Chapter 47

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     Walking down the street with hands in pockets Y/N looked around for a warehouse that was located near the town and close to a forest. Problem was that he didn't exactly knew where to go and on top of that he was already searching for two hours. Giving out a small sigh he pulled out his phone and noticed a message from someone unknown "Weird.. these kids are pulling of some sort of phone call pranks" the message read "I know what you're looking for, I know what you want to do with the certain info, but my services are not for anyone, give up the search and go back".

     Y/N did what he knows best, to ignore the warning and keep going forward with his idea. Lifting his head from the phone he noticed how he was slowly walking outside from the town as the households appeared less and less. After half an hour or so of looking around like a scout he eventually spotted a gray concrete wall hiding behind some trees "Finally found you" rushing towards the warehouse, he was soon stopped by an electrified fence sitting between him and the warehouse "Bullshit..".

     Looking around he saw some wires being connected to the fence but that didn't helped him with anything. Backing up from the electrifying death to have another perspective on the matter, he bumped into a tree "Hm.. you'll do nicely". Meanwhile, the sweet smell of sugar filled the air as the diabetes were walking through the building's door "Coming! Just wait a bit!" Sighing out loud the gray ponytailed girl looked through the many options the bakery had to offer "Alright! How can I be of assistance- ..Yan-chan? Fancy seeing you here!" The same mood couldn't apply for Ayano.

     "What sort of sweets would you like to buy today?" "I um.. came more to chat.. if that's alright?" "Look at you! So polite! Well it is indeed monday today and an early hour.. I haven't had too many customers today, sure let's talk!" Intructing Ayano to walk around the counter the two of them went into the baking lab, which surprised Ayano a little bit since there was so much machinery around "Well then, would you be so kind and tell me why you are so gloomy? Usually you are.. well, emotionless, no offense!".

     "It's about Taro and the way he treats me nowadays.. I don't understand what gotten into him.." "So you're having problems with your relationship.. okay let's sit down and talk about it" Ayano remained still, before looking at Amai's eyes "How do you deal with a breakup?" Amai gave out a forced smile "Well.. it's best to get over it soon.. and not think about it because it will bring you down, it does get lonely though.." "I feel alone too and I have a partner.."

     Sharing an awkward silence Amai sighs out "I myself don't understand what happened to B/F/N, he just suddenly changed for the worse.. but whatever what happened is in the past, do you want to break up with Taro? Or is there hope for him?" Ayano remained silent before looking down into the floor, letting out a sniff which instantly alarmed Amai "I.. come on Ayano don't cry, what happened to the tough Yan-chan that I once knew? You came to chat didn't you? I cannot provide suggestions nor solutions on the matter if you don't speak up".

     Ayano was surprised to see how serious Amai is, feeling her heart skipping a beat she opened her mouth "I don't know anymore, Amai, I am at a point where I do not understand myself" leaning over Amai grabbed a cupcake before handing it over to Ayano, which she took a small bite out of "Feeling better?" Asked Amai with a smile before Ayano nodded slightly "Alright so tell me more about this situation you're currently dealing with, take your time".

     As the sun walks on the bright sky Y/N was walking around the site of the warehouse, how he got behind the fence? He climbed the tree and jumped over the fence, Y/N and his crazy acrobatic moves. "No wonder why someone would set up their secret shelter here.. it's hidden from people's eyes and looks abandoned.. the only odd thing is the electrified fence.." turning around the corner he found a small opening into the wall, seeing how the main entrance was collapsed he decided to take his chances with this one.

     However he failed to take notice of a string that was specifically placed at the entrance. Walking over the small thread it didn't triggered anything, to his luck "The inside looks more pretty than the outside.." everything looked modernish which raised more questions for Y/N but shrugged them off. Exploring around he spotted all sorts if documents being all over the place as well as photos. Walking through a hallway he noticed all sorts of wires tangled with one another in the walls "Maybe I am in the wrong place after all..? I must find more clues..-" out of the blue a loud click went off before something cold and hard touched the back of his head "No no, you are in the right place, after all you look for information don't you?" Gulping he lifts his arms up.

     "Then simply break up with him Ayano" Amai was now siting at the counter while chatting with Ayano, which from time to time attended the customers "Do not be scared of the outcome, just do it" looking at the composition in front of her Ayano shut her eyes tightly, finally nodding slightly "Yeah.. I'll do that.. thank you Amai" smiling to herself Amai gave a shoulder pat to Ayano "Life has many opportunities, it would be a sin to choose one and stick to it.. only if the opportunity is really good! Taro is not".

     With a final wrapped cake Ayano turned around "It was nice chatting with you and everything but I have to go now, I'll see you again eventually, bit for now I have to deal with him" giggling Amai grabbed the package "You show him girl! It's never too late to change things!" Breaking a small smile Ayano took her leave. "I'm not even gonna write anything for that fuck.. I am not even going to confront him about it.. I'll do this stealthly" oh poor Ayano.. haven't you learned the fact that stealth never goes to plan?

     "I guess I can make you do some deeds in exchange of information, but you have to prove yourself first" repositioning her glasses on her nose the girl in front of him took a sit in front of Y/N, who was also sitting down "Can't I just pay you money?" Asks the boy, making the girl cross her arms "My services require something more unique than simple paper with face entitled into it" Y/N looked at her with a poker face, not exactly knowing the hell she's on about "After all this is about your creation of a couple is it not? Surely, in order to achieve something which is their break up, I need to get paid handsomely for this".

     "Fine, what do you want in exchange?" A small smug expression crept on her face before leaning forward in her seat "Pantyshots" there was an awkward silence in the room before Y/N just sighed "Ain't doing that" the girl shakes her head in disappointment before giving out a shrug "Well if you do get caught you'll be punished with death so it's understandable, after all you cannot replace Ayano at this job... we can work something else out".

     Standing up she walked behind Y/N before freeing him from the ropes "Why did-" "I already know your weaknesses if you do try to make a move on me, on top of that you won't because so far I haven't been threathing to you, except from the beginning.. but you understand that" sitting him up Y/N was guided through some hallways "I should kill her for what she did but, I guess you cannot call me an hero either, Y/N I know you want to blackmail Taro, and I might help you out, but wait a little longer and see how things play out".

---*To be continued*---

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