Chapter 53

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     "Jokichi Yudasei, that's the person you are looking for, but the hell is your motive?" Asks the red haired girl as Y/N was putting up some wooden pillars for one of her crazy project "Why.. do I have to do this again.. and I have a little plan in mind is all" resting his back into the now fixed pillar he started to take a couple of breaths in "Nevertheless, you can find him at this adress, want anything else? More info? I will put you to more work in exchange for them" she slides a piece of paper in his pocket, before pointing at some planks "Grab 'em"

     Now walking around the busy roads with the paper in hand he was confused as of how he keeps getting lost  "Excuse me madam but.. do you know where this street is?" Showing her the address the woman points behind him "Over there, you're looking for a big house with two stories that has the color reddish" thanking her Y/N quickly started to move. "What if I bump into her mom? She'll fucking kill me that's for sure.." walking up to the gate he pressed on a switch, assuming it was some kind of a bell.

     Soon after the gate opens, revealing a man in his early fifties or so, Y/N cannot tell "Hello there buddy, can I help you?" A bit surprised on his kind behavior Y/N opened his mouth to talk, but nothing came out.. the man moves his hand through his own blue hair, revealing both of his eyes "I think you got the wrong address, where you headed-" "I cannot believe that you are the father of Ayano Aishi, well mannered.. kind.. how-" holding his palm in front of him the man sighed "It's.. a delicate subject, and you are?".

     "Right, introductions.. I am Y/N, remember when Ayano called in to stay over for.." he started explaining everything that has happened to Ayano as Jokichi was shocked for the most part "I.. if only I knew.. I guess her mother.. ngh I hate this Yandere dilema.. come" inviting him into his house Y/N nodded in a respectful manner "Thank you sir". Now sitting down on the couch Jokichi brought him a beer "We do this like gentlemen after all.. so, tell me, what do you really want from me? How can I help you out?".

     "Well judging how kind you are sir, inviting a total stranger into your home-" "Aren't you her boyfriend?" A silence fell upon the two as Y/N started to blush, Jokichi started to chuckle "I get it now.. well go for her Y/N, if she is how you claim her to be.. you came for help didn't you?" He nods "I want you to meet with her again" surprised he sat back as he began thinking of a scenario "Hmm.. I'll do it gladly,  but her mom is.. well..".

     The two started planning the meeting as true masterminds, however a woman walked in with an apron on "..Ayano..? Asks Y/N confused as the man started to chuckle "Y/N, this is Ryoba, my wife, honey meet your future son in law!" Hearing this the woman's face lighted up, scaring both of the men. The woman quickly analyzed Y/N before taking a sit on the couch "My aren't you handsome? She sure has great taste! Tell me boy, how did you meet my daughter?" Glancing over at Jokichi he nods his head before Y/N started to tell his life story "You probably wonder how I ended up in this situation.. well it all started..-".

     Hours went by as all sorts of snacks and drinks were displayed on the table, Ruyba was listening close to Y/N's words as she had a delightful smile, Jokichi was getting more and more agitated due to his wife paying a bit too muchattention to Y/N, yet another victim, he wondered "And that's how she ended staying under my roof" turning to her husband Ryuba giggled "This is like us when we were younger! Aw that is so cute!-" "Madam I have a question.. why did you pushed your own daughter away when she needed you?".

     Her smile disappears slowly as Jokichi gulps "In life you have to attend for yourself, she is an adult now isn't she? Word spread to my ear that she has a boyfriend so I suggested she stay there" falling silent Ryuba got closer to him "H-Honey how about you go check the kitchen..?" Asks Jokuchi as the woman suddenly brings Y/N into a hug "Jokuchi! Can you believe our future son in law is a mastermind when it comes to couples? I already love him to death!".

     Gasping for air Y/N was surprised to see how strong she was.. stronger than Osoro "Hold on I'll be back, have fun you two~" she quickly leaves as Y/N takes a deep breath in "Jeez she's so strong.." laughing nervously Jokichi started to clean the dishes "Get used to it" "Sir you seem too afraid of your wife" nodding slightly the two look at each other "She's dangerous when her moment kicks in.. Ayano was a little cute thing when compared to her mother's yandere side, never make Ryuba angry... that's a life warning, I am surprised she took big interest in you.. maybe hearing the fact her daughter has a boyfriend changed her heart..".

     Now standing in the doorway Y/N looked at the man "So there's two things we can do, I either come to meet her alone, just two of us, or to start.. getting you together with her, since that's what you want after all is it not?" He nods his head, slightly excited "I do sir, she.. well.. I just like her" "Heh.. secrets of love are not shared! Though I really HOPE you do not lie about her personality changing and her disorder somehow healing.. otherwise we might have problems" he turned serious suddenly as Y/N rubs the back of his head nervous.

     "No worries mate I won't harm you, it's a delicate story as I said.. since she was little she was like that.. emotionless.. I just want to see her happy" "I wish for that as well, but well I am struggling a bit.." he laughs as he places his hand on Y/N's shoulder "Don't worry, I'll help you out, my other idea was a double date" "What" the two have a second staring contest as Y/N gave up "A double date.. with a younger and older couple?" "Well yeah, you can treat it as a meeting the parents thing.. so you in or not?".

     Thinking about the ideas he eventually nodded "I'd say both ideas are good.. meet with her personaly then we'll see about the date thing" "Make me proud boy, I want at least three grandsons-" "Oi since when are you asian??" Sharing a laugh the man turned serious again "Don't fail this occasion Y/N" "No worries sir, I promise to get her love side with my life" giving a chuckle he shakes his hand "Don't be so formal,  we're gonna be family eventually! Just call me Jokichi" both shaking their hands Y/N made his way towards the gate "Good night you two, honestly mrs. Ryuba seems nice.. looking forward to see her again" oh boy.. you and your yandere kinks..

---*To be continued*---

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