Chapter 44

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     Walking down the road all sorts of thoughts occur in Y/N's mind, some being about what to talk with Osoro, others about his beautiful Ayano that he reversed roles with, one or two thoughts being about how to kill B/F/N and Taro "Maybe I should've grabbed a hot dog to eat... I wonder what sort of food Osoro has? if she has any at all..." pulling out his phone to check the time he noticed how he had a missed call from Amai "You'll have to wait a little bit Amai, I hope you didn't had anything important to share with me.. but this shit is more important".

     For all he knows she could call him to ask for all sorts of exotic ingredients for her cakes... or send him on a quest to conquer a bakery so Amai can expand her baking business. After a few more minutes of walking he eventually reached Osoro's residence and to his luck some light could be seen inside her house, by now darkness conquered over the town "Seems like I'm in luck" knocking on the door he could've heard some ruffling noises coming from the inside, making him a bit confused.

     The door opens revealing a tired Osoro whose hair was messier than Y/N's whole life  "Bad timing?" asks Y/N which Osoro responded with a roll of an eye, pulling him inside she put him at the table in the kitchen and upon looking around he noticed how messy it was "The hell you doing...?" he asks again and Osoro looked into his eye "Same goes with you, why are you here? can't I cook in peace?" Y/N held his laughter and because of that he got splashed with some flour across the face "I am not in the mood for your stupid jokes, spill it out already whatcha want?".

     "First of all.. why are you cooking?" cleaning his face he took another moment to look around the room, and spotted some delicious looking dishes "I am not who I used to be anymore... with gangs and all of that crap... I am trying new things, now tell me why are you here?" "Well... I want to know more about your past" this fully caught Osoro's attention, so she pulled the chair backwards and sat down  with her hands clenched together "What sort of information do you really want? you can't possibly care about me" "Don't just assume things Osoro... maybe I do want to know about your past and why you are like this, but...".

     He took a little bit to phrase his sentences, Osoro is known to have somewhat of a short temper, plus she could understand things wrong... "Is this about Ayano by any chance? you want to know about her in... her younger years I guess?" "...That too, but I want to find more stuff about Taro, you know a lot of stuff so I figured-" she sits up, grabbing a spatula "Your best bet is info-chan and not I, the first year of high school was a disaster for me, I do not wish to speak about it but... not even 4 months in the year and I had to move out to another school".

     She gives out a sad sigh and looked into her pan "...I don't want to remember all of that crap again, you know? I don't know much about the guy... but I knew what sort of monster Ayano was back then, that's why I even came in the first place to stop her from doing all of that evil, but I guess now she's alright..." seems like Y/N has struck quite a bit sensitive topic for Osoro, but despite of this she stills shows little to no emotion on her face "Okay I won't ask about it for now... but who is this info chan I keep hearing about?".

     "To be honest there's little stuff known about her, but what I know is that she's a hacker, as for where she is? hell she could be anywhere... Ayano should know about-" Y/N groans annoyed and sits up himself "I am so tired of this shit... getting back and forth for what? just to do things without the need of blood getting spilled? my main plan was to blackmail Taro and open Ayano's mind about his true nature..." "You are here to blame Y/N, after all you brought the two together didn't you? whose fault is it that NOW somehow you are in love with her? ...jeez what love can do to someone I swear...".

     Y/N looks into the floor, the feeling of giving up filled his heart, but Osoro lifts up his chin and looked at him "I will never understand your intentions Y/N, but hey you did saved my life and everything... it's only fair to help you out now isn't it? look I'll try to find Info Chan and in the meantime I want you to check up your mental health, I feel like you are a bit insane" "I am not insane... I am just angry with my past self-" she shuts him up before pulling him next to the counter "Then let's calm that anger shall we? grab a spare apron, you'll help me in the kitchen since you came here".

     He didn't exactly wanted to do that but he also didn't want to upset Osoro even more... "And just saying Y/N... if your whole life is about chasing a girl who is not interested in you by any mean... you know something is truly wrong... but I guess that you don't have that much to do in your life anyway, it is quite boring isn't it? just saying that... I feel like you're doing all of this for nothing, but you know best what you're doing" Y/N looked out the window as thoughts occur in his mind once more, is Ayano even worth it at this point? but he quickly shrug them off.

     As he was lost in thought Osoro wrapped the apron around his waist "Snap out of these thoughts, they're for another day Y/N, let's just focus on... cheering ourselves up together with cooking okay? you really need to clear your mind about this crap... grab the fucking flour! and pour it down into that bowl over there! don't forget the eggs too! come on move those hands!" "Y-Yes ma'am!" Will Y/N ever learn to say stop and move on from that certain thing? Will Ayano ever come back with the whisky? ...Will Osoro stop making mountains of food? I don't know I am not a fortune teller.

---*To be continued*---

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