Chapter 50

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     With his head aching from pain Y/N opens his eyes as he found himself in a reddish mist that conquered his body from all angles, confused and fearful he looks around as he rubs his head "Jeez what.. happened.. I don't remember drinking last night.." sitting up he started walking around in hopes that he could find a light switch or at the very least his own bed to resume his forever slumber. As he walked he suddenly felt walking into a small puddle "..I also don't remember having cats around.." looking down and he saw how his feet were resting on a blood puddle as the metal smell hit his nose.

     With little thinking he quickly glued the puzzle pieces together "Get the hell out from your hiding spot, Yan-Chan" a short giggle fills the endless void as the mist in front of him started to disappear slowly. Upon noticing this Y/N out of instinct backed up "You're a quick learner it seems, I like it" the familiar bloody figure came into his view as it stared Y/N right into his eye "..What the fuck do you want? how are you in my mind once more?".

     Twisting her knife blade around she broke a insane smile across her lips as she grabbed the back of Y/N's head, diving the knife right in front of his face, swinging it slowly left and right "It's not that hard to find the answer to that question" giggling out loudly it filled the void, which made Y/N tremble a little bit in his boots "Speak up you bitch!" at that moment he got slapped across the face, instead of a soft palm hitting his cheek Y/N felt glass shards hitting instead "Let's be real Y/N..".

     She walks behind him as she places her hands on his shoulders, slowly diving her head forward "Deep within you, the fear is still there.. you act all tough in front of the normal Ayano.. just because she's predictable, after all the ones that are completely insane and lost the grasp of the world.. is what you fear the most" she whispered these words into Y/N's ear as shivers were sent down his body. However, he remained silent as it only made Yan-Chan giggle more, she enjoyed to feed on his fear..

     "You won't know what an insane person would do.. you cannot possibly think like them.. and without that knowledge you are exposed at a risk to some extent, knowledge is key in everything, and in order to win.. you need it's help" walking slowly away from him she turned around to look into the mist, which slowly started to take form of the normal Ayano "I..-" "Just how much do you think this phase of Ayano will last, Y/N? can you truly c o n f i d e in her that she won't kill you during your sleep? you made her miserable after all".

     "So did she!-" glancing back her eyes glowing into the mist, making Y/N gulp his own words "We do not have this conversation again, it's pointless" slowly turning towards Ayano, she smiled wildly "Think about it Y/N.. why am I in your head? you could say that this is a dream, but it feel quite too real doesn't it?" "Why are you acting so nice now? and this is me literally having an argument with myself! my brain is doing all of this, so stop with this bullshit before-".

     At that moment Y/N gets pulled down into the floor at his back sinks a little bit into it, chains taking over his entire body locking him in place "We are inside your mind, this is a dream in a way, this is happening within your brain, this is how YOU see me as deep down within your brain memories" trying to free himself it was no use, he barely could've moved a few inches "The only reason this is happening once again is that you are getting closer and closer into achieving your goal, getting together with me, perhaps eventually you can make the difference between me and Ayano".

     Walking slowly towards Y/N she brushes the blood off her knife, slowly getting in top of him "Too bad I am not naked, Y/N' looking right into her red eyes he couldn't help but breathe faster as panic started to set it "What you did has big consequences, but with time you will find them out, and you might live to regret these actions of yours, but hey.. all for Ayano am I right?-" "QUIT TALKING! ALL YOU DO IS TO DEMORALIZE ME IN ALL WAYS POSSIBLES! SHUT YOUR BITCH ASS UP! YOUR WORDS DON'T MATTER-"

    Raising her knife she stabs him into the shoulder, as Y/N lets out a painful scream which filled the void and brought music to Yan-Chan's ears "Haha.." pulling the knife out she applied the same formula.. only that it was the right shoulder, making Y/N scream even louder "Hahaha!" she applies the formula over and over again.. all over his torso.. screams in both terror and pain echoed from Y/N, slowly but surely quieting down at each stab she did.. "MORE! SCREAM MORE! I NEED MORE! HAHAHA!" she stabs him over.. and over.. and over again.. until Y/N's voice.. finally died down..

     Opening his eyes widely he rolled around roughly before falling from the bed, hitting his head into the night's desk "FUCK!" breathing heavily he grabbed into his bed as he pulled himself back into his feet, shaking a little bit "T-This is the third one this night.." looking at the clock it was four in the morning, making him sigh as he brushes the sweat off his forehead "I can't handle this anymore.. sleepless nights are doing me no good.. why do I keep having these dreams over and over again..?" holding into his heart it's beat rate was as fast as Y/N trying to learn math in a month.

     Walking downstairs he found the TV still on with a movie playing, curious he takes a look over at the couch and there sat Ayano in her pajamas sleeping with the remote resting on her stomach "Jeez.." looking at the TV he noticed how the movie was about romance related. Grabbing the remote he shut off the TV before walking into the kitchen where he pours himself a glass of water "I need to go for a check up.. maybe my mental health is fucked up in some ways.." taking occasional sips from his water he also took a couple of almonds and ate them.

     Before he could keep thinking about the current situation a couple of sounds from the outside stopped his thoughts, looking through the window all he noticed were a couple raindrops hitting the window, but he could've sworn he heard something else rather than these drops "..Mind's playing tricks on me at this late hour.. just in case though.." not only he locked all the windows in the kitchen but also turned the blinds on "There were never problems of thieves breaking into homes in this neighborhood.. but better be safe..".

     Letting his sudden paranoia slide away he returned into the living room where Y/N watched at the sleeping Ayano, who had a slight smile on her lips which made Y/N blush a little bit at this cute face. Gulping a little bit he slides his hands under her body and gently lifts her up, not disturbing her sleep in the process "Good.." starting to walk up the stairs Y/N looked behind him just in case, and saw nothing "I'm getting too paranoid.." shaking his head he walked into Ayano's room and turned on the light switch, which thankfully did not wake Ayano up.

     Setting the girl into her own bed Ayano covered her with a warm blanket "Good night Ayano.. hopefully you won't take this the bad way and make a big fuss in the morning.." trying to leave he suddenly got grabbed by the shirt, holding him in place. Turning around he saw Ayano's arm stretching out to his shirt as he sighs out loudly "Who knew you were clingy.." taking a sit on her bed he couldn't help but notice the distress on her face "...I cannot understand you Ayano.." slowly removing her arm he tried to leave once again.. only to stop himself and keep sitting on the bed.

     "I guess you feel safe in my presence..?" he takes a look at her again as he noticed how soft her breathing was compared to earlier when she grabbed into his shirt. Slowly rising his hand up he touched Ayano's top head as he slowly headpatted her, thus enhancing her small smile into a wide one which made Y/N's heart skip a beat "..So cute.." yawning to himself he stopped from his holy task before slowly sitting up and taking his leave, after of course making sure Ayano was still smiling "Time to sleep myself.. man if I have that nightmare one more damn time..".

---*To be continued*---

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