Chapter 55

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     As the sun lowered down into the Earth so did Ayano's energy level by each step she took, she really should've took a nap to restore some of if due to the busy day she had "I thought I told Y/N to keep away from Info-chan.. he didn't listened to me after all, I guess I have to scold him for it, after he gets better.." noticing the beach slowly coming into view she increased her walking speed towards it, she just wanted to get this over with as fast as possible "I still wonder the hell she wants from him..".

     Walking on the warm sand Ayano looked around for any structures that was out of the ordinary. Annoyed that sand kept getting in her shoes she took them off together with her socks "Much better" looking around the beach she noticed how there were still many people around, either sitting on beach chairs or straight up in the water "I guess the temperature is nice but.." shaking her head she kept looking, until she spotted a structure that wanted to represent some sort of a beach house, the only weird thing about it was the fact the house's roof was completely torn apart.

     Without any hesitation she made her way inside of it, and once inside the door closes behind her. Paying it no mind she looks around to see Info-chan herself sitting across the table with a slight smile on her face "Ayano, I have been expecting you, please, take a sit" glaring at her she leans into the wall, arms crossed "How did you know that I was coming?" she asks as the red haired girl makes a light chuckle "Well you see, I can see from Y/N's phone front camera from my screen, I can always see whatever he's doing, so when I sent that voice message I expected you to pick it up, and so you did, guess he has to learn to take better care of his stuff".

     Sitting up herself, Info-chan looks at her old partner in crime "I must admit, seeing you worry about someone who you declared to feel hate for.. is terrifying and  wholesome, he got sick didn't he?" still glaring, she nods, but remained silent "Well then, since you are here instead of him-" "Where is the trick, Info-chan? I know that you want to kill me" the two sat in a silence atmosphere, soon enough another chuckle escapes from Info-chan as she readjusted her glasses "If I wanted to kill you I would've have set a trap for you at the entrance of this house, killing you on the spot".

     "Then why didn't you?" "Because Ayano, killing you will leave someone heartbroken, besides I don't plan to kill you anymore, reasons are classified" catching Ayano's curiosity she stopped from glaring "If you pull the card with *what do you mean by heartbroken* I swear I will bonk your head, it's so obvious.. and so tiring for everyone at this point, how much time has it passed? years maybe? just give them what they want, Ayano Aishi" now confused she just stares at her, making Info-chan roll her eyes "Your parents? anyway forget this.. I want you to do me a favor".

     She instantly declined "Oh no we're not doing this again-" "Ayano, it's not about killing girls anymore, I just want to study you" the glare returns once more.. "I am NOT some kind of animal for you to experiment on!" "You got it wrong as usual Yan-Chan, I want to study how you went from a murderous yandere to a normal girl, if I am correct you had Schizoid disorder, you felt no emotions, you were only faking them.. I just want to understand this, how could YOU possibly be cured after just a hard hit on the back of the head?".

     She remained silent as Info-Chan talked "There HAS to be a logical explanation to it! I refuse to believe you just, CHANGED! nothing could've cured it and you went to all the doctors possible as your father's wish! and you tell me that, a hit in the back of the head cured all of that? and the best doctor couldn't?" looking into the floor, Ayano gives out a sigh "I guess we will never know" "I still want to do some studies though-" "I never agreed to anything, our deal is done a long time ago got it?" smiling Info-Chan walks up to her.

     "Your yandere phase might be over, which I quite refuse to believe.. but, just imagine how much I can do for you, I can do-" "I am not taking panty shots for you again, Info-Chan" defeated she just rolls her eyes before placing her hands on Ayano's shoulders "Fine.. I guess I cannot pierce your tough skull, Y/N will still do my favors even if you like it or not, I promise I won't harm-" "WHY do you want him to take part of your stupid shenanigans?!" Ayano finally snapped which surprised the other girl a little bit, actually taking a few steps back.

     But her coy smile soon returned "Oh Ayano you still have no idea do you? don't worry you will find out soon enough why I want him to take part of my ideas! now, please, go back.. Y/N is still sick remember?" calming herself down she turns around to walk away, once halfway through Info-Chan spoke "But I want you to remember one thing Ayano, Y/N used to be a victim of a war, it might be pointless to mention it now but, a trauma will always be a trauma" at that moment Ayano turns around again.

     "I don't see him having any sort of traumatic moments! why bring it up now?!" she sighs out loud, looking outside the window "Maybe you are right, but it's just a thought for you to consider about, just get on with your evening" annoyed, Ayano took her leave. "Well that was idiotic, I guess Y/N's past doesn't haunt him anymore.. now he has other problems to deal with, still.. it might take too much for him to actually complete the main goal in his life".

     On the way back a storm enraged upon the neighborhood, Ayano was walking at a normal pace as the rain drops roughly hit her body "On a weather like this I prefer to stay indoors in my blanket.. but oh well" opening the front door she saw how the TV was turned on with Far Cry 6 displayed on it, peeking at the couch she spotted Y/N, who coughed from time to time. Angry she closes the door behind her as she walked behind the couch "The hell are you doing?" Startled Y/N jumped a little before looking at Ayano "Oh.. hello.. I got bored and-" "And you decided to play video games? While you're SICK?! Turn it off and go to bed!".

     Not exactly listening to her, Ayano leaned into the couch and grabbed the controller "Woman come on! I was in the middle of a mission! I need to capture the damn outpost-" "Health over games, Y/N" sighing he gave up, sitting up slowly "Fine.. but I want my controller back-" his legs suddenly gave up as he fell forward. Luckily Ayano caught him "That's why you need to get rest! Jeez.. come on in bed with you" wrapping his arm around her neck the two slowly started to walk upstairs "If you go back on my word again Y/N, I might lock you up" he makes a faint chuckle "What.. your yandere side returned magically?" "Keep going at this rate and it might-".

     The two were cut off as the power went out "Well now what miss nurse?" Rolling her eyes annoyed she pulls out her phone, turning on the flashlight she hands the phone to Y/N. Walking into his room Ayano did the same thing as before "And stay in the bed your hear me? NO more games, I'll go prepare some food then I want you to go to sleep" "But Ayano I can't just-" "I do not wanna hear it at all" leaving the room she sighs to herself "The damn idiot.. instead of caring about his health he decides it would be a good idea to play games.. let's see the hell food can I make in this darkness..".

---*To be continued*---

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