Chapter 57

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     Ayano was practicing her wife skills as she was currently cleaning the kitchen at her own rate, it was barely 11:20 but since Y/N was still sleeping she decided to keep herself busy "We need to go buy some gadgets for the kitchen sometime.. today should've been a good idea.. oh well.." she stands up as she stretches her arms, being a wife sure is hard.. and Ayano isn't even one yet and she realized that. Hearing some footsteps she turns around to see Y/N who was currently walking in a zig zag pattern, concerned he might fall down and bust open his head she puts the cleaning tools down before hurrying to his side.

     "Y/N? how are you feeling?" "I have a horrible headache but I'm fine.." checking his temperature it was once again at the default settings, seems like his sickness passed away "Can we have a talk?" "..Sure Ayano" the two sit down on the couch "Well my mom called me earlier this morning and asked me if you could go help her out with something related to gardening.. I think, my dad is at work and well she needs help" how can he refuse seeing her mother? after all she looks better than Ayano! ..I wasn't talking with you Y/N, no Waifuing the Ryoba.

     She didn't had to ask twice to help her mother out as Y/N was already on his way there, he could've sworn he saw some distress in Ayano's eyes but he shrugged it off "Jeez Jokichi is a heavy drinker.. but it was a true legendary battle, too bad the girls didn't joined in.." keep dreaming Y/N. Opening the gate he walked right inside the yard, knocking on the front door he was greeted by Ryoba of course "Ah! Y/N! you already came huh? that was quite fast! surely Ayano would be disappointed by that.." "What was the last part Mrs. Aishi?" giggling she invites him inside.

     "So how can I be of help?" he asks as he was sipping from some tea Ryoba has prepared previously "Well dear I'm sorry for taking you away from your girlfriend.. but I wanted to plant some trees today, I just need you to dig a couple of holes here and there, that's all" "..I think I already told you that she and I are not a couple-" "Yet" the two look at each other, Y/N slowly growing a bit fearful of her since she had a very serious look in her eyes, as if all her color suddenly turned gray.. "Y-Yeah.. y-yet..".

     "You didn't had a girlfriend before did you?" "..No ma'am" "That explains why you are having a little bit of trouble, but don't worry, mom in law Ryoba will make sure to take care of that task for you" she giggles as she returned to her normal self, making Y/N sigh in relief "However, did you two had a fight yesterday by any chance while I went to the bathroom and Jokichi went to the darn waitress asking YET another bottle of alcohol?" "No we didn't.." getting put on the thinking Ryoba points at a shovel that was resting against the house's wall, Y/N sighs as he went to grab it.

     "Then why did you two weren't interacting with one another that much? on top of that you went quiet suddenly" as Y/N dug the hole he wanted to put himself in, he sighs "..Yeah, I did went silent, that's because some thoughts occur into my mind" hearing her gasp Ryoba suddenly sat next to him with a tree sapling in hands "Were you thinking of ways how to approach my daughter in the bedroom?~" giggling at her own remark, it made Y/N a blushing mess "N-No ma'am! I.. .. I was just thinking about my dead family".

     As how crazy everyone makes Ryoba appear, she stopped from her crazy giggles and turned dead serious, looking at Y/N. Placing the sapling into the ground she stands up, slapping the shovel away from his hands "Ma'am what are you-" bringing him into a tight, yet gentle hug, Ryoba wraps her arms around Y/N, diving his head into her neck "If I may pry, could you tell me what happened?" she had a sweet and genuine caring voice, which surprised Y/N.. why is she doing this? isn't she loving ONLY Jokichi? how could she hug another man? she is not following her family's tradition.

     "I wonder how you survived all of this time dear..-" "I found out later how I managed to survive, a nurse named Courtney took care of me while I was in a coma, I think.. I cannot really remember well but.. she died for me, despite not seeing her ONCE in my life I cannot help but feel horrible deep within me.." he couldn't help but let out a couple of tears out, feeling the wetness touching her skin she rubs the back of his head "There there, honey, it's good to let out emotions you know? don't blame yourself for her death, that was her own choice to sacrifice herself, now come on let's plant these trees together and afterwards we shall talk, now that I know your.. reasons..".

     "Aw isn't cuddling so much fun Y/N? you feel protected.. warm.. loved.. I can't believe Ayano chose to do that! you are on the right track Y/N!" she offers him another cup of tea, which Y/N politely accepts, and out of fear too "Heh.. yeah.. say Mrs-" "Ryoba, dear, just call me Ryoba" "..Ryoba.. do you know about a girl called Info-chan?" slightly confused the woman tilts her head at him, eyebrow raised "Info-chan? ..that's a first I hear about this name" "Well she used to interact with Ayano in the past to help her get to that son of a bitch Taro.. excuse my language but I hate him".

     Smirking a little bit Ryoba sits back into the couch, with her legs crossed "How does this.. info-chan looks like?" "She has red short hair.. to me they look like red eyes..? sunset color eyes.. she wears glasses.. she's a hacker from what I understand" this put the woman next to Y/N on deep thought just from the word hacker "You say she interacted with Ayano in the past.." she rubs her chin as Y/N takes a sip from his tea, feeling a little tired "Oh! Y/N quit drinking that! the tea's herbs are a bit too strong for you, must've mixed the tea..".

     Suddenly her eyes wide open as her mouth slightly opens "The journalist.." "..Who-" raising her hand in the air suddenly, Y/N remained silent "..The man, who accused me for murdering, now I would be stupid to decline that I didn't do any murdering in the past, but, he put me on court.. right as I was confessing to senpai.." gulping Y/N crawled away from Ryoba just in case her yandere moment would kick in "That little brat.. stay the fuck away from her Y/N, you do not want to interfere with her, things could go ugly real fast".

     She turns to him and grabs him by the shoulders, starring into his soul "I know, I know, I may seem crazy, but if she's planning to make things right for her father.. she will do anything in her power to put Ayano, or even you, in jail" "..Miss Ryoba.. how do I tell you this.. I'm currently doing favors for her in-" "YOU'RE DOING WHAT LITTLE BOY?!" she stands up, hands in hips, restraining herself from slapping Y/N, seems like anger took over her.. "L-Look! she offered help! she said she would help me get together-" a slight, yet powerful slap fills the room, before silence.

     "I do not care what she promised you, that girl can cause nothing but harm to both of you, hell even our entire family! break any contact with her as soon as possible Y/N, don't make me say it twice" huffing she left the living room, Y/N looked into the floor shocked as he slightly touches his cheek, flinching from pain "Jeez she slaps like a bulldozer.." standing up he decided to leave the place, but he was stopped in his tracks by Ryoba "Do me a favor sugar, you have time to do it until Friday at 18:00" being quiet for a little bit, he asked "What's the favor..?" Ryoba just smiles from ear to ear, before shooing him out of the house, of course not before rewarding him with some money for his hard work.

     "Yes.. what did you found out?" asks a girl, holding the phone to her ear, watching the waves hitting the shore "We're put up to a real challenge, the woman knows" irritated, yet calm, she lets out a small sigh "Okay, I have a plan that we will put into action.. since we're running out of time so it seems, I'll ask Y/N to come here, you deal with him, afterwards it will bait Ayano into coming after him.. then we take care of her once and for all, bringing peace to the future generations" the girl said as she chuckled darkly "..Y/N's a tough son of a bitch, are you sure this is a good idea?" "Oh of course it is.. my plans are always good.. he might be tough but he has a weak point.. trust me, you will have fun killing him, Taro".

---*To be continued*---

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