Chapter 64

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     "Mrs. B/F/N?" the man perks his head up, standing up as he puts his arms behind him "Today officially marks your way out of this place, come on" the cell door opens as the man's eyes wide open in shock, has it been that much? "I hope you had a great four years experience behind the bars, I REALLY hope that will be a good lesson for ya to never do anything stupid ever again" the officer chuckles as he guides B/F/N "Now we will get some documents sorted here and there and well? you can be on your way doing whatever, just never end up here again".

     With hands in pockets he walks down the city's pavement as sun hit him in the face, B/F/N sure missed being in a city for quite the time. However since he still has a powerful hatred within his heart and spending such a long time in prison only make that hatred enhance, he wanted to take revenge upon the ones who put him behind the iron bars... on every single one of them, even though the TRUE reason why he was put in prison was himself "..Seems like I will end up behind those bars again soon enough, but I will have my revenge".

     Turning the camera around we move into Megami who was currently walking through the front door, bags in hands "Hello, I'm back home!" peeking from the kitchen Y/N stared at her, a very manly apron was seen around his waist making Megami giggle a little bit "Why the hell are you back?" asked Y/N, spatula in hand "Well I told you that my business trip will only last eight months didn't I?"  she places the bags down as she walks up to him, opening her arms widely as Y/N rolled his eye before hugging her "Do I have to remind you that we have a yandere here?".

     During the years, Megami grew very attached to both Ayano and Y/N as she decided to stick with them, after all they offered her their home in order to help her out in a very tough situation so the best she can do is to be a part of the family now. Having a third income is extremely helpful for the family, especially that they will need a lot of money from now on "Doing some grilling? or the hell are you doing?" "Yep, you guessed it, we're going to have some steak tonight!" excitedly she walks inside the kitchen.

     Even though she did planned to move away from their house, she simply just couldn't after all the events that has happened during Y/N's household, which by the by it's still the same house as before mind you "Oh that looks so tasty... but why the hell are you grilling in the kitchen and not on a grill?" "Because woman.. the grill is broken, and I am far too lazy to repair it, besides.. I don't exactly have too much time on my hands anymore" raising an eyebrow in confusion she looks at him, as he gives out a sigh "Well.. uh.. maybe I shouldn't tell you yet..".

     Now catching her curiosity she demanded the answers, which Y/N didn't had any choice but to give in before he gets his ass whooped by Megami "Ayano's sick okay? stop bugging me off!" "Where is she?!" going full panic Megami stood up to rush upstairs, but Y/N quickly grabbed her by the arm pulling her backwards "LET her rest for the love of God.. we can check up on her later if you so desire, just LET her rest okay?" not exactly satisfied she nodded her head, especially after seeing Y/N's serious expression.

     Megami was already in some casual clothes as she herself had an apron on, helping to prepare some sauces as well as seasoning the meat "You think we can open up a business Y/N?" "A.. business.. are you for real Megami?" she nods her head, checking up on the meat Y/N was grilling "Yeah I am serious Y/N, we should try at least, we can make so much money that you won't miss anything in your life! besides the business trip just taught me quite a lot of stuff.. working for somebody else? it's fine.. but working for somebody who's full karen mode? no thank you..".

     Putting the meat into a plate Y/N looked around for some sauces "You might be into something Megami but I don't know.. not too sure about this at all.. let's just catch up with the missing months alright? then we can start talking about opening a business" "I agree! we need to catch up! I have so much to tell you! and Ayano? I cannot wait to see her!" "Woman where's the BBQ sauce?" she looks around before shrugging her shoulders "Dunno-" "WHERE'S THE BBQ SAUCE?!".

     Now sitting in the living room the two were watching an post apocalyptic movie where vampires are threating human extinction "This steak is really good! you really know how to grill!" "Of course I do, I competed with the toughest dad in the neighborhood whose beard was whiter than what's inside my head, in other words nothing" they both share a laugh before Megami takes yet another bite from the steak, she surely missed having a "family" dinner "Oh by the way, I have an idea to expand the house, but I will show you the schematics tomorrow, now we just enjoy ourselves!" a sudden wine bottle appears out of nowhere as Y/N gulps "Oh boy..".

     "So you want to get a gun permit but at the same time you went to prison, do you see the problem here sir?" "Yeah, I do, but it wasn't my fault for ending up in there, want to contact my lawyer to tell you the truth?" B/F/N gritted his teeth in annoyance, making the man behind the counter chuckle "Bud" he slams an M9 into the counter in a threating manner, letting out yet another chuckle "If you had a lawyer you wouldn't have ended up in prison in the first place, so come on I am not in the mood to deal with customers like you today".

     Seeming almost hopeless B/F/N decided to go with his plan anyway "Okay fine, I cannot have a permit, but can I test out guns?" "Test guns while you went to prison? for all I know you could straight up kill me on spot-" "WHY would I do that? you really think I will do something else to make me end up in prison again?! No! okay I get it I cannot have a gun permit but at least I can fire some guns at the shooting range can't I?" "..Fair enough, yeah, you have your valid points, okay what do you want to try out? and you'll have to pay up".

     Reaching in his pocket he pulled out a couple of twenty bills "This enough?" "Hmph.. will do fine" how B/F/N has money you ask? simple, he made a hole in a woman's purse before stealing her wallet, all of this happened while the woman was on her phone and her purse was on the bench. The man turned around to open the locked window in order to grab the firearm B/F/N desired to try out, however during this time he grabbed the money back plus the gun before dashing the fuck away "Okay so I suggest you try out pistols! they're the best for.. beginners.." the man behind the counter turned around, a temple appearing in his head "Fucking trickster! this is the ninth time this week!".

     "And that's when I told him to screw off, before he fell down into the trampoline! which launched him at the boss's office desk! it was hilarious!" Megami spoke through her laughs as she fills her glass with wine again "That was a really interesting prank.. I should try it out.." "Oh but that's not all! I-" "What's up with this loud yelling..?" a weak voice suddenly cuts the two as Y/N turned around "Hello Ayano, had a good sleep?" he asks, before Magami puts down her glass wine, walking up to Ayano to give her a big hug "I missed you so much!" Ayano smiles, wrapping her arms around her "I have missed you too, Megami".

     Crazy how three years ago Megami wanted to kill Ayano so bad that she literally was a slave to her own father, and now they seem like sisters ready to throw hands for one another, I guess Y/N is there too but only as a punching bag for the two so they can train their strength. However, Megami felt something poking her stomach so she pulled away, looking down "Ayano what the hell is-" she covers her mouth as she gasps loudly, looking in pure shock at Ayano  as the yandere giggles faintly "A-Ayano? what's up with... w-with this round hard belly you're having?"

---*To be continued*---

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