Chapter 52

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     Ayano opened her eyes due to some glass being broken downstairs, quickly leaving her warm covers she peeks outside her bedroom into the hallway, upon making sure it's safe she dashed towards Y/N's room. Getting inside the room she noticed how the bed was empty "..Did this idiot broke a glass out of anger or what? it's the middle of the night.." feeling the anxiety passing away from her heart she went downstairs, and upon stepping into the living room her eyes wide opened "Y-Y/N?" his body was on the floor out cold, Ayano looked around and everything was in order.. dashing to his side she shakes him.

     "Wake up Y/N! the hell are you doing-" a small blood puddle started to emit from his body as Ayano fell backwards, quickly crawling away from the sighting "Oh poor Y/N.." a voice speaks out as Ayano looked away desperately "You weren't planning to do anything with him, now were you Yan-chan?" some footsteps echo around the house before a figure appears in the kitchen's doorframe, making the girl look directly at it "W-Who the hell are you?" she asks before slowly crawling away, small tears appearing at the corner of her eyes.

     The figure steps into the moonlight so Ayano could have a better look at it, and upon recognizing the figure the tears slightly disappeared "Taro.." "That's right Ayano, your precious Y/N is gone so you have no choice but to come with me" looking over at Y/N's dead body Ayano stands up, completely rubbing away her tears "Really? you do not decide what to do with my life Taro" she looks straight at him with a blank face as Taro couldn't help but laugh hysterically "I do the rules you follow them! easy as that! I didn't sacrificed so much for this moment to happen only for you to not cooperate!"
     "The hell are you on about?! when we were together you didn't gave a shit about me now you suddenly CARE? if I am being honest.. even my own mother gave more of a damn than you actually did!" suddenly she sprinted towards Taro which took him by surprise 'Oh no you don't" quickly pulling out a pocket knife he went for the stab, but Ayano slides under his attack attempt right through his legs "Oh you little-" standing up she grabbed his arm before diving her knee into his back, forcing him into the ground as she pulled his arm as hard as she could.. eventually some cracking noises filling the quiet ambience alongside with screams.

     Turning him around Ayano sat on top of him as she stared right into Taro's eyes with a menacing look across her face "Y-You bitch! just you wait until.. until I get my hands on you!" "Barking dogs don't bite" quickly disarming him she wielded the pocket knife like in the past before stabbing him in the neck, a blood fountain hitting her in the face "..." she looked at her trembling hands before at Taro who was struggling to breathe and was slowly dying. This made her smile a little bit before rising her knife again, stabbing him on the other side of the neck.

     Enhancing his death Ayano started to smile more and more before stabbing him into the chest, force pushing the blade deep into his heart as much as she could... blood splattering on her clothes and face while doing so.. "HAHAHA!" grasping into the knife with a tight grip she stabbed him over and over again.. until the screams finally died, the only sound it could be heard was flesh being torn to pieces.. "I FEEL SO MUCH BETTER THAT NOW YOU ARE GONE! HAHA! SHE WASN'T LYING WHEN SHE SAID KILLING INSECTS LIKE YOU IS SATISFYING!" rising her knife again she went for a stab right in the head, as the stab connected she was met with a huge slap across the face.

     "Wake the fuck up woman!" Ayano quickly opened her eyes wide open and sat up as she breathe heavily "Calm down, it's over now.." She looked to her left to see a somewhat worried Y/N "You're.. alive?"' "Always have been" she holds into her chest tightly as she remembered her own laughs, enhancing her heavy breathing even more "Let's discuss this at breakfast.. whatever you dreamt off really messed you up, come" sliding his arms under her he lifts her up, which made her a blushing mess "Do not try to resist".

     Now with the two sitting at the table Ayano was munching on her toast with avocado slowly "So let me get this straight.. you had a dream where your yandere side somehow reactivated itself?" she nods slightly before taking a sip of some milk. Sighing out loud he takes a bite of his own toast "Did you felt humane anymore?" she shakes her head and Y/N got slightly worried there, what if the yandere from her nightmares was right all along? "..Well this might be ridiculous to you and all but I do have.. similar dreams".

     Catching her curiosity she lifts her eyes from her avocado toast "What do you mean by that?" she asks, suddenly serious as if the fear disappeared suddenly "..An yandere version of yourself keeps appearing in my dreams and say weird stuff.. like when you broke up with Taro your yandere side would've kicked back in and kill all of us.. not the entire world but you get the idea" "And in my nightmare I seem to be the yandere that I once was.." the two fell on an awkward silence before they resumed their breakfast.

     As the two ate in peace Ayano swallows the last bit of toast before she said "I want to get a job" looking at her straight in the eyes he couldn't help but chuckle "Why?" "Because you gave me a shelter, I don't want to be a burden so-" "Quit your non sense Ayano, if you were a burden I wouldn't have gotten you under my wing.. if you want stuff to do there's plenty around the house.. do I have to mention the Attic? never been there.." nodding slightly she looks at the table, seeing how it was still clean after the somewhat messy breakfast, seems like Y/N has some manners after all.

     "Are you feeling better now, Ayano?" she nods her head as she sat up, starting to clean up the dishes one by one "I do.. maybe because you kept me company through it.." "Well it's better to face problems together than alone you know" he gave her a smile as the blush returned to her cheeks. Placing the dishes in the sink she started to wash them "By any chance, do you hear any weird sounds during the night too, Y/N?" "Ah.. so you've heard them too.. yes I have, well.. let's just say there are wandering dogs-" she suddenly turns around, staring right into Y/N's soul.

     "You cannot fool me with that, I know there is someone who wishes to break into the house, what debts do you have?" "It's not that Ayano.. I.. don't know okay?" putting her hands on her lifts she leans forward a little bit "Then deal with the problem! do you really want to get robbed during the night? man up! otherwise I step in" "..But you are not a man.." "Try me" afraid that he might open up the power of the ancient ones, he decided not to push her gears too far.

     Standing up he puts the remaining dishes in the sink before checking his phone "Ah.. sweet! tomorrow I get to do small deliveries.." raising an eyebrow she decided not to ask and focus on her main task "Say.. is your dad a yandere too?" "..I advise you to not speak of my family, please.. but to satisfy your curiosity, no he's not.. he's actually a sweet person.." taking a self note Y/N nodded his head "Okay.. well I'm off doing a deed for a neighbor, so see you later Ayano! be careful to lock all the doors please".

---*To be continued*---

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