Chapter 67

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     "Nervous are we?" Asked Megami while sitting next to him, Y/N on the other hand shot her a glare before looking back into the floor. The two were sitting in a lobby room waiting patiently, the lobby being in a hospital "Come on Y/N.. aren't you happy that you're going to meet your son?" She pats him on the shoulder in an attempt to comfort him "What if we aren't ready for such a thing.." "If you guys weren't, then maybe you should've pulled out!" She giggles a little but Y/N kept the same expression, a wreck of emotions.

     Suddenly a nurse came to them with a smile across her face "Good evening Mr. L/N, please, do follow me" standing up he grabbed Megami's hand, before walking away from the lobby. "She did very well for her very first delivery! She is really exhausted however, but I trust you wanna see the baby!" Megami squeaked like a true fan girl while Y/N slightly nodded his head "I do, yeah.." "The boy's in a very good condition! So bonus points are added to the mom, please, do step inside, congratulations once again Mr. L/N".

     Walking inside Y/N spotted the tired woman on the bed, who barely had any strength left. In her hand stood a small gray towel which made Y/N a little bit nervous "Come on, go meet your son, you are a father now Y/N.." whispered Megami as she pushed him from behind. Glancing up Ayano smiled weakly "Hello.. sweetheart.. look.." she gently moves the towel, revealing the baby's face "Aw he looks so cute!" Said Megami with an excited tone in her voice "Extend your pinky out, Y/N.." instructed Ayano, as he did so.

     Grabbing his wrist she softly guides his hand over to the baby, soon enough his pinky got grabbed by the small baby "So  kawaii.. what is his name?" Ayano looks over at Megami, before smiling " Lucas.. Lucas L/N" Megami leaned over as she looked at Y/N's son, before putting on a big smile "Hello there little Lucas.. I guess I will be your auntie.. auntie Megami.." a small cough interrupts the trio as Y/N looks behind, seeing the doctor "Please, let the ma'am rest, don't worry we will take care of both, L/N" nodding his head he grabs Megami "Come on, let's go".

     The next day however, while Y/N was at work, Megami decided to pay Ayano another visit. She was currently sitting on a chair next to Ayano, hands in her lap "The nurses took the baby for some check ups.. they told me to rest, but you came along.." "I can leave so you can rest-" Ayano softly shakes her head, turning to the window to inspect the clouds outside "..Do you want to know why I choose to hide the pregnancy from my family? I trust you more on this subject since Y/N.. could have a really bad reaction to this".

      Catching her attention Megami leaned back into her sit, letting her friend to gather the words to talk. Letting out a small breath Ayano turned back to the blue haired girl "The Aishi family has a curse, mom told me about it, grandma did.. this curse contains the yandere syndrome to each baby that is being born in the Aishi family, for as long as I can remember only girls were born in this family tree, now.. a boy has been born.." Ayano sighs, dropping her head into the pillow "Does that mean the curse is broken now?" asked Megami, confused "..I am not sure, but I don't think my mom will take it very well.. she is very obsessed with the family generation..".

     "So? you think she would literally kill your baby because he's a boy?" There was a small silence, before Ayano stared into her eyes with no emotion "I know mom very well, she is capable of doing such thing just because of a gender.. anyway.. now you know about the curse..-" "Ayano.. you know we cannot possibly hide this fact away from your family forever right..? besides they will eventually ask you if you're ever gonna get children.. so hear me out, let's talk to your dad first, see how he reacts.. then we get him to back you guys up when you show the baby to your mom".

      Meanwhile back at Y/N's home, a very keen individual stepped inside the house through a window. His plan was to inspect all of the house, seeing all the weaknesses it has so he can take his plan to phase two "Oh sweet sweet revenge.. tell me.. who's the wisest man alive? How much satisfaction will you be able to give me once I'm done with them? oh sweet, sweet revenge.. how much you matter to me.." words of an insane man, wise words indeed B/F/N. Walking down the staircase he found himself in the living room, so he pulled his backpack down into the couch before pulling out a small camera.

     Walking behind the TV he looked for a perfect spot "Hmph.. nowhere to put it.. I must find another spot.." Looking for another spot the front door suddenly wide opens, putting B/F/N on high alert "What..? no one was supposed to come back until 5:20 PM..!" not having time to hide footsteps echoed in the room "Well then.. I guess I have been caught.. we meet once again, Y/N" he turns around and Y/N gives him a glare, hands in pockets "I don't have any sort of time for this shit, kindly step out from my house, c'mon".

     B/F/N however, didn't budged from his spot, further annoying Y/N "Say bud, remember when you looked around the streets for someone you supposedly saw? yeah, you guessed it! it was me all along, now, get on your knees with your hands up" "Are you trying to pick on a fight or sexually assault me?" the two men entered a staring contest, before B/F/N approached Y/N "I will make you suffer Y/N, for everything you've done to me-" "What have I done to you? you got yourself inside the fucking prison, on top of that? when you faked to be my friend I was nothing but kind to your ass, I even helped you get together with Amai!".

     "Do you have any sort of CLUE how much of a pussy she is?!" yelled B/F/N, slowly coming to snapping point "You dumbass! you have NO idea how much of a beautiful gem you lost! so I'm going to ask you for one last fucking time, leave. My. Home" and at that very moment B/F/N punched Y/N across the face, making him stumble "No, I don't think I will at all, in fact I'm going to start phase three right fucking now" reaching out for his back pocket he pulled out his gun, cocking it "Phase three starts right now, fucking killing ALL OF YOU!".

---*To be continued*---

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