking Y/N's side head with it, making him fall on his side. Getting on top of him Taro takes another swing at his head only for Y/N to move his head to the left "YOU ARE THE DELUSIONAL ONE HERE! She never wanted me? she was a fucking yandere over me all along! you don't even know the fuck you're talking about!" pushing Taro off Y/N jumped on his feet, before shoulder tackle Taro into the wall.

Trying to fight back Y/N grabbed Taro's arm before twisting it, making Taro grunt in pain "You know Y/N.. what makes you think that you truly earn Ayano?" choosing to ignore him Y/N punches his face into the wall "You talk too much". Grabbing him by the neck Y/N tossed him into the floor right in front of a bookshelf "I'll see you in hell Taro" and with that Y/N pushed the bookshelf over Taro, it didn't killed him but he was most certainly hurt as he was screaming his lungs out as hard as he could.

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