Chapter 33

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---*Third Person POV*---

     It's been a while since Taro actually remembered that Yan-Chan exists in the world and since she fought those two bullies, during this time Ayano tried her best to improve her cooking skills with the aid of Amai and sometimes even Y/N! he only helped with the fire by cooking up charcoal though. Leaving Y/N's cooking skills aside, he's actually at Ayano's house due to Oka telling him what happened back in the park, which made Y/N delighted with the piece of news he got, his plan works perfectly fine so far.. it would be such a shame for Y/N to throw all of it away and shift over into killing Ayano for that sweet revenge.. but Y/N isn't like that, after all he fucking saved Osoro who almost killed all of them.

     "Have you been a good girl so far Ayano?" asks Y/N while looking at the ceiling, resting down on a couch "..I am not a dog you know? and what do you even mean?" "..Have you been killing other girls you dum?" Ayano making a sigh out of frustration shakes her head, making Y/N smile a little "See? is it really that hard to restrain yourself from killing girls that want your senpai? follow the plan and he's all yours, you just gotta be patient.. but hey, be glad he acknowledged your existence" Y/N snickered under his nose, making the yandere to roll her eyes.

    Calming himself down he rolled his head towards the TV, to see what kind of abominations were displaying currently "What are you gonna do about the one who betrayed you?" 'You mean Info-Chan? ..Honestly, I will let her go, not worth it anymore.." this made Y/N a little surprised, I mean she would choose killing over anything in the past but now she seems another girl.. that head busted open really got some sense into her didn't it? and speaking of bust, her whole wound slowly started to recover, at this point she didn't needed to wear the bandage but she has to be really careful, even a tap can cause her extreme amounts of pain.

     "Soo.. what's the next step?" asks a shy Yandere making Y/N chuckling a little, in reality holding his laughter. Y/N thought for a while since he really didn't knew the next step, he only thought about making Taro notice her but afterwards? nada "Well, hang out around him some more! I don't really know.. show him your cooking skills!" "And how do I do that..?" another question that put Y/N on thinking, he hasn't done this much thinking in such a long time, not even at math he was struggling to think like this "..A picnic..?".

     That's all he could deliver, a damn picnic. Ayano just gave him a confused look before sighing "It's never gonna work out.." "Shut up woman of course it will! you don't have to back the fuck away when it gets tough! no! you fucking kick the soul out of it and get it done! this is your future after all ain't it? so come on give it a try!" Y/N stood up while yelling at Ayano, making her hold her ears due to the loud yelling, eventually the yells faded away as he sighs. Ayano though, smiles a little bit at the thought of her future, but there's just so many obstacles to face..

     Ayano stood up as well, before hugging Y/N tightly, not only it surprised him that he almost had a heart attack but also yelped and almost lost his balance completely, making yet another awkward situation.. "After all I have been put you through you decide to help me out.. boy I can't believe any of this you know.. I simply refuse to think that there are still good people on this planet.. but you always find a way to prove me wrong, I will be forever in your debt!" she giggles a little bit before breaking the hug, making Y/N thinking that in order to restore her normalself all he need to do is to bonk her head.

     Making Y/N blush a little she couldn't help but giggle some more, making him think she got possed over night "Okay we change the topic.. Taro, as I said hang out around with him! don't know just fool around with him around the school.. not that kind of fooling around.. help him study, do good deeds in front of him, there's a lot of stuff you can do to win his heart! or ask Oka and Amai! they will help you out! especially that.. you are a new whole person now" she looks at him confused, but delighted by the compliment "Quick question though.. where are your parents Ayano?".

     That question made Ayano drop her little smile she had, making Y/N worry a little since he may activated the yandere side again "..If you feel uncomfortable then don't answer-" "My mom has the yandere side, that's why I have it in the first place.. my dad was just an average guy, always getting in conflicts with mom.. always at the edge of death.. she's a possesive yandere, do you know what that means Y/N? she'll do anything to be with my dad, if he disobeys or misbehaves.. she can even cut his head off and keep it close, in her eyes she thinks that he's gonna be with her forever, I mean she almost killed me! because I was.. playing with dad I think.. her yandere side kicked in and she literally forgot I was her own daughter!".

     Telling Y/N this she couldn't help but be filled with emotions out of the blue, emotions she hasn't felt at all or in a very long time, she sniffed as she tried to control her tears, but not experiencing the phenomen on her own since forever she had no idea what she was doing, so she started crying.. making Y/N shocked, he never saw her drop a tear since he first saw her "Oh come on now Ayano stop surprising me.." Y/N brought her into another hug, also rubbing her back "I told you, if you don't want to talk about it then simply don't or just avoid the question! ..Look, you can change all of that Ayano, you don't have to follow your mother's steps, just because she is a yandere doesn't mean you MUST be one because of your mother! yeah I get it, who doesn't love when someone looks out for you and wants to protect you? but even that has it's limits! so do me a favor and don't be like your mother when you get with Taro together!".

     As the minutes passed with the two being mostly silent and Y/N comforting Ayano, she eventually stopped from crying but still hugged Y/N "..My dad had to get rid of me.. well.. making me live with his brother and such.. his brother's wife was a bitch but never tried to kill me.. when I got old enough I moved out here, enjoying my lonely life, they're both alive but I prefer to have nothing to do with them.. maybe dad but mom? NO!" "Okay okay Ayano.. calm down will you? screaming won't solve any problem you have currently, as I said you can change your own future.. but for now, all we need to do is to get you closer to Taro" "..I agree with you Y/N, so how can we do that?" "Well let's think what he likes mostly.. you should know".

     Ayano breaks the hug as she sits back on the couch, wiping her tears away as she was thinking deeply "He likes to read mostly.. relaxing places.. good hearted people.. prefer to not get into any conflicts.. enjoys sweet company.." she could go on and on but was stopped by Y/N "Okay let's focus on these ones first.. you just have to be more alive you know? put on a smile whenever you're near him, make a reputation around the school! there's just so much work we have to do.. all of this better be worth it you hear me? if you fuck this up you're in trouble!.. let's focus on the reputation thing.. you see our school is very different from yours.. have a high one and you'll be respected, have a low one and be the bullies main target".

     She listened closely to my words and even noted them down on her phone "Say Y/N.. I have a question, you asked about my parents but where are yours?" Y/N didn't wanted to answer the question at all bur fair's fair "Well.. they're both death, I think.. my mom is dead but I don't know anything about my dad, funny how a couple of days ago  I had a dream about a nurse.. Courtney I think.. that was taking care of me" Ayano tilts her head in curiosity and sits back, she's been curious about Y/N's past for a while now so she's gonna take  this opportunity.

     "Well you know that I don't have an eye anymore because of a soldier during a war that occured when I was little, though after the whole thing I was luckily rescued and well the whole Nurse Courtney thing.. honestly I don't remember much but that dream may have a meaning.. but hey, who can I ask in order to comfirm such past? Anyhow the eye is the only major problem, the other wounds? They're healed, that's why I'm not wearing any bandages anymore but only around my head" if Ayano was a sweet girl she could do some research about the whole war and help Y/N uncover his past "Y/N, what matters is that you are alive.. you had loses yes but you are still alive and can enjoy life at full potential, I can help a little with that.. heh.. but first, let's focus on the reputation, then I promise you I'll make sure you'll be happy".

---*To be continued* ---

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