chapter 12

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          *Your POV*

     "Y/N I've known you for all of my life, almost, what's up with you wanting to cook? or is it to impress the cook girl eh?" B/F/N and I were sitting on a bench outside a mall since school was over and he said a bit of walking around won't hurt too much "Will you just shut up about that? what if I just want to become Gordon Ramsay out of a sudden?" he takes a sip from his strawberry lemonade before looking at me "Dude, we aren't at the alimentation.. however it is called, to be honest I didn't really cared where we would've go since school it's mostly useless.. I guess only math info was a trouble but thankfully we didn't ended up in one, sometimes you're weird Y/N.. don't understand why you want to learn to coo-"

     "Is to not fucking eat ash, charcoal and in general burnt food! how hard is it to understand? and no I'm not that horrible at cooking" he laughs a bit and leaned back "Well it's still food.. anyhow though, I did told her about the teaching session and guess what boy, I'm coming too" so that means he'll get taught by Amai too? well I guess it's a good thing in a way since I won't create too much suspicion about killing the poor girl.. hell has a special place for me that's for sure "Before you say anything weird Y/N, she expects you to come over her workplace since she'll be teaching you there, don't worry there's gonna be only the 3 of us.. but I will come a bit later"

     I mean knowing those cake shops and restaurants, they're not really the most cleanest places ever in the kitchen so maybe there's gonna be expired stuff too? if some of the ingredients she's gonna use to make God knows what will be expired that will give me an excuse right? jeez can't believe I'm doing this.. taking away a life just to save mine, but I guess there's no other way, yet "Anyway Y/N, I'll leave you be since I need to buy some sheets for mom, don't worry you'll be fine with Amai" with that he stood up, patted my shoulder and left.

     Me on the other hand I reached for my phone as I dialed Amai's number, what I can hope is that I don't call in a bad time "..Hello? who is this?" her voice is quite sweet and on top of that I'm not hearing any sounds in the background so she must be on a break "Afternoon to you Amai, B/F/N most likely told you about the teaching lesson? teaching someone named Y/N L/N?" there was a bit of silence before she made a sound of realization "Oh! I do remember about that.. so nice to meet ya Y/N! first of all the teaching is free, but you have to get me something first.." "Do I need to bring a whole kitchen?" "Heh.. no silly, I need a maid outfit since there's a small event we plan, think you can handle that?"

     Well it is indeed a cake shop but.. oh you know what I'll just go with it and ask no questions "Okay then, oh and the lesson isn't really free since I have to get this outfit which is gonna cost a bit, as long as I'm getting taught how to cook better it's alright" "Well then Y/N, I'll expect you here as soon as possible since today's the shop closes early, bye for now~" she hangs up as I put the phone in my pocket while thinking where in the world would I get a maid outift, and she didn't even told me what size I had to get, God so much stuff to do just to keep Ayano in one place..

     With a small sigh I stepped inside the mall since there must be one around here somewhere "I wonder what the person at the cash register would say when I want to get a maid outfit, this is gonna be so embarrassing.." after a bit of just looking I spotted B/F/N arguing with a woman who was in her 50s about hell knows what, but as I was struggling to hear what were they arguing about I spotted a maid outfit to their left as it was just a clothing shop, I just hope that maid outfit will be a good size.

     As I was walking towards the shop my phone buzzed as I picked it up, it was Amai messaging me about the size of the outfit while apologizing that she forgot to tell me "A large size.. and what in the world is a F cup?" whatever that is I stepped inside the shop as a girl in her 20s approached me "Hello there sir, may I help you?" "Uh.. actually yes.. do you have a large sized maid outfit with.. an F cup?" she looks weirdly at me as I just wanted to do illegal stuff to her but soon just chuckled "Okay.. we do have a couple of them but why do you need one..? or is it for a girl? please say it's for a girl and not yourself.." "Ma'am I have no idea what cups are so it's clearly not for me, just tell me the price because I don't really care about the model" "That's gonna be around 430 dollars" my poor wallet's gonna curse me to death.

          *Time skip*

     After one hell of a chat with that girl at the shop I finally defeated the beast and got this piece of a sh- I mean cloth for Amai, God it was so embarrassing.. but at least I learned what cups are "This shit better be fucking worth it.. I just endured an wave of embarrassment to the face.. I just killed my wallet.. if this doesn't pleases Ayano I don't know what will.. well not pleasing her but just to fucking leave my life alone for awhile" I walked inside the shop as the bell rang, and the very next moment there she was, with her head peeking out from the kitchen "Oh, come in come in! been waiting for awhile, something happened?" "Yes Amai.. something really happened.. get this cloth out of my face and please tell me I can learn how to cook now" "Yes we can, just let me prepare the kitchen first.. just put the outfit over there and come to the kitchen" such a shame I must kill you, but it's either my life or yours.. and most likely you would've died anyway by her.

          *To be continued*

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