Chapter 65

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     "So, you.. are pregnant?!" Yelled Megami in excitement as Ayano smiles to herself  "Yeah.. sixth month, it's really a hassle to be honest with you!" Megami looks at her stomach, not believing what she was seeing "Heh.. does your family know?" "Not YET, though I am indeed planning to tell them..-" "How did it happen? What lead-" "Megami! I do NOT want to get into that conversation dammit.. it just happened.." grabbing her hand Megami inspected it, a bit confused "Where is the engangement ring?" Ayano fell silent, staring at Megani "Answer me Ayano, you didn't got pregnant while you aren't married.. did you?".

     Ayano lets out a big sigh before slowly nodding her head "We planned to get married.. but some small problems occured.. like lacking money.. family problems.. and then I got pregnant.. further delaying the marriage, but there's enough time.." leaning forward Megami gently places her hand on the belly "May I?" Ayano, with a coy smile, nods. Pressing her against her belly she listens carefully "Is it a girl or a boy?" She asked as she felt a small hit, making Megami gasp in surprise as she gets more and more excited, just like a little child when they see cotton candy.

     "That, I am gonna keep a secret.. you'll be able to see in three months!" Frowning she pulls herself away, crossing her arms "Fine Ayano.. cannot argue with the mom here, do you need anything?" Thinking for a small bit Ayano shook her head "Not at all Megami, though I do have a task for you, Y/N and I have an old friend of ours, her name is Amai Odayaka, you probably know her from high school! the baker of the school? the reason I want you to go meet her is because we weren't able to check up on her on our own! so I just want you to go there and she what she's up to, she should be still at that local bakery next to the school".

     Nodding in understanding terms she grabs her backpack again, putting it on her back "Okay then Ayano, I guess I will go check up on this friend of yours.. even though since as long as I stood here I don't remember you guys mentioning her ever.." hugging her Ayano wished her the best of luck. "I've been gone for only eight months and they.. they went straight to a whole other business! I cannot believe this is actually happening.." hey Megami, be glad woman, you can finally become an auntie and actually be relevant for someone! 

     Walking inside the bakery Megami instantly laid eyes upon the many sweets that were put on display for her to imagine eating "Holy hell this is a very nice bakery.. proof that the place doesn't have to be fancy for the goods to be delicious.." she walks up to the counter before pressing on a bell. Shortly after, Amai herself stepped out from the lab as she put on a big smile "Hello there ma'am! how may I be of assistance?" placing her hand on the counter she perks her sunglasses up "Miss Amai, I work for an agency that is needed to get a glimpse of your face, please come with me" "E-EH??".

     Letting out a small giggle Megami straightens up her back "Okay okay.. I'll stop with the stupid jokes, I came from Ayano and Y/N, know about them?" Amai nods her head and returns her smile, leaning into the counter as she spoke "As a matter of fact I actually do! did they sent you to tell me that I have a special order to bake? a wedding cake perhaps?" "Ah so you already know about the whole thing.." Amai giggles "Yep! I know that Ayano is pregnant and everything! and that they aren't even married.. but hey! they're still my friends at the end of the day!" Megami nods her head before looking at the cake display.

     "You sure have quite the goods here.. anyway I came here just to check up on you since they're to busy with their life" "Oh.. well it's reasonable.. Ayano's pregnant.. Y/N has two jobs now from what I've heard.. hold on but.. who are you if I may ask?" perking her eyes away from the cakes, she looks at Amai "I am Megami, we went to the same high school, you perhaps know me as the girl that couldn't come to school for ten weeks for an absurd reason" gears quickly started to work inside Amai's brain as her face showed surprised expressions "Oh my! I have such an important customer here and I-".

     "There's no need to be so formal.. I don't like being treated like that anymore, being treated like I am a very important person or something.. anyway! you seem to be in good condition, now I would like to order". As the two girls were busy trying to have a very important and delicate discussion about baked goods, the front door suddenly opens revealing a man wearing all white, the only thing odd about him was that he wore a medical mask on his face "Ah, hello there sir! please be patient, I will be with you shortly!" spoke Amai as she was packing a cake for Megami.

     Megami however, looked closely at the man, she couldn't help but ask "Why the mask?" "Ma'am, I have a severe cold, you don't want me to cough all around the place and infect it do you?" his voice was a bit raspy and light in tone, making Megami shrug her shoulders before handing Amai a couple of bills "Here you go Amai, don't forget to call the two once you are back home alright?" with Amai nodding her head Megami took her leave. The man quietly watched the blue haired girl walk away, before turning to Amai "How may I be of help sir?".

     "I would like a couple of cupcakes please" "Oh.. okay! let me see.." with Amai turning her back to the man as she was getting a couple of things from the cabinets, he suddenly pulls out an M9 as he aimed it at her head, pressing lightly into the trigger "Do you want them a specific color or anything?" remaining silent, hand shaking on the gun's handle, he simply stared at Amai's back "Sir?-" She turned around only to gasp in shock, before rising her hands up in the air "S-Sir?!" "..That girl.. what was she doing here?" "S-She obviously bought some c-cake-"
     "Stop with the bullshit, you two know each other, what was she doing here?" "W-We went to high school together that's why we know one another! her name is Megami if you want to know!" the man smirked under his mask before lowering his gun "Thanks for your cooperation ma'am, can you perhaps tell me where she lives?" "...T-That information is classified-" the man cocked his gun before aiming it at her again "O-Okay okay! she lives with Y/N L/N! you can find this man Saturdays at the nearby mall enjoying coffee!" letting out a chuckle he holsters his gun, before walking towards the door "Call the police and that will be your gateaway towards hell".

     With his hand on the gun's handle he was putting a lot of distance between him and Megami, he managed to track her down after a couple of failed attempts, in the end he found her looking over at some flowers he wanted to buy in order to make a garden in front of the house, Megami and her crazy ideas "Not yet.. Amai you'll be last.. I will make you suffer the most for what you've done to me, you are the main reason why I was behind the bars.. just you wait you little bitch.. but now I have another subject to take care of, Y/N".

---*To be continued*---

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