Chapter 41

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     "Tomorrow, same hour, same place, good day Y/N" the man shakes his hand before our protagonist took his leave. Y/N managed to get a job as a retailer and today was his fourth day of work, so far he did not had any sort of trouble as the job itself is pretty okay. Walking down the street he reflected on Osoro's words and the slap incident of 87, he still had a bit of determination deep inside his heart but his brain lost all confidence "Perhaps Amai could be a cheerful motivation.." and you bet he started walking towards her place.

     Walking up to the door he gently knocks on it, he doesn't want to give her  a heart attack. The door opens and B/F/N stood in the frame "..What are you doing at Amai's house Y/N?" "I came to have a chit chat with her, now can you move aside?" He looks with disgust at Y/N before shutting the door in his face "What the.. dude the fuck is up with you! Since graduation you act like a total asshole!" Now Y/N with all of his might started to knock loudly on the door, slowly getting irritated.

     As he was knocking a soft voice spoke from behind "Y/N why are so aggressive  with the door?" It was Amai's voice, turning around he saw she had some bags in her hands "..Amai, why is B/F/N acting so rude to me ouu of the blue?" She looks a bit puzzled as she stares at his eyes "I think I misunderstood you.. he's what? Last time when I put him to check up on you he said you were doing fine.." her face slowly starts to get a bit red from anger as a Y/N gulps.

     "I cannot believe he would lie about his best friend like this.. is that why you came here? And was it him who slammed my door?" "Yes he slammed it.. but I actually came for something else, you see.. I um.. want Ayano back" from how angry she was, Y/N's words turned her whole mood upside down "Didn't you wanted to.. get her away from you? Don't tell me you fall in love with her!" Y/N remained silent as Amai sighs out loud "You did.. okay.. friendly tip, find someone else, she's already with Taro now.. ".

     "But Amai hear me out-" "Y/N you can't just mess up with love.. and you are the one who brought them together.." she places a bag down as her hand slowly lands on his shoulder "If you really want her now.. even though it's late.. all you can do is wait, I am sorry Y/N but I cannot be of help.." on the bright side though, Y/N has received a hug from her as she makes a light giggle "Don't worry, you can still talk to her! She's.. your friend".

     The door however burst opens as the two look behind them, a wild enraged B/F/N rushed towards Y/N before tackling him down "Get the hell away from her you filthy animal!" Grunting to get out Y/N squirmed under him. Shocked and with her mouth slightly opened, she rushed quickly to get B/F/N off of him "Stop it! He's your best bud! Not anyone else!" Managing to pull him away, Y/N stood up on his feet with struggles "What the fuck is wrong with you dude!" Yells Y/N clenching his fists, but B/F/N just gave him a glare.

     "Get the fuck out from her property, I don't want you here" spoke the enranged beast "Dear, we just hugged! And he's Y/N! Your best buddy.." B/F/N looks at Amai with a serious expression across his face "Not anymore he's not, high school is over and so our so called friendship, I sticked with you fucker because the teachers had more mercy when it came to you and so they gace you less things to do, so I decided to stick around because they did the same to me as well".

     Hearing this Y/N's heart sunk deep within the pain abyss, staring at B/F/N shocked he continued "You have no use for me anymore, just because I helped you during these years was just for personal gain, you cannot do anything with all of your wounds, it would be a miracle if you get a job with your current state, you should've have died in that war that occured when you were younger" Amai looks at him with eyes wide open as she couldn't believe what he could say, looking back at Y/N she gulped as she saw the rage building up inside of him.

     Quickly stepping up he grasped his shoulders before headbutting B/F/N into the ground "Fuck you, shameful human being" is all Y/N said before walking up towards the gate "Good day, Amai" and with that he takes his leave. Amai looks at her boyfriend who was holding into his forehead "You.. fucking idiot.. I cannot believe with what man I chose to side with.. you were never like this at all! But now you decide to pull out the bad boy card?!" She yells loudly, angry Amai is more dangerous than Yan-chan.

    "You didn't need to know that-" "I don't care! I want you to grab your things and GET THE HELL OUT! He did so much for you! One of which is bringing us together! You are a disgrace!" Walking inside she slammed the door as she walked upstairs to give his stuff back "I cannot believe.. I just can't.. how could he do such a thing? Poor Y/N..". After she got all the stuff and a suitcase, she threw it outside for B/F/N "Get out, now, out from my property before I call the police".

     A little while later we have B/F/N walking down a park as he reflected down on his actions "I didn't needed her anyway, she was too innocent" you idiot finding a girl like her is impossible nowadays. Pulling out his phone he dialed a numver, and after a while someone responded "This is Taro, who is this?" "It's B/F/N, I called to tell you-" "Hold on, why should I even talk to you? During high school you and Y/N were assholes to me" B/F/N makes a chuckles "I called for a good reason.. let's just say that, we have a common enemy now".

---*To be continued*---

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