Chapter 40

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     "You still think mother nature can give you inspiration as of what to do in such a situation?" Y/N looks at Osoro then sighs out loud "I thought a walk in the forest would help me out a bit.. but you're not as much of a help either!" Osoro puts a hand on her chest as if she was offended "Huuh? excuse you but how could you say such things? look, I just came along because I need to wait for those freshly baked dishes to cool off and since I don't have anything to do I decided to accompany you, get your gears working and start develop a fucking plan already!".

     Y/N stops in his tracks and so did Osoro, to look into his troubled eye, Y/N's mind was thinking about all sorts of outcomes from this situation "..Osoro, you will be the one who will help me out in this situation, you will be my wing woman without any objection" she looks at him with a poker face, crossing her arms as she leaned against a tree "How about your friend? get him to do your work" "It won't do, Taro already knows about the two of us! but he has no clue about you woman!".

     Sighing out loud, Osoro decided to hear the mad man's idea "Alright then.. let's hear it Y/N" "You will dress up as a cop, that's all I am going to say for now! thank you for walking with me Osoro" leaving the girl all confused Y/N started to walk away at a fast pace towards his home "What a weird specimen..". Walking into a neighborhood he decided to stop by at Taro's house "Surely the two aren't doing anything too suspicious together.." knocking on her door he started waiting patiently, something is going on with Y/N's head and I do not like it.

      Opening the door there stood a half naked Taro with a tired expression across his face "Y/N? the hell are you doing here?" "I came to see Ayano, and to talk to her, so can I?" the two have a stare off but eventually a sigh came out from Taro's lips "Get the hell out from my property, now" he says annoyed as he went to slam the door off, but Y/N puts his foot into the door frame "Not so fast kid".

     Opening the door wide the two stare at each other again.. "I just want to chat with your girlfriend about something rather important, I am not stealing her" "I said no already! you slim ugly cyclops! unless you want me to give you anothe title of having no eyes I won't be afraid to make it happen-" and that's when Taro has learned that crossing the line without looking both ways is not a good idea. Y/N grabbed Taro by the neck with a tight grip and drives him inside the house, slowly into the floor.

     "Listen here you little shit, thanks to me you are with Ayano in the first place, so just do me a favor and LET me talk with her about something that DOES not concern you" angrily, he releases him as he started gasping for air, even coughing up a bit "You psycho.. AYANO! THERE'S A ROBBER INSIDE OUR HOME!" and with that the boss has spawned. Ayano jump through the window the window in the living room as her garden hat falls into the floor "..Y/N? what brings you here?" now, calm, Ayano gains her calm posture as Taro stares at her shocked.

     "Ayano! he tried to kill me!" she looks at Taro and noticed the red marks around his neck.. making Ayano's blood boil as her anger comes back again, looking at Y/N "You did what?" Y/N now losing confidence as he slowly backed up. Removing her gardening gloves she walks up to Y/N and with burning rage she dives her palm towards his cheek as a loud sharp sound echoes into the room "Never, NEVER, touch MY Taro ever again, get out of here before I cut you in half without second thoughts" with tears forming into his eyes he quickly left.

     Ayano looks at Taro before helping him up "Are you okay?" she asks as Taro nods his head, holding into his neck "That dumbass has been a problem since the beginning.. Ayano do you think you can get rid of him for good?" asks Taro as Ayano was put into a dilema with herself, eventually she spoke out "I'll do whatever you want senpai, if that's your wish then I shall deliver, worry not you shall not be disturbed by Y/N ever again beginning from this day forward".

     "Let me get this straight.. you thought that attacking or threating Taro at HIS OWN place was a GOOD IDEA?" Osoro looks at Y/N whose head was looking into the floor, mainly because he couldn't get over the fact that Ayano has slapped some sense into him "My GOD.. right, let's get over your genious plan again.. why do you want me to dress up as a damn cop for?" Y/N kept silent as Osoro felt her temple blowing up from anger, sighing she stands up and walked away, leaving Y/N to suffer all alone.

     Slowly bringing his hand to his cheek, he could still feel it burning from the slap "W-Why did she slap me so hard..? What.. why.. I brought her together with her stupid senpai! and this is my thanks?!" a sudden plate is dropped on front of him as Y/N's head perked up, seeing Osoro looking down at him with a spoon on her hand "Take this and enjoy your apple pie slice" doing as she asked he takes a small bite, his face slowly lighting up from the sweet flavor "Oh this is good.. since when do you know how to bake?" "I have too much free time on my hands".

     Now into the second slice of the pie Osoro started once again talking "So, care to explain why you want me to be a cop exactly?" "Well I wanted to.. I wanted you to give Taro the information about the TRUE reason as of why Osana died, it would be more believable if a cop would tell him.." she thinks for a bit and was eager to the idea, seems like she enjoys causing chaos as much as Y/N "Okay.. I guess that is.. acceptable, but where would I get evidence?" and that's when reality hits Y/N like a truck.

     Thinking with his magnificent brain he suddenly puts his palms into the table "We will fake it! we get a girl looking like Osana and one like Ayano and-" "Yeah ain't happening idiot, why would poilce have evidence of a person killing another? that makes no sense.. seems like I have to do the brain work, all we need is evidence to make the cop plan a success.. I'll think about this one through and contact you if I do come up with something, now tell me Y/N, do you still love Ayano after what she did?".

     Looking into her eyes Osoro seemed dead serious, she even had that glare of hers "After all, instead of understanding as of why you got a hold of Taro's neck she instead just slapped the sense out of you WHICH is reasonable.. but judging by how much you did for her, even whe she tried killing you multiple times, she just seemed to forgot about all of that and treated you like garbage" Y/N remained once again silent as he stopped munching from his pie "..She just wanted to protect her lover-".

     "Quit with the crap, it's obvious she DOES NOT care about you anymore as long as she's with Taro, I still don't understand why you.. forget it, really, just forget it.. enjoy your pie, afterwards I want you to have a chat with yourself, is she TRULY worth it? or do you simply move on with your life? because if her yandere side is still acting up getting her to either hate Taro or like you even in the slightlest is an impossible task! think about it Y/N" and with that she cuts herself a slice before eating in silence "Also be glad I had you over again" she says before truly going silent, Y/N on the other hand simply stared at the pie "..Maybe you're right".

---*To be continued*---

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