Chapter 25

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---*B/F/N's POV*---

     "And that's pretty much how I cheated on my exam, just got a damn ladder and a tub of toothpaste and just rubbed it against all the camera's glass, did we get away with it? no! in fact we did it worse and made the whole class fail! it was a wild day that Thursday.. and oh boy we got chased by the entire class after school" Amai started laughing joyfully again as I couldn't help but smile a little, eventually she calmed down as she rubbed her stomach "Can you stop it please.. I cannot take any more laughter! I will burst open!".

    I chuckle as she lifted herself up from the bed, stretching "You know Amai.. do you think there's something wrong with Y/N? I mean he suddenly said he has stuff to do back home and needs to go.. but if you think about it he lives all alone so those things wouldn't matter, I really think there's something sketchy going on" upon hearing this Amai fell on her thoughts, before giving me a silly smile "Maaaybe there was a girl coming over to his place? and he had to clean some things up?" I look into her eyes as I couldn't help but chuckle nervously, damn Y/N is secretive towards love..

     As I was about to bring up a theory of how Y/N should ask Ayano out even though she's a complete weirdo, a doctor suddenly came into the room, scaring the lord out of my soul "Good evening you two, Amai Odayaki you are free to leave now, just gotta sign in some papers and you are all good, however don't even think about getting back to your activities before this whole incident or else you'll most likely end up back here" Amai happily nodded her head as she turned to me, hugging me out of the blue as both her excitement and happiness took over her body.

     I could her a faint laugh as well a door being shut "Well Amai, why don't we grab your stuff and head out? though can you walk?" "Don't worry too much dum bum! I 99,9% percent I can walk by myself! I have trained all year during my.. babyhood!" she giggles but soon they faded away, shaking her head towards me, okay I'll be honest her behavior is a bit weird sometimes "Yeah definetely cannot walk that well.. so piggyback ride?" is this what love looks like? being a slave to the one you love? "Sure thing Amai.. first let's pack your stuff and complete that paperwork, then we can go back to your place, and settle you in again".

     She just smiles warmly at me before leaning in closer towards my face, yes this is the moment of my life and if I fuck it up I will end in this hospital's basement, by myself "I wonder how I can repay this kindness.." she looks into my eyes as hers sparked due to the light panels, she slowly closed her eyes as my body froze, it is happening boys and girls.. I beat Y/N up to the love game! he fucking owns me a car now. So having no clue what to do I just closed my eyes and leaned in as well.. only to be stopped by a pair of hands before I was pushed away "Hah! did you really thing I would do such a thing? come on don't be silly now"

     I just couldn't believe what my eyes were witnessing right now, to make things worse she actually sounds serious! god fucking damn it Y/N this shit is your fault! I sigh as my face was most likely turning all red "R-Right.. well let's pack already shall we..?" "Sure thing!" she surprisingly managed to stand up by herself before looking around at the small mess we both made during this entire week, though she just giggled and looked back at me "Well we just have to clean up after ourselves.. so, let me first give you a small boost and we can get started" she walked up to me and gave me a smoochie on my cheek "You still deserve a kiss after all you've done.."

                                                                                ---*Your POV*---

     Classes were finally over and I can't believe how much of a jack ass teachers can fucking be! it's almost the end of the fucking semester and I barely have any damn grades at ALL, what they're gonna give five tests in one per hour or what? more reasons for hating school god dammit! anyway.. I grab my stuff and shove it into my backpack along with B/F/N's into his bag, then I simply put on my juggernaut armor also known as two backpacks on both my back and front, walking outside the room and heading back to my inner peace apartment.

     Though I did not forget about Oka at all and since I told her to either meet me at the gate or wait for me there, I just walked my way towards it with a hope I won't bump into a random fucker and get into a fight due to his level of intelligence being worse that a fucking chicken's. With the final step on the school's floor I finally made my way back out of the building as I look around to see a dozens of people that are willing to learn new methods of suffering that are less painful than our school currently is, however my goal was still the damn gate so I take my legs like the good boys they are and walked all the way towards it.

     Eventually Oka came into my view and I can't believe she did it, she was actually waiting for me to talk! man it feels like girls in this high school aren't all the same after all! "Hey Oka, how are you on this fine evening we're having?" "P-Pretty good.. come on, l-let's go home and w-we'll talk about this w-whole thing on the way.." still shy huh? I mean it's normal being shy towards new people but I feel like she's another level, she walked out of the school's yard and I just followed her behind, what else could've I've done? crawl to her?

    Though she was mostly silent most of the way she did showed signs that she can FUCKING talk, but none of the sentences were about the whole occult thing, it was just about school in general "So.. about this whole occult thing, what is it about?" she remained silent for a while.. but soon enough a small chuckle came out from her lips, looking at me "You know, if you are lying at least you could've tried and hide the fact that you are up to something" I look at her in a bit of confusion but also concern, does she know anything about the whole thing with Ayano? if so.. God will accept any piece of sacrifice I can offer, no matter what sins I have to perform.

     "W-What do you mean by that..?" "You clearly are not interested in this whole thing at all, and what Taro just said.. 'Y/N is interested about occult stuff!' and you ask what's it about? come on try and think.. so what's the real deal here? try and do something stupid and you may actually lose your life here" and with that she pulled out a.. somewhat knife? looked quite fancy if you ask me but still threating. Though I should treat this whole situation seriously since she may fucking be a demon in secret and can actually overpower me if I try anything, just as she said.

     Why must I deal with all the crazy bitches all the time.. "Look, put the damn knife away damn it, what, are you gonna actually sacrifice me to.. whatever? okay I really don't know what occulting is about but come on.. I have a good reason for this" "Oh really? is it related to Yan-chan? I thought she was the only weirdo around but you are too!" how the hell am I a weirdo since I haven't done anything to her! Jesus these girls.. "Okay so if you know the deal of Yan-Chan then I should probably let you deal with her since you are wetting over her fucking senpai so called Taro".

    She looks weirdly at me before giving me a questioning look, slowly lowering her knife "What do you even mean by that? look Taro Yamada is a nice guy and all but I'm not in for him at all, who EVEN gave you that idea?! and why should've bother her in the first place you two sick peopl-" "BECAUSE SHE'S A FUCKING YANDERE YOU DUMBASS!" there, I said it, and I regret nothing! if I tend to do anything with this whole plan then I must reveal Ayano's true personality. Oka was shocked upon hearing this, as she put the knife back into her skirt? "So I was indeed true.. heh.. what type of Yandere is she?".

    What does she mean by type..? you tend to tell me there are more types of them? what? more stupid? more flirty? "I don't know but.. I want you to help out here okay? she's..-" "Did she ever killed before?" I look at her as I think with my brain that I have left due to having no time to actually relax, there's no way I will tell her about the whole Osana thing "Yes.. and she caught me while I caught her killing a girl.. and since then I'm basically her fucking pet.." she thinks for a while before continuing to walk, leaving me behind with a somewhat confused expression.

     "You coming or what? since now I know she's a yandere there must be something done about her.. and especially that she kills well.. I think you know where I'm going with this-" "NO! we do not kill her you hear me!? never fucking underestimate her, while you may be scary because of the whole quiet persona you have I doubt that you can do anything to her! and there's no need.. I already have a small plan going on, all I need is YOU to help me out here!" she stopped in her tracks as the wind played with her hair, slowly turning to face me "Let's hear it then".

     "On short terms.. putting up good words for Ayano to Taro in order for him to fucking notice her! ...p-please.. are you willing to cooperate..?" she gives me a look of disbelief along with a hopeless shake, rubbing her temples also "You do realize that she killed innoncent girls right..? but I have to agree with you.. she's not a force to mess with so I join in to your opperation, but if she kills ONE more time we change the whole thing, that or I'm turning you to the police" "Uh.. about killing.. she told me to kidnap you and well, kill you most likely.. but things have changed now since I begged her to let me 'kill' you. Well then if you will to cooperate then I will take my leave".

     While it was really tempting to get away from this crazy ass bitch that seems relative to Ayano she yelled after my name, making me stop from walking "What if she asks for evidence that you killed me? come on you dumbass.. you're coming over towards my place but NO, and I repeat, NO funny business, we'll just go over to your plan in a little more detailed way.. and how to make Taro fall in love with her if this is what you desire" she started walking away and with a gulp I take the lead and followed her behind all the way back towards her place, God I know I did wrong things but please.. give me a break from this madness..

                                                                        ---*To be continued*---

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