Chapter 54

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     Ayano was preparing a couple of sandwiches at a fast rate, taking the housewife role quite well I see "Why the hell am I preparing food for him.." sighing she kneels down as she grabbed a plate, placing the food on it. "Morning.." looking behind her she saw an exhausted Y/N barely standing up on his legs "You look awful.. anyway here is the food, I'll get going" walking towards the front door Y/N asked "Where the hell you goin..?" "Did you forget? You told me to meet with Amai at the nearby restaurant" with that she took her leave as Y/N looked at the sandwiches "She really took the bait huh..".

     Walking down the streets with hands in her pocket she stared at the cars that passed by "I wonder how driving feels like.." leaving her alone with her own dreams we move on forward to the restaurant. Ayano was already sitting down at a table all alone, her eyes going back and forth as she scanned not only the place but people as well "Would you like to order miss?" She perks her head up to see a waitress, smiling a little bit she declined "Not yet, I am waiting for a friend to come.. I'll signal you when I want to order".

     Tapping her fingers on the table out of boredom she was suddenly met with darkness as her vision got blocked by some hands "Amai? Come on release me and sit.." she stops from talking as she felt the palms being heavier and bigger than Amai's. Gulping she tried to free herself but to no avail "Keep your eyes closed, I will release you if you promise me that" the voice was male as Ayano's blood slowly started to boil, but upon realizing it was not Taro she calmed down "..Fine" she said as she closed her eyes, feeling the palms slowly going away.

     A bit ruffling here and there before it went quiet, all Ayano could hear were voices from the restaurant "Peek them up" slightly confused she just opens her eyes, which immediately got wide open as shock was written all over her face "What's the matter Ayano? Knife got your tongue?" Shutting her eyes tightly she burries her head in her palms, silently crying to herself. This only brought Jokichi a slight smile across his lips as he sat up, walking up to Ayano before softly grabbing her palms "Yan-chan, I know we have a.. somewhat-" Ayano instantly hugged him as tight as she could "..I missed you too, Ayano".

     After they shared a beautiful moment together the two were not sitting across one another "Why.. I don't.. get it.." "Ayano things are pretty much simple to understand.. let's just say your boyf- friend came to us and well.. told me everything that happened" looking down at the table Ayano sighs out loud "He is not my boyfriend all of you need to stop it" laughing he got into that one dad pose "Oh Ayano.. it's delightful to see you like this.. seeing the smile in the corner of your lips is all I ever wanted" this enhanced her smile more as she looks at him "..Dad, why didn't you help me when I needed you?".

     "Ayano dear, you know how your mom is.." she sighs out loud "She's still like that after all.. tsk.." chuckling a little bit the dad signaled a waiter over. Time passes by as Jokichi was talking about Y/N, Ayano wasn't interested in the subject at all as a bored expression was across her face "Though I have to say.. it's weird how attached your mom seems to be to him-" that instantly changed Ayano's expression as she slams her palm into the table "Keep him the hell away from her!" The dad stops from talking as he stares at her, seems like his plan is going well so far.

     "Why? I thought he wasn't your boyfriend? You afraid she's gonna steal him away from you?" Blushing slightly she gives a small glare "She's your wife! Are you-" "Ayano she's a possesive Yandere.. she only loves me, she might've took interest in Y/N because she thought he's your love" "Why do you keep thinking he's my-" "Ayano, he did so many things for you, he even saved your own life.. besides, the reason you are seeing me right now at this very moment? Is because of him" from the anger she felt earlier she went to neutral "Can we just eat..".

     Noon struck as Ayano sat back, rubbing her stomach as her smile returns "I'm glad you enjoyed your meal, but I still want to talk about something" "..I thought only girls talk nonstop, dad are you trying to say you are.." he started to laugh slightly as he paid for the food, sitting up she grabbed Ayano's arm before going outside "Did you just pulled a joke on me? I am so proud I could have a heart attack!" The two started to walk in a direction as Jokichi wrapped an arm around his daughter.

     "Say.. I uh.. had a talk with both your mom and your friend.. and you know.." "Dad, what did you do this time?" Laughing nervously Ayano couldn't help but think of the worst possible scenario "Let's just say we're going to have a.. well, family dinner, all the four of us" "Oh thank God I thought- WHAT?!" she stops in her tracks as she stares at her father shocked "Look.. I know you don't want to.. but come on, do it so your mom wouldn't kill both of us.. by us I mean Y/N and I" sighing she nods slightly "Fine.. only because she's going to give you a hassle.. ..".

     After two hours of walking Ayano was finally at home as she instantly looked for Y/N around the house "Where the hell is this man.. I will have a big talk with him" walking upstairs she noticed how quiet the house was "..Unusual" she slightly opens his bedroom's door and saw Y/N in bed. Walking up to the bed she saw him sleeping, somewhat breathing heavily "..." pressing the back of her palm on his forehead it was burning hot "I had a feeling.. since this morning you acted weirdly.." removing his blanket he was soaking with sweat "It's worse than I thought.." rubbing the side of his head gently he began waking up "Wha..?" He looks at Ayano with the same tired expression.

     "Strip" is all she said, magically putting senses into Y/N "..No-" "Want me to do it for you?" Gulping he started removing his shirt as Ayano looked for some fresh clothes "Does anything hurt? Your head? Neck?" Turning around Y/N had his blanket over his waist "..Put the pants on" she throws the cloth into his arms and turns around again "Nothing else hurts.. but.. why are you so nice today.." "What do you mean?" "You nice looking" she could hear him laugh behind her, making her roll her eyes "Try to flatter me when you are not sick anymore" "But.. I can't.. I don't have courage".

     Thinking that the fever got to his head already she turns to him again, thankfully having his pants on. Walking to him she unfolds the shirt before helping him putting it on "Your whole body burns up.. okay, come up" she grabs into him before lifting him up on her shoulder, I would lie if her legs wanted to gave up but she kept going for her boi. Sitting him on a chair she takes a look at him again, he wasn't looking good.. "Just sit here okay? I will be quick..". Twenty minutes or so passed as Y/N was once again in bed, Ayano was sitting on the bed with a bowl in hand.

     "Just a little bit more, then you can rest" giving him a spoonful of chicken soup Y/N groans "Tastes bad.." "Does it? I tried my best.. soup is not my specialty.." "N-No I mean.." guilt appeared in his heart before demanding more soup, surprising Ayano a bit. Now resting peacefully on his bed the girl made sure he was tucked in properly "Y/N I want to talk about something with you.. what did you told my parents?" Switching sides the boy thinks for a bit "Well they thought I was your boyfriend.. which I wouldn't mind, heh.. told them what happened to you.. then your dad came with the idea of having dinner together".

     "I thought it was you.. well.. I guess we cannot go back since mom will come.. so excited about that.." seeing her expression changing into sadness Y/N sat up "Your mom seems like a good woman.. I don't think there will be any problems" "Easy for you to say that.. she's.. ngh.. just you wait until you see her true side" pushing him on his back she tucks him once again "Get some sleep Y/N, I'll see you in the morning, good night" closing the light and door she makes her way downstairs.

     As she was cleaning some dust off from the kitchen furniture a buzz suddenly caught her curiosity, walking in the living room Y/N's phone was there "Hm.." she knows she shouldn't do it but a girl is a girl. Picking up the phone there was a voice message from an unknown number, looking behind her to make sure Y/N wasn't towering at her she played the message "Come at that weird looking building near the sea in the evening, you'll be put up to a very hard challenge, you'll have to resist the urge to look at girls in bikinis, if that is not the best reason to come here I don't know what is" the message ended as Ayano silently stared at the phone, Y/N? Bikinis? This is a true paradox "Tsk.. using a voice changer? Info-chan you aren't so clever after all.." grabbing the phone she decided to go on a journey by herself.

---*To be continued*---

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